Dinner determines how long you live, and it has a lot to do with weight and longevity! It’s not too late to know

Source: People’s Daily

< p>Dinner determines your weight and life expectancy.

A health expert says:Dinner is one-quarter life-sustaining and three-quarters doctor-sustaining income.

Scientific research has found that one of the causes of many diseases is from poor eating habits at night.

If you eat the wrong dinner, these 11 diseases will come to you span>

1. Dinner and obesity

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According to statistics, 90% of obese people are due to eating too much or too much dinner, coupled with low activity at night, low energy consumption, and excess calories are synthesized into fat under the action of insulin. Over time, obesity is formed.

Many friends who are dieting and losing weight in their lives often ignore the importance of dieting for dinner. Eat a meal, so that the body loses more and more fat.

2. Dinner and diabetes

Long-term dinner fullness often stimulates massive secretion of insulin, which can easily cause pancreatic islets The burden increases, accelerates aging, and induces diabetes.

At the same time, obesity can also lead to diabetes.

3. Dinner and bowel cancer

Dinner if Overeating, protein food cannot be completely digested, and toxic substances are produced under the action of intestinal bacteria; coupled with low activity and falling asleep, the peristalsis of the intestinal wall is slow, and the time that the toxic substances stay in the intestine is prolonged. , increases the risk of bowel cancer.

4, Dinner and Urinary Stones

The peak period of calcium excretion in the human body is 4 or 5 hours after dinner. If dinner is eaten too late, when the peak period of calcium excretion arrives, it is usually already in sleep.

Urine remains in the ureter, bladder, urethra and other urinary tracts and cannot be excreted in time, resulting in the continuous increase of calcium in the urine, which is very difficult. It is easy to deposit to form crystals, and it is easy to form stones after long-term accumulation.

5. Dinner and hyperlipidemia

If dinner is used, high-protein, high-fat, and high-calorie food will stimulate liver production low-density and very low-density lipoproteins, resulting in hyperlipidemia.

6, Dinner and Hypertension

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If the content of dinner is partial to meat, and the blood flow rate during sleep is slowed down, a large amount of blood lipids will be deposited on the blood vessel wall, which will cause the contraction of arterioles and tiny arteries, causing the Peripheral vascular resistance increases, which is easy to cause a sudden rise in blood pressure, and also accelerates the hardening process of small arteries throughout the body.

7. Dinner and Atherosclerosis and Coronary Heart Disease

If the dinner diet is biased towards high fat and high calorie, it can cause high cholesterol and accumulate in the arterial wall, causing atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. A major cause of atherosclerosis; another main cause of atherosclerosis is the deposition of calcium in the blood vessel wall.

Therefore, the rich food, gourmet food, satiety and late dinner are one of the main causes of cardiovascular disease.

>8 、Dinner and fatty liverAnd the concentration of fatty acids will accelerate the synthesis of fat, coupled with the small amount of activity at night, it will also accelerate the transformation of fat, and it is easy to form fatty liver.

9. Dinner and acute pancreatitis

Overeating at dinner, coupled with drinking alcohol, can easily induce acute pancreatitis, and severe cases may even cause shock and sudden death during sleep.

10. Dinner and Alzheimer’s disease

If you eat too much dinner for a long time, the stomach and surrounding areas will be affected during sleep. The liver, gallbladder, pancreas and other organs are still in operation, so that the brain cannot rest, and the blood supply to the brain is also insufficient, which in turn affects the normal metabolism of brain cells and accelerates the aging of brain cells.

According to statistics, gourmets who often eat well in their youth have a 20% or more chance of developing Alzheimer’s disease in old age.

11. Dinner and Sleep Quality

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A full meal and a full meal at dinner will inevitably cause the stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder, pancreas and other organs to continue to work during sleep and transmit information to the brain, so that the brain It is always in a state of excitement, which leads to dreams and insomnia.

It will lead to neurasthenia and other diseases in the long run.

Nowadays, most people only have time to enjoy a good meal in the evening, and dinner is usually the most hearty.

5 ​​Unhealthy Dinners

1. Too much processed meat

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Barbecue is the protagonist of many “carnivores” at the dinner table. However, eating too much red sausage, barbecue, etc. for dinner is not only poor nutrition, but also affects digestion.

