Rao Yi issues another post questioning GV971: Stopping domestic sales is the first step to change course

Screenshot of Rao Yi’s personal public account article

This article also mentions Biogen’s controversial Alzheimer’s drug Aduhelm, which has questioned the professionalism of the US FDA after its approval, and then the FDA review committee News of the resignation, the departure of Biogen executives, and the refusal of some doctors and hospitals in the United States to prescribe the drug.

Rao Yi said at the end of the article: “Biogen’s drugs are a trick played by some executives in desperation after a large amount of investment by American pharmaceutical companies, and they also enjoy the characteristics of cheating. At present, This fake drug in the United States seems to be waning. And 971, although it is difficult to succeed internationally, it has medical insurance payments in China and profits from patients. Should it be corrected, is anyone responsible?”

Image source: Screenshot of Endpoints News report

Five trial sites have so far confirmed the news to Endpoints News. Of these, 4 trial sites indicated that the study was stopped for supply chain reasons, but another trial agency stated that the study was halted not related to the supply chain. Eric Reiman, a former scientific adviser to Green Valley Pharmaceuticals, said he was told that “the research stop is related to the financial problems brought on by the pandemic.”

Green Valley Pharma’s clinical trial began in October 2020 and plans to enroll 2,046 patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease, with completion expected in 2025. As of January this year, trials had been initiated in 10 countries and 154 clinical centers.

However, according to the Clinicaltrials.gov query, the current status of the clinical trial is still “recruiting”.

Image source: Clinicaltrials.gov

As early as the end of 2019, Rao Yi reported the academic fraud of researcher Geng Meiyu of Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica with real name: “Researcher Geng Mei of Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, as the corresponding author Zhang, is known as The drug GV971 invented by him can treat Alzheimer’s disease in mice through the intestinal flora. This article is impossible without falsification.” According to China News Weekly, the report letter , Rao Yi himself responded that “it was not issued, there was a draft.”

In July 2020, Rao Yi published a newsletter in the journal Cell Research, expressing concern about the article about GV-971 published by Geng Meiyu’s team in 2019, saying “I have never encountered, One drug has so many targets to treat or alleviate the same disease.”

Image source: Cell Research

A week later, Geng Meiyu’s team also responded by publishing a newsletter in the same journal: The correlation between the 12 related papers pointed out by Professor Rao Yi and the papers published in 2019 is not strong ;It is very common for a drug to have multiple target pathways to achieve a therapeutic effect, such as metformin.

Image source: Cell Research

In December 2021, according to Xinhua News Agency client news, Geng Meiyu v. Rao Yi’s reputation infringement case lost the first instance, and the court ruled: Encourage the truth to become clearer and clearer.

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