What are the benefits of taking a cold shower for 30 days in a row? Although there are advantages, these three types of people should not blindly follow the trend

Early in the morning, I got a hot search for “taking a cold shower for 30 days in a row”.

Especially as the weather gradually rises and the breath of summer gradually becomes stronger, many cold bath lovers have ushered in the “golden moment”.

Even Charles Robert Darwin, the originator of modern biology, was an out-and-out cold water lover, as he always believed that taking a cold bath could cure his old stomach problems and relieve fatigue.

Therefore, he also wrote such a sentence in his book—–

“I believe that cold showers can cure diseases. This is not pseudoscience.”

The question is, is washing in cold water really good for your health? Why does taking a cold shower feel so good?

Why does taking a cold shower make you feel “good”?

Actually, when the skin comes into contact with cold water on a large scale, the body often produces a stress response-cold shock after the body temperature drops rapidly.

The cold shock will prompt a rapid increase in the level of various techniques and neuroticism in the human body, the level of norepinephrine and dopamine in the body will increase by 5-11 times than usual strong>.

And dopamine has a certain relationship with the “reward mechanism” in the human brain. Taking a cold shower will make people feel excited for a long time, so there will be an “addictive” Pleasure, so the more you wash the more refreshing.

Meanwhile, a cold shower stimulates the secretion of beta-endorphins, which relieve stress and enhance feelings of pleasure.

A cold shower actually has these 2 benefits:

First, enhance physical fitness and prevent disease

Cold baths are not as comfortable as hot baths, but health care professionals believe that cold baths are more healthful.

When the skin is stimulated by cold water in a cold shower, it not only increases muscle tension, but also regulates the body’s ability to adapt to temperature changes.

If you can insist on taking a cold shower, it can not only play a role in enhancing physical fitness, but also have the effect of preventing diseases.

When the body’s resistance and immunity are enhanced, it can resist bacteria and viruses, especially for colds and upper respiratory diseases.

Second, clear mind and refreshed mind

Because when taking a cold shower, it can effectively increase the excitation function of the nerves, so after taking a cold shower, not only can the brain be more awake, but it can also stimulate the nerves to become more excited.

In addition, taking a cold shower increases blood circulation and improves the body’s ability to withstand severe cold.

Insist on bathing in cold water, then after entering the winter, the body’s ability to resist the cold will be stronger, especially it can effectively prevent colds, fever and other diseases.

Third, improve the ability to regulate the nervous system

When taking a cold shower, the body tends to be in the stage of enhanced excitement. In this stage, the body’s nerve excitation, hyperfunction, thermoregulation center, etc. will increase heat production, thereby allowing the body to dissipate heat reduce.

At the same time, taking cold showers often can also help the body to adjust the sensitivity of the nervous system, and the production of Europe will make the brain produce a conditioned response – it will be excited when it encounters cold.

Who is not suitable for cold showers?

Although taking a cold shower has certain benefits, it is not suitable for everyone, especially the following people, don’t blindly follow the trend:

1. Menstruating women

Women who are in menstrual period are most afraid of catching a cold because their body resistance is relatively low. If they take a cold bath at this special stage, it will not only affect menstruation, but also cause irregular menstruation. Phenomenon.

And from the perspective of women’s physiological structure, they must stay away from cold water during menstruation, otherwise menopause or “blood flow into rivers” will occur due to adverse stimulation.

2. Heart patients

Heart disease is a great threat to the physical and mental health of patients. This group of people must stay away from unnecessary stimuli. The water temperature is too hot and too cold, which can easily lead to aggravation of the disease.

3. Drunk people

Many people like to take a bath after drinking alcohol, but they don’t know that this practice is very dangerous, and even a cold bath is not suitable.

The reason is that taking a cold shower after the end can cause a sudden constriction of blood vessels, and that alcohol can cause blood circulation to speed up.

Once the blood vessels contract badly, it may induce some dangerous situations, so drunk people should not take cold showers.


[1] Our reporter Zhang Xuesong. Is taking a cold shower good for health? [N]. Shenzhen Special Economic Zone News, 2009-01-09(B03).

【2】Summer sports: pay attention to the health maintenance of the body[J]. Towards the World, 2013(27):111.