Hemorrhoids are the most “fearful” of these 4 sets of actions, which you can do at home!

Although hemorrhoid patients are also encouraged to do physical exercise, some sports are discouraged due to the specificity of the disease. For example, horseback riding, cycling, mountain climbing, motorcycle riding, long walks, etc. In addition, playing baseball or football should also pay special attention. Because these exercises often use the power of the anus, causing a great burden, causing anal congestion and aggravating hemorrhoids.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

And some sports are recommended for patients with hemorrhoids, such as some relatively less intense sports, such as radio gymnastics, Tai Chi, Qigong and so on. These exercises can enhance the body’s resistance to disease, and at the same time benefit blood circulation, promote gastrointestinal motility, improve pelvic congestion, and prevent constipation.

In addition, swimming is also a more suitable exercise for those with hemorrhoids. When the person’s body position is changed from standing to supine or supine in water, the anus is upward, which is beneficial to local blood circulation. Coupled with the muscle movement of the whole body, it naturally strengthens the movement of the muscles of the anorectum and eliminates the root cause of hemorrhoids. Swimmers can exchange breathing through water and water to form a certain rhythm, and often have to hold their breath, so that each breath can promote the movement of the anal muscles, thereby improving the blood circulation of the anus.

There are also several special exercises that can be recommended for people with hemorrhoids. These exercises can activate the perianal muscles, squeeze the stagnated perianal veins, and promote venous return.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

1. Cross-Up Exercise

・ Cross your legs and sit on the edge of a bed or chair and relax.

・Stand up in a crossed position while tucking your hips, tucking your legs, and raising your anus.

・ Relax your whole body when you sit down to restore.

・ Do this 10 to 30 times in a row.

2. Pelvic lift exercise

・ Lie on your back and bend your knees so that your heels are close to your hips.

・ Place your hands under your head and use the soles of your feet and shoulders as fulcrums to lift your pelvis.

・ Simultaneously lift and retract the anus and lower the pelvis when relaxing.

・ When you are proficient, cooperate with breathing, inhale when you lift the anus, and exhale when you relax.

・ 1~3 times a day, 20 times each time.

3. Lifting the center of gravity exercise

・ Keep your legs together.

・ Raise your arms from the sides to above your head. At the same time, lift your heels and inhale deeply.

・ The arms fall naturally in front of the body. At the same time, follow your feet down and take a deep breath.

・ Do 5-6 times in a row, twice a day in the morning and evening.

4. Raise anus exercise

・ Relax your body.

・ Firmly clamp the buttocks and thighs, cooperate with inhalation, lick the upper palate with the tongue, and at the same time lift the anus upward, as if holding back the stool.

・ After raising the anus, hold your breath for a while without exhaling. Then, with the exhale, relax the whole body.

・ 2 times a day in the morning and evening, each time can be done 50 times.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

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