A family of four in Guangdong ate this game and nearly died! To cure millions of people can only sell a house

Spring is blooming, and many families choose to go out for an outing.

Some people, especially Cantonese people who love to cook soup, also like to pick some wild plants to cook soup and cook during their outings.

But if you’re not careful, these “wild vegetables” can kill your whole family!

The doctor’s observation record “My White Coat” tells about such a case, which can be said to be a painful lesson.

A family of four ate “poisonous mushrooms”, and 3 people suffered severe liver and kidney damage

At 12:00 p.m. on March 22, the emergency department of Shenzhen People’s Hospital received four special patients:

A couple in their 30s and the woman’s parents.

The woman and her mother were pale and weakly lying on the hospital bed; the father had developed liver failure and was sent to the ICU for treatment. Among the four people, only the man was walking around freely, which seemed to be relatively normal.

The whole family was admitted to the hospital at the same time. What was wrong?

It turned out that on March 21, the family of four went to climb Wutong Mountain, and the two old people could not climb halfway up the mountain.

Because of boredom, the two old men wandered around, picked some wild mushrooms by the way, and made a pot of soup when they got home.

It is understood that at that time, the old man just thought that “this kind of mushroom is very familiar, and it is very similar to the mushrooms I usually pick in my hometown”, so I picked it back.

When cooking, I also used folk experience to add rice and peanuts to the soup, because “it is said that if the mushrooms are poisonous and boiled with rice and peanuts, the soup will turn black”.

Unexpectedly, the soup did not turn black in the end, but this little mushroom caused a big disaster-

After eating mushrooms, the family began to vomit and have diarrhea and went to Longgang District People’s Hospital for treatment.

The doctor prescribed montmorillonite powder and rehydration salts to treat diarrhea, but after taking it, the symptoms still did not improve.

On the 22nd, they were sent to the emergency department of Shenzhen People’s Hospital overnight. After examination, except for the man, the other three had severe liver and kidney damage, and the father, who was more seriously ill, was even sent to the ICU!

The man with the mildest symptoms said he ate the least, with only a little mushroom and no soup.

When he first arrived at the hospital, the man’s liver and kidneys did not appear abnormal; but on the fourth day (March 25) after eating mushrooms, his liver function damage indicators also began to rise.

What exactly is a mushroom that is so poisonous?

Deputy chief physician of the emergency department, Gao Zhanliang, after careful inquiries, combined with their symptoms and examination results, came to the conclusion:

It turned out that the culprit behind the poisoning of the family was the deadly Amanita white poisonous fungus, commonly known as “white poisonous umbrella”.

Source: Zhanku Hailuo

So far, the “white poisonous umbrella” is the poisonous mushroom that caused the most deaths in Guangdong. This family was poisoned by eating the “white poisonous umbrella”.

What is a “white umbrella”

This mushroom is widely distributed throughout the country and is more common in summer and fall, often under trees in forests.

Many people think that only brightly colored mushrooms are poisonous, but they are wrong.

Don’t look at the white poisonous umbrella, disguised as a “white lotus”, but it contains highly poisonous amanitapeptides and poisonous peptides.

Among them, the amanita peptides are extremely toxic. A 50 g of Amanita muscaria contains about 5~7 mg of toxins, which is enough to poison an adult weighing 60 kg. [1]

These toxins are harmful to the human body:

1. Mainly damages liver cell nucleus and hepatocyte endoplasmic reticulum, leading to acute liver inflammation, degeneration, hemorrhage and necrosis;

2. Gastrointestinal congestion and edema, bleeding;

3. Heart damage, myocardial cells appear cloudy, swollen, fatty degeneration;

4. Cerebral edema, hyperemia and spotting hemorrhage.

Therefore, eating white poisonous umbrella can lead to the failure of various organs in the human body, and the mortality rate is as high as 50% to 90%.

What are the symptoms after eating Amanita muscaria?

What’s more frightening is that the white umbrella does not make you sick immediately, there will be an incubation period of 0.5 to 12 hours, after which symptoms will gradually appear.

As Dr. Gao Zhanliang said:

The Shenzhen family of four realized the seriousness of the problem only on the second night after eating mushrooms and were sent to the emergency department of Shenzhen People’s Hospital overnight.

But at this time, the old man, whose liver is not very good, has developed liver failure and needs to be treated with artificial liver technology (that is, the use of an external artificial device to replace the liver detoxification, and the method of “exchange blood” The woman and her mother also suffered severe liver and kidney damage, and the woman was later sent to the ICU.

