5.18 Vascular Health Day: Pay attention to vascular health!

Vascular Health Day is 5month18 every year. It aims to call people to pay attention to blood vessel health, to be alert to atherosclerotic plaques, and to make blood vessels younger by assessing the age of blood vessels and detecting cholesterol. 2011The theme of the first Vascular Health Day is “Beware of Vascular Plaque”.

5.18From an indicator value: 5.18mmol/liter, which is the critical value of abnormal total cholesterol in normal blood. The human body is composed of blood vessels, and the health of blood vessels determines a person’s lifespan. The atherosclerotic plaque formed by cholesterol deposition is the most important factor that threatens the health of blood vessels. Setting 5month18 as “Vascular Health Day” is to arouse the public’s awareness of atherosclerosis The understanding of plaque hazards starts from understanding that cholesterol is closely related to cardiovascular events, actively manages vascular health, improves vascular health, reduces the occurrence of cardiovascular events such as myocardial infarction, stroke, sudden death, and curbs the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in China and mortality rates are increasing year by year.

To prevent or improve cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, vascular health is the foundation. Experts introduce 3 lifestyle habits to restore blood vessels to “youth”:

Control sugar in the diet

Reduce the intake of carbohydrates in the daily diet, sugar can be quickly absorbed by the body, making Blood sugar levels rise sharply, causing excessive secretion of insulin to lower blood sugar, and insulin has the property of converting sugar into triglycerides, which thickens blood.

Pay attention to the order of eating

The correct order of eating is to eat vegetables, seaweed, Mushrooms and other low-calorie foods that take a certain amount of time to digest. Chewing30 times of each bite and then swallowing it can make you feel full before the blood sugar level rises; then eating staple food and meat can prevent the blood sugar level Rapid ascent and excess caloric intake. Research data shows that eating slowly can make you feel full for 6 hours; eating too fast, 23hours later and hunger again. Fat and protein absorption is slow, so that blood sugar levels will not rise too fast, it is best to eat meat before meals.

Exercise upper body muscles

35After age, the basal metabolic rate will decrease rapidly, fat will accumulate, and the blood will become viscous. Building muscle can improve metabolism, promote fat burning, and improve blood circulation. Therefore, middle-aged and elderly people should carry out moderate muscle exercise, such as dumbbell exercise and chest expansion exercise, which can exercise the large muscles of the arms and upper body, and the effect is particularly good.

Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery

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