It is the most silent organ in the body. Once sick, it is a big deal. Do not do these 6 things.

The liver not only detoxifies and metabolizes, but also secretes bile to promote fat digestion and absorption; it also undertakes the important task of decomposing and storing substances. The liver is an obscure organ in the body that continues to function even after damage to maintain what the body needs. It is often said that nourishing the liver is equivalent to nourishing life. This is not an exaggeration. Liver health is the foundation of physical health, but the following behaviors invisibly damage the liver, causing irreversible damage.

What actions can damage the liver?

1, overweight or obese

A person who is overweight or obese has too much around the liver cells, so that the liver cells cannot get the nutrients they need from the blood. As long as the fat content in the liver reaches 10%, it will damage liver function and induce fatty liver. Mild fatty liver is reversible, and it can be recovered by keeping your mouth shut and walking your legs; however, if you leave it alone, it will gradually develop into steatohepatitis, and even transition to the stage of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer, making it more difficult to treat. Therefore, you should adjust your diet and maintain moderate exercise to maintain a normal weight.

2. Alcoholism

Most alcohol is broken down and metabolized in the liver, and alcohol It has been classified as a carcinogen. Uncontrolled drinking can poison liver cells, affect the transport of fat in the liver, and cause a large amount of fat to accumulate around the liver, thereby inducing alcoholic liver disease. Therefore, for the sake of liver health, you should stay away from alcohol, refuse to drink any beverages containing alcohol, and try not to drink alcohol.

3. Go to bed late or stay up late

Evening is the golden period for the repair of various organs, including the liver. Always staying up late can increase the burden on the liver, reduce the resistance, and affect the repair and regeneration of liver cells. Therefore, you should adjust your work and rest, get up on time, and fall asleep on time; no matter how busy you are at work, you need to ensure that you enter a deep sleep state before 23:00, and get up around 6:00~7:00 in the morning.

4. Always sulking

Often sulking, anxious or depressed It hurts the liver and causes liver qi stagnation, so it should be reasonable to vent emotions. Release negative emotions by traveling outdoors, cultivating hobbies or sports; strive to improve work efficiency and adjust interpersonal relationships.

5. Drugs of Abuse

Most drugs are metabolized and detoxified in the liver. Many drugs in life can damage the liver, including lipid-lowering drugs, hypoglycemic drugs, antipyretic and analgesic drugs, and certain Chinese herbal medicines, especially The damage to the liver is even greater when combined medication is used, so medication should be strictly prescribed by the doctor, and drugs, including liver-protecting drugs and health products, should not be abused without the permission of the doctor.

6. Not paying attention to dietary hygiene

If you like to eat raw food, drink raw water, etc. Increase the risk of hepatitis virus infection, so food should be cooked thoroughly, and water of unknown origin should not be drunk. Aflatoxin has a strong carcinogenic potential and is commonly found in moldy nuts and grains. Therefore, food should be stored in a ventilated and dry environment; if you eat bitter or savory nuts, you should immediately spit it out and rinse. mouth.

Message from the doctor

One day should be reasonably arranged For three meals, eat more protein and vitamin-containing foods, such as milk, lean meat, beans, green leafy vegetables and fruits, and whole grains, etc., which can increase liver detoxification and metabolism, and stay away from high-fat, high-sugar and high-oil foods. Get vaccinated against hepatitis B and A as soon as possible, try not to eat out, and wash your hands after defecation and before meals. In addition, regularly go to the hospital for liver function and serum alpha-fetoprotein tests.

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