Special reminder, if you have the following symptoms (even if there is only one) [2] after eating mushrooms, you must go to the hospital immediately, time is life!

1. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea

2. Dizziness, fatigue, sweating, chest tightness

3. Pain in the liver area, enlargement of the liver, yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes (indicating liver damage)

4. Hematuria, low back pain, percussion pain in the kidney area (indicating kidney damage)

5. Soy sauce colored urine, oliguria

6. Hematemesis, melena (indicating gastrointestinal bleeding)

7. Difficulty breathing

8. Confusion, coma, convulsions

What to do after accidentally ingesting “white poison umbrella”

Unfortunately and terribly, there is currently no specific antidote for Amanita muscaria poisoning.

Doctors can only use physical methods such as gastric lavage to expel toxins from the body as soon as possible, and also perform fluid rehydration therapy for poisoned patients to prevent dehydration, and blood purification for patients with severe liver and kidney damage.

In this case, although the man had only tasted one or two mushrooms, he also had diarrhea. To be on the safe side, the doctor conducted a comprehensive test on his liver, kidney, and heart function indicators.

At the beginning, the man’s liver and kidney function did not appear abnormal. But doctors did not take it lightly.

Although it has been 2 days since the incident, the man has no toxins in his stomach, but Dr. Gao Zhanliang said that the toxins will have a “enterohepatic circulation”

Part of the toxins in the stomach are absorbed into the liver, and then absorbed and excreted into the intestinal tract through bile; and then backflow from the intestinal tract into the stomach, absorbed into the liver, and circle back and forth.

As a result, doctors still recommend that men do a gastric lavage now, and then oral medicinal activated charcoal.

When bile toxins are excreted into the intestines or refluxed into the stomach, they are adsorbed by activated charcoal and finally excreted in the stool.

The doctor’s judgment proved to be extremely correct:

After 2 days, the man also developed liver and kidney functioncan damage.

If he hadn’t listened to the doctor at that time, he would have been unwilling to drink that black and unpleasant bottle of “antidote” if he was beaten to death. The consequences would be disastrous!

Here is a reminder:

If someone around you has symptoms of poisoning after eating mushrooms, be sure to send it to the hospital immediately and induce vomiting and gastric lavage!

Others who eat mushrooms with even if there are no signs of poisoning should go to the hospital. If possible, keep food so that the cause of poisoning can be determined.

White poisonous umbrella, the number one killer in the mushroom world!

Some people think that these terrible things are far away, but in reality they are all around us.

White poisonous umbrellas have been found in Fenghuang Mountain in Baoan, Shenzhen, Biling in Pingshan, and Wutong Mountain mentioned this time. They are known as “the number one poisonous mushroom killer in Guangdong”.

In the rainy season, cases of mushroom poisoning occur from time to time. For example, last year, three citizens of Huizhou, Guangdong picked some mushrooms on the mountain and took them home to two friends. As a result, the 5 people were poisoned successively, and 3 of them developed multiple organ dysfunction!

Despite the news coverage, similar tragedies happen almost every year.

Some people say: “The old tune is played every year, and accidents happen every year!”

Don’t just use it as a pastime after dinner, forget about it.

Be aware that behind every poisoning incident is a broken family. A mere small plate of mushrooms has to pay an unbearable price for it.

In this case, the cost of treatment for a family of four was at least $1 million. Hearing this huge number, the wife was at a loss for a while.

Husband proposes: sell the house. The wife bowed her head and was silent for a moment. But in the face of the lives of relatives, what is money?

My mother wiped away tears when she heard it. The father has been in the intensive care unit overnight. Maybe they all secretly regret and blame themselves, but more of them are heartbroken.

However, the family can still grit their teeth and pay for the treatment.

What about those who cannot afford high medical bills?

If more people understand the common sense of health, the occurrence of tragedies can be radically reduced.

On March 25, the family’s condition has not improved. The woman was also admitted to the ICU; the transaminase level of the old man (an index of liver function, normal level 0~400/L) increased from >1000/L at the beginning to >3000/L, while the old lady increased to 1000~2000/L.

Sincerely pray for their speedy recovery.

Finally a piece of advice:

For the safety of yourself and your family, don’t eat mushrooms of unknown origin, and don’t pick “game” on the mountain at will.

Because you don’t know, is this a gift from nature or a poison to warn us.

Tragedies over and over again tell us a truth: “Fear life, fear nature!”

*The content of this article is for the popularization of health knowledge. It cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment recommendation, nor can it replace the face-to-face consultation of a licensed physician. It is for reference only.

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