They are the “best” of the nuts! If you eat right, you will be healthy, but if you eat wrong, you will “recover”! One article to clarify

When it comes to healthy snacks, nuts are definitely on the list. Many friends who love health have to eat nuts every day, not only to satisfy the enjoyment of taste, but also to provide a variety of nutrients needed by the human body, protect the heart, strengthen the brain, clear blood vessels, anti-aging… There are many benefits.

But Coco is here to remind everyone that while nuts are good, they are not for everyone. If you eat incorrectly, not only will you not maintain your health, but you may “recuperate”!

Walnuts, chestnuts, peanuts, sunflower seeds… What are the benefits of these common nuts in life? How to eat healthier? What are the food taboos? Follow Coco to learn about it~


Walnuts: “fruit for the brain”

1 walnut kernel: outstanding brain function

Compared with other nuts, walnut is best known for its brain-enhancing effect: the phospholipids are an important part of brain tissue, which can enhance the brain’s memory and thinking ability;

It also contains a large amount of DHA, which is an important substance that constitutes the neural membrane of the cerebral cortex. It can maintain the integrity of the brain cell membrane, and has the effect of promoting brain development and improving memory. It is called “brain gold”.

2 distraction wood: good effect of strengthening the kidney and calming the nerves

When eating walnuts, there is one “treasure” that should never be thrown away, and that is the spacer between the walnut kernels – the distraction wood.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the distraction wood has the effect of strengthening the kidney and astringent essence, and has a good effect on the treatment of frequent urination, urgency, and long-term diarrhea; Symptoms of insomnia. You can put a little in the tea.

【Eating taboos】: Walnuts are warm and hot, eating too much is easy to produce phlegm and fire, so people with symptoms such as yellow phlegm, fever, asthma, irritability, vomiting, etc. And those who are prone to nosebleeds should eat less or fast walnuts.


Chestnut: “the fruit of nourishing the kidney”

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that chestnuts are sweet and warm in nature. “Compendium of Materia Medica” once recorded: “Li treats kidney deficiency, weak waist and legs, can clear the kidneys and replenish qi, and thicken the stomach and stomach”.

However, although chestnuts are good, you must master the following three points to benefit more:

1 place of origin: there are north and south points

The types of chestnuts are divided into north and south according to the place of production, which can be summed up in a sentence called “Southern chestnuts to nourish the kidney, North Chestnuts to strengthen the spleen” – the chestnuts produced in the south are larger in size, have higher starch content, and have a stronger kidney-tonifying effect; The small chestnuts produced are high in sugar and have a stronger spleen-invigorating effect.

2 eating methods: there are raw and cooked points

In addition, chestnuts are also divided into raw and cooked: cooked chestnuts can nourish qi and blood, strengthen the spleen and kidney, and strengthen the body; raw chestnuts are more used to treat low back and leg pain. In addition, it can even cure the insufficiency of the waist and feet.”

3 choices: 3 types of people should eat less

①Chestnut is rich in carbohydrates, and eating too much will affect the stability of blood sugar, so diabetic patients should eat carefully and control the amount;

②Chestnut has high starch content, strong satiety and difficult to digest, so people with indigestion and loose stools should eat less;

③ Chestnuts are high in calories. Usually, the calories in 100 grams of cooked chestnuts can be as high as 214 kcal, while the calories in a bowl of rice are only 116 kcal. Therefore, people who lose weight should control the amount when eating.


Sunflower seeds: “the fruit of calming the nerves”

1 small melon seeds, beauty and soothe the nerves

Sunflower seeds are one of the foods with the most vitamin E content, which can be as high as 26.5mg/100g. Eating about 10 grams of sunflower seeds a day can meet 19% of most people’s daily vitamin E needs!

Vitamin E is an antioxidant, which helps to inhibit the production of free radicals, improve blood circulation, reduce the production of wrinkles, make the skin firm and elastic, and play a role in delaying aging to a certain extent.

In addition, sunflower seeds are also rich in B vitamins, which help to stabilize mood, improve symptoms such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, and enhance memory.

Although 2 melon seeds are good, don’t eat too much

①Eating too much melon seeds can easily lead to excess fat.

On the one hand, melon seeds have high oil content, about 50g of fat per 100g of melon seeds, and even as high as 600 caloriesKcal; In addition, when many people eat melon seeds, they eat one after another, it is easy to eat more, and the fat content is high.

