A 23-year-old boy jumped out of acute low back pain by doing aerobics. Learn about this “first aid” acupoint on his hand

Recently, simple and easy-to-use home aerobics have been sought after by many netizens. However, some people with poor sports foundation blindly try high-intensity aerobics are prone to injury. In just a few weeks, the Department of Acupuncture, Moxibustion and Tuina of Zhejiang Provincial People’s Hospital encountered several patients who were injured by jumping exercises.

The 23-year-old guy jumped to half his waist and got stuck

23-year-old Zhang just started working this year. In order to change his image, he was slightly fat. I joined the dance gymnastics army, and I also bought a yoga mat and practiced in front of the screen every day.

One night, when he was jumping and jumping, he suddenly felt that his waist was stuck, he couldn’t straighten his body at all, and the pain panicked when he moved. The roommate happened to know Wang Fan, director of the first department of acupuncture and massage at Zhejiang Provincial People’s Hospital, and suggested that he go to Director Wang’s outpatient clinic as soon as possible.

“Director Wang, please help me take a look, my waist is stuck and I can’t move.” Xiao Zhang entered the consultation room almost whimpering. Tilt nearly 40 degrees.

“I just saw two patients in your situation this morning.” After it became like this, Wang Fan had already made a judgment in his heart. He carefully supported Xiao Zhang to lie down on the medical bed and conducted a detailed physical examination for him. Wang Fan found that his low back pain was mainly concentrated in the lower waist, the spinous process bone in the middle was deviated, the left psoas muscle was tense, and the pain was unbearable when he pressed lightly. However, there was no discomfort such as numbness and pain in the buttocks and legs, and the pain was significantly relieved after bed rest. The initial diagnosis was lumbar facet joint disorder.

Two needles in the hand first

The waist is relaxed

Because of Xiao Zhang’s waist The muscles are too tight, which is not conducive to the reset operation. If forced reset, it is easy to cause secondary damage to the waist muscles. Wang Fan needs to let Xiao Zhang’s psoas muscles relax first.

“We have to pierce two needles first, it will be a little painful.” Wang Fan comforted patiently, “It will be much better after piercing, don’t worry.” After Xiao Zhang cooperated with Wang Fan to get up with difficulty, He was quickly stabbed twice, and after a moment of intense soreness, his waist suddenly relaxed. Wang Fan asked Xiao Zhang to do moderate waist exercises with acupuncture. He took a few steps slowly while supporting his waist, tried to relax and stretched his body, and gradually his waist became less bent. At this time, Xiao Zhang slowly turned his waist again, the waist that could not move at all could be twisted slightly, and the feeling of being stuck gradually disappeared.

“This is amazing too! I don’t seem to have any pain anymore!” “Don’t worry, it’s not over yet, you’ll feel more relaxed in your waist after a while!” Fifteen minutes later, Wang Fan asked Xiao Zhang to lie down again. On the diagnosis and treatment bed, palpation found that the muscles had loosened, and the position of the spinous process had recovered a little. He saw the angle, leaned on the side and tilted it, and with a “click”, Xiao Zhang’s whole body was straight!

“Thank you so much, can I continue to dance?”

Wang Fan immediately instructed: “Absolutely not! Avoid prolonged sitting or weight bearing. Follow-up recommends appropriate waist and abdominal exercises to improve the stability of the waist joints and avoid repeated occurrences of such situations.”

Acute low back pain

Learn about this “first aid” acupoints

Wang Fan said that we have a pair of low back pain points on the back of the hand, between the 2nd and 3rd metacarpal bones and the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones. When the wrist crease and the midpoint of the metacarpophalangeal joint. For patients with acute low back pain such as Xiao Zhang, stimulating this point through acupuncture and moxibustion has a significant effect.

Xiao Zhang’s waist muscles are thin, lack of stability, and prone to joint dislocation and muscle strain during strenuous exercise Condition. Fortunately, Zhang himself has no other waist diseases, so the problem to be solved is relatively simple. In addition, Xiao Zhang’s timely treatment also makes the treatment less difficult. Many patients have delayed treatment and prolonged joint dislocation aggravates local inflammation, which makes the situation more difficult.

Wang Fan emphasized: “Patients with all kinds of acute sports injuries should keep in mind the principle of seeing a doctor in a timely manner.”

Source: Zhejiang Medical Online