Why do boys stink when they sweat, but girls rarely smell like sweat? the reason is here

Have a good boyfriend

Go to work refreshingly during the day

The smell of sweat at night will return home

The same is crowded on the bus

Standing among a group of men and among a group of women

Men’s Sweat VS Women’s Sweat

Is it really different?

The smell of sweat is heavy, is there a solution?


It is an important means for the body to regulate body temperature

Whether man or woman

99% of sweat is actually water

Human sweat

Thanks to two great heroes[1]

● Eccrine sweat glands (eccrine glands)

There are millions of them, all over the skin

Most on palms and feet

● Apocrine sweat glands (apocrine glands)

Mainly distributed in the armpit, areola, anus and perineum, etc.

Enclose damp areas

And sweat mixed with odor

It is mainly the bacteria in the sweat glands that are making trouble

Especially in places with many apocrine glands

There are a lot of fungus communities here

As soon as it encounters sweat, it is rancidized by bacterial enzymes

Producing carboxylic acid and sulfide gas

Smells so bad…

Look! A group of bacteria is dancing on the grave

(Source: BBC documentary “Life on the Human Body”)

And the hands, face and other parts

No matter how much you sweat, it usually doesn’t stink

Because they are exposed

Not easy to breed bacteria


The smell of a sweaty “smelly man”

Mainly armpits, chest, feet, etc.

Bacteria-rich parts

A person with high oil secretion

Also more prone to sweat odor

Especially the scalp and other parts

The smell of sweat! Who! by! have to! !


People smell the same way and have similar ingredients

only the concentration is different

Then why do we always think men stink?

Currently, scientists propose these possibilities [2-4]

1. Women’s “Special” Features

Women are not only better at detecting odors

Also more sensitive to odors on the opposite sex

2. Men’s apocrine glands are more developed than women’s

Human body odor is mainly emitted by the apocrine glands

apocrine glands are greatly affected by androgen stimulation[8]

And from puberty

Men have higher androgen levels than women

So men’s body odor is naturally heavier

3. Interference by dietary factors

Some men prefer smoking and drinking

Also has a greater impact on body odor

Research also found that meat intake

Changes the composition and secretion of fatty acids in the armpit[5]

Meat eater, take it easy~

Eating too much food like peppers, onions, garlic, etc.

Also affects body odor

Men and women should pay attention~

4. Living habits

Girls love cleanliness, bathe and change clothes frequently

Bacteria multiply naturally too slowly

Girls like to spray perfume and apply skin care products

covers body odor to some extent

Sensitivity to “smell”

In the end, it’s a more personal experience

It carries the pheromone of human emotions

affected by emotion and subjective feelings

A girl on the Internet shared her own experience

Oh, a fickle woman~

Many animals choose mates by smell

Smell is an exchange of pheromones[6]

(Source: BBC documentary Life on the Human Body)


Maybe your boyfriend smells “stinky”

It is his unique masculinity~

(Source: giphy.com)

In order to reduce the number of times the “smelly sweaters” are disliked

On the principle of saving money and effort

Please keep this Guide to Removing Sweat and Odor

1. Rinse carefully

Remember these areas to focus on cleaning

Scalp, underarms, pubic area (especially for women)

2. Clothes that absorb sweat

Summer can choose cotton material clothes

Boys wear a vest

Easier to dissipate heat and sweat

3. Deodorant focus – armpits and feet: antibacterial + antiperspirant

You can use antibacterial soap

Pre-spray antiperspirant (especially in the armpits)

You can also use desiccants containing zinc oxide powder, talcum powder

Change socks frequently for sweaty feet

4. Eat less food that stimulates sweating

Put down the glass and cigarette butts

Stay away from spicy, strong-smelling foods

Of course, if the sweat smells bad

with a sufficient budget

You can also visit the hospital dermatologist

Doctors may recommend medication

For example, underarm injection of botulinum toxin inhibits sweat gland secretion

However, this therapy can only last for a short period of 2-8 months

Severe patients if medication fails

The doctor may recommend surgery to remove the apocrine glands

To achieve the purpose of radical cure

Finally, we also summarize a few sweating problems that men and women are concerned about, let’s take a look at the answers!

