Every day I know a traditional Chinese medicine – coltsfoot flower

Introduction: The traditional Chinese medicine colstus anther, as its name suggests, is the dried flower buds of coltsfoot.has the functions of relieving cough, expectorating phlegm and relieving asthma. Pharmacological studies have shown that it has effects such as boosting blood pressure, anti-platelet activating factor and anti-inflammatory.


Medicinal coltsfoot flowers

“Shen Nong’s Materia Medica”: “mainly coughs against the upper qi, good for asthma, throat pain.” “Materia Medica “Bian Du”: “Treats cough and resolves phlegm, warm in nature and not dry; moistens gold and soothes the lungs, with acrid and slightly sweet taste.”

Colts are used in a wide range of clinical treatment of cough, regardless of exogenous and internal injury, deficiency of cold and heat, and the duration of the disease, they can be used in combination. For example, coltsfoot flower and aster, the former is better at resolving phlegm, the latter is better at relieving cough, the two are compatible to relieve cough and resolve phlegm, and complement each other. For cold cough, it can be used with dried ginger, Schisandra chinensis, and Asarum; for hot cough, with mulberry white peel, melon, and Anemarrhena;

Colthorn is pungent and moisturizing, sweet and soothing, and has the effect of moistening the lungs and lowering the qi, resolving phlegm and relieving cough. For the treatment of cough and cold, no matter how old it is, it can be used in combination with dried ginger, aster, schisandra, etc. that warm the lung; Weakness and persistent cough, it can be used with ginseng, Atractylodes, licorice, etc., which nourish the lungs and qi; if there is blood in the phlegm of cough and asthma, it can be used with Lily, which nourishes yin and moistens the lung; Coix seed, Platycodon grandiflorum, etc. for phlegm-removing pus are used in combination; for treating wind-cold external bundles, phlegm-heat internal congestion and asthma, can be used with ephedra, ginkgo, mulberry, etc. for relieving asthma and clearing the lung; For those with water chirping in the throat, can be used in the same way as aster, shegan, and ephedra.

cold winter Tussilago farfara L. 

《Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing》

[source]is the dried coltsfoot of Compositae bud. Excavate in December or before the ground freezes before the flowers are unearthed, remove the pedicels and sediment, and dry in the shade.

[synonym]winter flower, butterbur span>.

【Taste】Pungent, slightly bitter, warm in nature.

[Return to Meridian]Return to the Lung Meridian.

[Functions and Indications]moisten the lungs and lower the qi, relieve cough and resolve phlegm. It is used for chronic cough, dyspnea and phlegm, labored cough and hemoptysis.

[Notes] Coltsfoot has the effect of stimulating nerves, which can cause mania, convulsions, hypertension, epilepsy, liver insufficiency and pregnant women. It should not be used, and the general population also needs to take medicine according to the doctor’s advice.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction, 5~10g. Exogenous cough should be used raw, internal injury and chronic cough should be sunburned.


The coltsfoot is preferably large, plump, purple-red, and short pedicels. The woody old stems and those that have already bloomed cannot be used for medicinal purposes.

Cottonica Recipe

Cottonella Tea

Prolonged cough after a cold

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Discovering the Effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine Together: A Lecture on Qi Yingzhou’s Family Tips

There are 60 lectures in this book. The treatment methods of common diseases in family life can allow readers to operate at home, including different tips such as oral administration, external application, and manipulation.

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This article is selected from“Discovering the Effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine Together: Lectures on Qi Yingzhou’s Family Tips”, published by China Traditional Chinese Medicine Publishing House, by Qi Yingzhou ◎ Author, the final interpretation right belongs to the original author. All pictures are copyright pictures owned by the publishing house, please do not steal pictures.

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