There are 5 traps for sugar friends to pay attention to controlling blood sugar, which will not only make blood sugar soar, but also cause complications

The dangers of diabetic complications, such as diabetic cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, diabetic foot or diabetic eye, are well known. The current focus of the treatment of diabetes is to stabilize blood sugar and prevent diabetes complications. In order to attract diabetic patients, some unscrupulous merchants wrote that a certain traditional Chinese medicine or an ancestral secret recipe can completely cure diabetes, so that patients spend a lot of money on their drugs, not only can not control blood sugar, but promote the occurrence of diabetic complications, and ultimately cause both people and money. .

What are the misunderstandings about blood sugar control?

1. Listen to ancestral secret recipes

Many patients seek ancestral secret recipes to cure diabetes, but The ingredients of the ancestral secret recipe are not clear, the source of the drug, the effect of treating diabetes, and the safety have not been verified at all, so it is not easy to try the ancestral secret recipe. A regular hospital should be selected, and a professional doctor should choose the appropriate oral hypoglycemic agent or insulin injection according to the results of blood glucose monitoring, symptoms and complications.

2. Never control diet

Stable blood sugar is based on diet control , Diabetic patients should stay away from high-sugar and high-greasy foods. Ensure that three meals a day are regularly and quantitatively, and do not delay meal time for no reason, so as to avoid blood sugar fluctuations. Never control the diet, eat high-calorie and high-sugar foods in moderation, the result is that the blood sugar fluctuates too much, thereby promoting the occurrence of diabetic complications, which can be life-threatening in severe cases.

3. Pure Chinese medicine without toxic and side effects

Comparatively speaking, traditional Chinese medicine has few side effects, but traditional Chinese medicine must be used based on syndrome differentiation. If there is no syndrome differentiation and medication, the medicine is not symptomatic, then the condition will worsen. Some illegal drugs claim to be pure traditional Chinese medicine, but in fact, many western medicine ingredients have been added, and the side effects caused by such drugs cannot be evaluated, so there are certain safety hazards. Diabetic patients should use traditional Chinese medicine according to their physical constitution under the guidance of experienced traditional Chinese medicine. If the blood sugar fluctuates too much or remains high, western medicine should be used to lower blood sugar.

4. A Few Courses Can Cure Diabetes

Exactly, no The method can completely cure diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic disease, and patients need to take medicines for life to maintain blood sugar stability and reduce complications. During the medication period, regular follow-up should be conducted to learn how to monitor blood glucose and adjust the treatment plan according to the results of blood glucose monitoring. Some diabetic patients worry that taking drugs for a long time will bring side effects. In fact, as long as the drug is used scientifically and standardized, the occurrence of adverse reactions can be minimized, and the benefits of taking hypoglycemic drugs outweigh the disadvantages.

5. Completely cure diabetes< /p>

Due to the complex etiology of diabetes, it is impossible to completely cure it. Diabetes can be reversed by scientific and standardized treatment in the early stage and life intervention. If blood sugar is not controlled early, diabetes is easy to relapse, and it is also easy to induce diabetes complications.

Message from the Family Doctor

Diabetes patients should view the disease in a correct way and choose regular hospital treatment. Strictly follow the doctor’s orders to take medicine regularly and quantitatively, optimize the diet structure, appropriately increase the daily activity, and have sufficient sleep and optimism; a blood glucose meter should be prepared at home, and in the case of poor blood sugar control, monitor blood sugar 7 times a day, three meals a day. Before, 2 hours after three meals a day, and nighttime blood sugar; at the same time, you should go to the hospital for regular review, in order to stabilize blood sugar and prevent complications. If blood sugar control is still unstable or symptoms related to complications have occurred, it is necessary to seek professional medical help to adjust the blood sugar lowering plan appropriately.

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