How should people with high blood lipids manage their diet | Vascular Health Day

Not long ago, one of my hyperlipidemia patients came to me specifically to express his confusion: How should people with high blood lipids manage their diet so that blood vessels can be more What about health? As the so-called “disease comes in from the mouth”, if the poor diet is closed, the health of blood vessels will be impossible to talk about. May 18 is Vascular Health Day. The “China Cardiovascular Health and Disease Report 2020” shows that there are 330 million people with cardiovascular disease in my country, including 245 million patients with hypertension, 13 million patients with stroke, 11.39 million patients with coronary heart disease, and 11.39 million patients with coronary heart disease. There are 8.9 million patients with exhaustion; the number of deaths due to cardiovascular disease is the first cause of death among urban and rural residents in China. 46.66% of rural and 43.81% of urban deaths are related to cardiovascular disease. Fortunately, many risk factors for cardiovascular disease are related to poor lifestyle. To maintain blood vessel health, please establish a good diet first. There is growing evidence that actively improving diet can be effective in preventing cardiovascular disease. Today I share 5 dietary tips with you as we work together to create a healthier lifestyle.

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Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables

The benefits of fruits and vegetables are obvious In addition, they contain essential vitamin C, beta-carotene, folic acid, etc. One of the important functions of these nutrients is to reduce the incidence of heart disease and various cancers. For example, grapes and citrus fruits are rich in resveratrol and hesperidin, which can better inhibit the formation of blood clots. Another example is garlic. Studies have found that garlic is not only sterilizing, but also has a special effect on regulating blood pressure. It can help the human body to improve microcirculation to a certain extent, and even help you stabilize blood pressure.

Modern people like to eat raw vegetables, in addition to the original taste experienced in the taste, from the nutritional point of view, they can retain the beneficial ingredients more than cooked food. However, raw vegetables need to pay attention to some small details, For example, it is best to choose pollution-free green vegetables, buy and eat immediately, especially leafy vegetables, do not eat if they turn yellow or wilt. In addition, the cleaning should be thorough, if necessary, soak in water.


Fish is “healthy meat”

We often say that the lighter the color of the meat, the healthier it is. This is scientifically based. Fish, for example, is rich in protein and easy to digest, and its omega-3 fatty acids can reduce inflammation. Eating more fish can increase the level of high-density lipoprotein in the blood, which is of great significance for improving blood lipid levels. For example, bacon, processed meat and fried meat, although full of flavor, but because of high salt content, too much seasoning, relatively greasy, etc., too much intake will increase the burden on blood vessels. Especially those who already suffer from high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, etc., should pay more attention to avoid increasing the risk of hardening and blockage of blood vessels.

It is very interesting that the fishermen of Zhoushan Islands in my country have a relatively low incidence of coronary heart disease. The survey found that the local people especially like to eat fish, and the taste is relatively mild, which also reflects the importance of fish in maintaining cardiovascular health.


appropriate Eating nuts to delay aging

Nuts such as walnuts, almonds and cashews are not just snacks, they can also be fully tapped when eaten right “Effect”. It’s true that nuts are not low in fat, but it’s important to stress that the unsaturated fatty acids in nuts can improve total cholesterol levels in the blood. Nuts are also rich in various antioxidants, which can play a positive role in cardiovascular protection by relieving inflammation. Of course, nuts are really high in calories, so you can’t eat nuts as meals, just eat a small handful of nuts every day.

The recommended intake of nuts is 50-70 grams per week, that is about 10 grams per day. That’s roughly equivalent to eating 2 walnuts a day, or 8 almonds, or 7 cashews. Remember not to eat too much, and it is recommended to eat original nuts as the first choice.


Olive oil has special value

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In recent years, there have been more and more studies on olive oil, and various analytical studies have made olive oil frequently appear on the table of ordinary people. In my opinion, olive oil has exceptional value for vascular health in addition to being delicious.

The fat we consume in our body contains two groups of essential fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6. When the ratio of the two is about 1:4, the function of the human body is easy to maintain at the peak of high efficiency. However, the long-term high-fat and high-protein (more omega-6, less omega-3) diet makes the ratio of these two fatty acids in everyone’s body often exceed 1:30, or even reach 1:50. How can this imbalance be improved? Omega-3 content in olive oil is significantly higher than in animal and peanut oils. Therefore, we should increase the proportion of olive oil in the oil used, especially those who have a beer belly and usually like to eat big meat. Eating olive oil can effectively regulate blood lipids and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.


Vitamin supplements are not a panacea p>

Many people think that abstinence can easily lead to nutritional deficiencies, so they want to prevent cardiovascular disease by supplementing certain vitamins. However, evidence from a large number of randomized controlled studies and prospective cohort studies shows that the effect of this is highly controversial. For example, multivitamins or multi-mineral supplementation in the general population is not necessarily effective in preventing cardiovascular disease. Some common Supplements such as phytosterols/stanols, viscose, etc., do help lower LDL cholesterol from a pathophysiological perspective, but in practice, especially with long-term use, the net benefit, cost, and The combined effects such as maneuverability are not outstanding.

It should be emphasized that some supplements have been confirmed to have positive effects, but drug-drug interactions may also bring New complications, such as the combination of antioxidant cocktails and niacin, may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease; calcium supplements may increase the risk of vascular events when taken in larger doses and without vitamin D.

“The way to stay healthy, don’t come before food. “Maintaining a healthy diet throughout a person’s life course will help prevent various types of malnutrition and a range of non-communicable diseases. Despite the increasing availability of processed foods and rapid urbanization, life The changes in the way of eating have promoted the changes in people’s eating patterns, but the original intention of healthy eating should always be maintained.

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