Kunming Yan’an Hospital actively explores a new model for the development of medical alliances

On May 16, Kunming Yan’an Hospital further explored a new model for the development of the medical alliance, and actively helped the participating units of the medical alliance to stimulate new momentum. After the Wang Chunhui grass-roots expert workstation in the Department of Urology of Yan’an Hospital of Kunming City played a good role in the Luquan County First People’s Hospital, the cooperation relationship was further deepened. The Luquan County First People’s Hospital appointed Dr. Wang Chunhui as the executive director of the First Department of Surgery.

Wang Chunhui served as the director of the Executive Department of the First Department of Surgery of the First People’s Hospital of Luquan County. Carry out a one-year guidance and assistance work, further strengthen the construction of the urology department of the county hospital, establish a sound and scientific target management system for the hospital, promote the standardization of work indicators, quality indicators, business management and the improvement of professional service capabilities, and improve the hospital’s comprehensive Service capability and level. Wang Chunhui’s expert team will improve the county hospital’s urology medical service capacity by opening expert clinics every Monday morning, regular teaching ward rounds, surgical guidance, and establishing two-way referral channels. Lu urged the majority of patients to enjoy the diagnosis and treatment services of experts from the top three hospitals nearby “without leaving the county seat”.

Wang Chunhui said at the inauguration ceremony that he would make full use of the workstation as a platform, and Detailed management plans are formulated for department management, improvement of urology diagnosis and treatment technology, teaching and scientific research, talent training, two-way referral, promotion and publicity, and comprehensively improve the professional technology of urology.

Pocket Spring City Reporter: Chen Ziqian Correspondent: Tao Weiwei


Editor: Li Dongyu

Editor: Zhou Xiaoxue

[Source: Handheld Spring City]

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