7 major dangers of high blood pressure! If you know all about it, don’t click

It can be encountered almost every day in the hospital: the rescue of emergency patients is caused because high blood pressure is not paid attention to!

What harm can high blood pressure cause?

If you have a clear idea of ​​the dangers of high blood pressure, there is no need to continue reading, just actively control your blood pressure.

If you don’t know the dangers of high blood pressure and don’t care about high blood pressure at all, then please take a few minutes to read it.

Many people think that high blood pressure is just a headache and dizziness?

Then you underestimate high blood pressure. Most people with high blood pressure have no symptoms in the initial stage, that is, there is no discomfort at all, so many people or half of people with high blood pressure do not have any symptoms. Find out that you have high blood pressure. About 80% of people with high blood pressure do not control their blood pressure at all.

The result?

Wait until the following 17 hazards occur before being told that I have high blood pressure.

But when these seven hazards appear, we will not only face high blood pressure, but also a decline in the quality of life, or a shortened life expectancy, or even sudden death.

Hazard 1: Cerebral infarction due to high blood pressure

The hospital has a new doctor, who is very fat and has high blood pressure, usually 170/100mmHg. He is a medical student himself, and he also knows the dangers of high blood pressure.

But usually I don’t want to take medicine, and the doctor will be lucky, not only not taking medicine to control, but also smoking, not exercising, obese, and staying up late. As a result, a cerebral infarction occurred within a few months of arriving at the hospital.

However, he suffered from hemiplegia and aphasia. He was hospitalized for 1 month. When he was discharged, he was still limping. Only 28 years old, still a medical student, hey, what to say?

The incidence of cerebral infarction in my country is higher than the world average. One of the main reasons is that the proportion of hypertension in our country is too high, especially the number of people with uncontrolled hypertension.

Hazard 2: Intracerebral hemorrhage due to high blood pressure

Just 3 months ago, my classmate’s younger brother passed away due to hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage. He was only 30 years old, and his daughter was only 3 years old…

He has high blood pressure for many years, and his blood pressure is usually above 180mmHg, but he is not uncomfortable, so he never wants to take medicine to control it. As a result, I didn’t expect that the first time I felt it, it was a coma, and I was admitted to the ICU with you.

Live in and never come out, leave forever. Statistics have found that more than 70% of cerebral hemorrhages are related to hypertension. Once the mortality rate of cerebral hemorrhage is extremely high, even if it is not life-threatening, most of them will leave sequelae and greatly reduce the quality of life.

Hazard 3: Heart failure due to high blood pressure

The pressure that our heart produces, or experiences, is generally around 120/80mmHg.

However, people with high blood pressure are always under high pressure, and the pressure on the heart will be very high. It is like a balloon, which can only be blown by a child, but is now being blown by an athlete. Blow, then it’s easy to blow irritability.

Facing high blood pressure for a long time, the heart will become larger. After the heart becomes larger, it will suffer from heart failure. After heart failure, it will cause chest tightness, suffocation, difficulty in breathing, and greatly reduced quality of life. The 5-year mortality rate for heart failure is as high as 50%.

Studies have found that 70% of heart failure is related to high blood pressure. High blood pressure can be controlled, but heart failure is difficult to control.

Hazard 4: High blood pressure causes atrial fibrillation

Long-term high blood pressure also affects the beating of the heart, the most common result of which is the heartatrial fibrillation.

Long-term uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to atrial fibrillation, which is a chaotic heartbeat. After atrial fibrillation, the heart is prone to thrombus formation. After the thrombus falls off, it will run into the cerebral blood vessels with the blood flow and block the cerebral blood vessels, which is cerebral infarction.

Statistics show that about 20% of cerebral infarctions are caused by atrial fibrillation. Once cerebral infarction occurs, hemiplegia, aphasia, and hemiplegia may occur.

Hazard 5: Hypertension leading to myocardial infarction

Long-term high blood pressure can exacerbate the process of atherosclerosis, which not only leads to the formation of carotid plaques, but also increases the risk of cerebral infarction.

It also aggravates the process of atherosclerosis in the arteries of the heart, known as coronary arteries. The result is coronary heart disease. Severe coronary heart disease is angina pectoris, which not only requires long-term medication, but may require stents or bypasses in severe cases.

The most serious form of coronary heart disease is acute myocardial infarction and the leading cause of sudden death.

Hazard 6: High blood pressure causes aortic dissection

Long-term high blood pressure can also cause the largest arteries in the body to rupture.

This is the aortic dissection known as the king of the disease. This disease is caused by long-term high blood pressure, which leads to the tearing of the largest arteries in the body. The disease has a high mortality rate in the acute phase.

Prevention is the best cure. Once developed to acute aortic dissection, many people cannot be saved even if they arrive at the hospital.

Hazard 7: High blood pressure causes kidney failure

Hypertension and nephropathy are a pair of happy enemies and influence each other. Kidney disease can lead to high blood pressure, and uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to kidney disease.

Mr. Zhou, blood pressure was high when I was young. I heard that taking antihypertensive drugs would damage the kidneys, so I didn’t want to take medicines to control it.

As a result of 15 years of high blood pressure, I later developed hypertensive nephropathy, renal insufficiency, and now renal failure.

After renal failure, blood pressure will be higher, and blood pressure will be difficult to control, which will form a vicious circle. Kidney failure, the end result is long-term 2 times a week dialysis treatment.

In short, high blood pressure is not as simple as everyone thinks, so it doesn’t matter, the harm of high blood pressure to us is subtle and lasting.

There may be no harm in the short term, but over time, the brain, heart, kidneys and other departments may be attacked by high blood pressure. Once these organs are attacked by high blood pressure, the consequences are unimaginable!