In addition, eating meat and vegetables for dinner is in vogue, which can easily lead to obesity and even increase the risk of breast cancer, colorectal cancer and other malignant tumors. Therefore, dinner should be kept away from barbecue as far as possible, and try to use methods with less oil and less salt such as stewing, boiling, and stewing.

2. Excessive drinking

Alcohol can make the body’s nervous system from excited to highly inhibited, and in severe cases, it can damage the normal function of the nervous system.

Although the concentration of beer is lower than that of white wine, after entering the stomach, it can reduce the secretion of prostaglandin E from the stomach wall, causing congestion and edema of the gastric mucosa, and appetite Decreased, epigastric distention.

Drinking liquor and beer together is even more terrifying. It will accelerate the penetration of alcohol in liquor throughout the body and damage the liver, stomach, intestines, kidneys and other organs. It is very easy to have accidents in sleep.

3, no dinner

In the weight loss circle, “no food after noon” is very popular. This kind of eating habit not only fails to lose weight, but also damages health. The emptying time of food in the stomach is about 4 to 6 hours. After emptying, the stomach will continue to secrete gastric acid. If there is no food neutralization, gastric acid will erode the gastric mucosa for a long time.

Especially people who work overtime consume a lot of energy, and skipping dinner will keep the nerves excited and not get a normal rest, which will affect the efficiency of work and study the next day.

4. Too spicy

Eat spicy food for dinner There are two major disadvantages:

First, chili, pepper, pepper, garlic, ginger and other ingredients are very harmful to the stomach;

< span> Second, the irritating properties such as capsaicin contained in peppers will stimulate the tip of the human tongue, and then stimulate the central nervous system of the brain and nerve endings in various parts of the body, resulting in faster heartbeat, increased body temperature and longer-term excitement, leading to late sleep. and poor sleep quality.

Therefore, spicy food is a dinner minefield, which is very important for people suffering from stomatitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, peptic ulcer, gastroenteritis, cholecystitis, chronic pancreatitis and People with diseases such as high blood pressure are even more off limits.

5. Crude

Desserts are mostly high-sugar (or high-starch), high-fat foods, such as cookies, cheesecake, and chocolate chip cookies.

Excessive intake of sugar or fat at night will greatly reduce the amount of exercise compared to the daytime, which may easily lead to obesity; the metabolism of refined sugars in the body will consume vitamins and minerals, so eating refined sugar often Sugar can cause nutritional problems such as vitamin, calcium, and potassium deficiencies.

How to Make a Healthy Dinner

First, dinner until 70% full

Seven points of fullness should be a feeling: the stomach is not yet full, but the enthusiasm for food has declined, and the speed of active eating Also noticeably slower, but habitually still want to eat more.

When you are 70% full, put down your chopsticks in time. Smaller plates and rice bowls can be used at dinner to help control the size of your meals. Don’t eat while watching TV, half-hearted easy to eat too much.

Second, a light dinner should be eaten

a lot Office workers don’t have time to eat well during the day and want to eat more dinner to make up for it, which is even more detrimental to health. Congee and side dishes are a good choice for dinner. You can also eat a small amount of meat, but fish and lean meat are better.

Third, the dinner should focus on nutritional supplements

Dinner is a great time to “fill in the gaps” for the day’s nutrition. For example, if you don’t eat whole grains for breakfast and lunch, you can steam sweet potatoes, pumpkins or a bowl of multigrain porridge in the evening… Be careful not to overeat and drink, and supplement in moderation.

Fourth, don’t be too late for dinner

According to modern people’s work and rest time, it is more appropriate to eat dinner at 5:00 to 7:00 pm, and try to keep regular meals every day. If dinner is eaten too late, it will increase the burden on digestion and affect the quality of sleep.

If an office worker needs to work overtime, it is best to eat after work.

Fifth, it’s best to have less entertainment for dinner

Chinese people are accustomed to socializing at night. If they cannot be pushed away, they can add a little of each item to their plate when serving, and stop adding food after eating, or put down their chopsticks and stop eating halfway through the meal, which is helpful. Control your food intake.