②Eating too much melon seeds may cause dry mouth.

Eating too much sunflower seeds will consume saliva and dry the mouth, so people with oral ulcers and gingivitis should eat less sunflower seeds.


Peanut: “the fruit of nourishing the stomach”

1 Peanut: good for nourishing the spleen and stomach

Flowers are beautiful and cheap, and have the reputation of “longevity fruit”. Chinese medicine believes that peanuts are flat and sweet, enter the spleen and lung meridians, and can refresh the spleen and stomach, moisten the lungs and resolve phlegm, nourish and regulate qi, clear the throat and relieve cough.

From the perspective of modern nutrition, a large amount of protein can help neutralize gastric acid, and fat can stimulate the secretion of enteropressin in the small intestinal mucosa to achieve the effect of inhibiting gastric acid secretion; the phospholipids contained in it can help protect the gastric mucosa.

Experts also mentioned in the program: Chew 10 raw peanuts on an empty stomach in the morning until they are very fine, and then swallow the finely crushed peanut pulp by instinctive swallowing action. Long-term this can help the secretion of gastric acid. people to relieve the uncomfortable symptoms of acid reflux and belching.

2The peel and shell are also “health treasures”

Not only the health benefits of peanut kernels are good, but also the peels and husks that are often peeled off and thrown away are also “treasures”, and they have many health benefits when used correctly:

◎Peanut Red: Helps blood coagulation and stops bleeding.

Peanut Red Coat contains peanuts and catechins, which can resist the dissolution of fibrin, reduce bleeding, shorten clotting time, promote hematopoietic function of bone marrow, increase the content of platelets, improve the quality of platelets, and prevent hemophilia. , thrombocytopenic purpura and other diseases have an auxiliary role.

◎Peanut shell: cough, antioxidant.

Peanut shell is a traditional Chinese medicine, which has the effect of astringing the lungs and relieving cough. It can be used for chronic cough, asthma, phlegm with blood and other symptoms; in addition, peanut shell also contains flavonoids, luteolin and other antioxidants, which can reduce excess body. The attack of free radicals on blood vessels can eliminate dull skin to a certain extent.

Although 3 peanuts are good, 3 types of people should eat less

①Stomach ulcer, enteritis, cholecystectomy, indigestion should eat less, so as not to increase the burden on the stomach.

②People who have bruises, thick blood or thrombus should not eat more, especially the red skin on the outer layer of peanuts, which has coagulation function. or cause blood clots.

③ People with diabetes, hyperlipidemia and obesity do not eat or eat less. Such people themselves need to strictly control the daily intake of fat, coupled with the high oil content of peanuts, eating too much can easily lead to excessive fat intake.


Eat healthy nuts, “3 nos” to keep in mind

1Do not eat nuts in excess

The fat content of nuts is basically 46%~76%. Although most of them are unsaturated fatty acids, excessive intake will also lead to excessive calories. Therefore, although nuts are nutritious, they should not be greedy. You must control the amount when you eat them.

According to the “Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents”, it is sufficient to eat 50-70 grams of nuts per person per week, which is an average of about 10 grams per day. If you accidentally eat too much, you need to reduce the consumption of three meals a day to avoid obesity.

2 Don’t eat damp and moldy nuts

Because of frequent exposure to air, bulk nuts are susceptible to moisture and mildew, and may even produce highly toxic aflatoxins. If you eat food contaminated with it for a long time, it is easy to cause DNA changes and induce liver cancer. Even 1mg of aflatoxin can cause cancer; if 20mg is ingested at one time, it can even directly cause the death of an adult!

Therefore, if you eat moldy, bitter nuts, be sure to spit them out and rinse your mouth. If a few nuts are moldy, it is best to throw away the whole package, because Aspergillus flavus is spread in the form of spores, and food is easily involved in moldy, but it is not visible to the naked eye.

3 Don’t eat nuts that taste too heavy

First of all, the salt added to nuts with heavier taste tends to be larger. Long-term consumption can easily lead to excessive sodium intake, which will cause damage to blood vessels, heart, and kidneys; Flavor, saccharin and other substances will be added to the nuts in processing. Excessive consumption of these ingredients is not good for health;

Furthermore, heavy flavors may mask the spoiled taste of nuts, which can be harmful to health after consumption. Therefore, it is best to choose the original flavor of nuts.

(I am the official WeChat account of a big doctor)