《Research on human odor and taste》

After the beginning of summer

The sun is opening up Frequent

hot temperatures

reduce wearing fabrics Humans

not only bring a limited summer visual feast

And that rich flavor

Speaking of body odor

Many people think of the smell of sweat

but sweat is innocent

it is colorless and odorless

< /p>

The secret to a true synthetic scent is this

Sweat gland secretions + skin microbiota and its products

Sweat glands on human skin

about 3 million

when sweating span>

< p>It will add some “materials” to the liquid

such as salt, protein, urea, fat, semiochemical, etc.

< p>These things just happen to be

the “natural dining hall” of the skin microbiome< /p>

and during microbial digestion

produces a lot of biogenic amines and short-chain fatty acids

the main source of odor



the smell-secreting bacteria The colony is also related to gender

male secretion flora is mainly Corynebacterium

Girls are mostly Micrococcus

So men’s sweat is more spicy and women’s more sour

In addition

genes in vivo also determine

Can one become a “body odor transmitter”

Gene mutations make some people

Free from body odor

Take body odor as Example

A long time ago

Almost every human ancestor had a “body odor”


The ABCC11 gene in human chromosome 16


< span>results in decreased secretion of apocrine glands

this directly reduces the living conditions of the microflora

therefore The odor is naturally reduced a lot

strong >But this variant is more common in Asians

so compared to other ethnic groups

Asian people have relatively mild body odor

only a small number of people have body odor problems

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But the following gene variant

Much more painful

There is a type of person who is born with the smell of rancid fish

Medically known as Smelly Fish Syndrome

(Smelly Fish Syndrome or Trimethylaminuria)< /span>

Trimethylamine (TMA) is an amine

It will emit fish odor

Common in egg yolks, beans and saltwater fish substances

and patients with stinky fish disease

Congenitally deficient in genes that metabolize TMA

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Many people think that

the “origin” of body odor comes from The upper body

but the power of the lower body to produce odor should not be underestimated

wet, closed Ventilation

is the best reason for the aerobic bacteria community on the private parts of the feet

But some private parts have odor or abnormality

actually reflect some diseases< /p>

For example, the smell of female private parts

with abnormal vaginal discharge and burning sensation

may be STD infection or vaginal inflammation

and male private parts odor inflammation< /p>

It is possible that the foreskin is too long and the cleaning is not in place



The biggest difference between today’s feet and the past

is in the shoes

Old ancestors love to wear animal leather shoes

Loose and breathable


Therefore less pain of foot odor

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[4] Xia Fan, Cai Yunqi. What to do about body odor in summer [J]. Health Life, 2021(14):26-27.
