Read a picture | Learn to be “hot” in summer

There is a big benefit of sweating—improving the body’s immunity.

Of course, the benefits of sweating don’t stop there. It helps regulate body temperature, vent negative emotions, and make skin look radiant. So, taking a handful of medicine is worse than sweating! Chinese medicine pays attention to “autumn harvest” and “winter storage”. Only by expelling the stagnant qi in the body in summer, can it be absorbed in autumn, and it can be replenished in winter.

However, after the temperature rises in summer, many friends like to stay in air-conditioned rooms all day long. As a result, the body does not sweat much in the summer when it should be sweating. Here, I would like to remind friends who are greedy in summer to sweat when it is hot.

Popular Newspaper Rural Mass Reporter Bian Liang