1. Can sweating detoxify?

There is no poison in sweat. Remember, the only physiological meaning of sweating is to “dissipate heat” and keep a person’s body temperature constant at around 37°C. Do not believe the claim that sweating and steaming can detoxify!

2. Excessive sweating during exercise is good for the skin?

Many people feel that their complexion is smooth and their skin is tender and smooth after exercising and sweating a lot. This is because the excretion of a large amount of sweat increases the hydration of the skin surface, which is only a short-term effect. After a while, how should the skin be?

Of course, exercise is a good thing, and being able to sweat while exercising is a plus. However, deliberately pursuing sweating and wearing sweaty clothes may lead to hypokalemia and limb weakness due to excessive sweating [9].

3. Can I take a shower immediately after exercising and sweating?

It is recommended that after exercising, take a half-hour rest before taking a shower. Immediately after exercising, the blood vessels of the human skin expand. If you take a bath immediately, it will cause the skin blood vessels to constrict, which will block heat dissipation and increase body temperature.

You might as well take a bath before taking a bath. It is best to use warm water, about 39°C in summer (at room temperature of 25°C in the bathroom) and about 42°C in winter (at room temperature of 14°C in the bathroom). [10].

4. Does sweating a lot mean that the body is “empty”?

In fact, most people suffer from “increased physiological sweating”, such as sweating a lot during exams, when a date is tense, sweating a lot when eating, and sweating a lot on the palms and feet. It’s normal and has nothing to do with the disease.

However, diabetic patients should be careful, 50% of type 1 diabetic patients have sweating disorders, and if sweating is significantly increased, blood sugar needs to be monitored [7].

If at normal room temperature, if you sweat so much that the sheets and bedding must be changed, it may be the so-called “night sweat”, also known as drenching sweat, and it is recommended to go to the hospital Further examination. Because this may be related to infectious diseases (most commonly tuberculosis), neurological diseases, tumors, hyperthyroidism, etc.

So, today, have you been “stinky” by a man?


[1]Chen Fuhuan, Song Huifeng, Wang Tongmin, He Xiuye, Yue Xiaotong. Research progress of sweat gland cells in human skin trauma and repair [J]. Chinese Aesthetic Medicine, 2015,24(19 ):73-77.

[2]Probst F, Fischbacher U, Lobmaier JS, Wirthmüller U, Knoch D. Men’s preferences for women’s body odours are not associated with human leucocyte antigen. Proc Biol Sci. 2017 Oct 11; 284(1864).

[3]Clutton-Brock TH, Parker GA. 1992. Potential reproductive rates and the operation of sexual selection. Q. Rev. Biol. 67, 437C456.

[4]Trivers R. 1972. Parental investment and sexual selection. In Sexual selection and the descent of man (ed. Campbell B, editor. ), pp. 136C179. Chicago, IL: Aldine-Atherton.

[5]Havlicek J, Lenochova P. The effect of meat consumption on body odor attractiveness[J]. Chem Senses, 2006, 31(8): 747752.

[6] Tai Fadao, Sun Ruyong. Human odor and its function[J]. Advances in Physiological Science, 2002(01):61-64.

[7] Xu Manyin, editor-in-chief. Diabetes 2nd Edition [M]. Shanghai Science and Technology Press: Shanghai, 2010: 435-445.

[8] Martin A, Hellhammer J, Hero T, et al. Effective prevention of stressinduced sweating and axillary malodour formation in teenagers[J]. International journal of cosmetic science, 2011, 33( 1): 90-97.

[9] He Zongyi, He Qiongfeng, Deng Cuijuan, et al. Clinical study of 326 cases of hypokalemiaAnalysis[J]. Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2004, 5(10): 45-45.

[10]Kawahara Y, Nagata M, Niimi Y, et al. Effects of bath water and bathroom temperatures on human thermoregulatory function and thermal perception during half-body bathing in winter[J]. Environmental Ergonomics, 2005, 3: 171-76.

*The content of this article is for the popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment suggestion, nor can it replace the face-to-face consultation of a licensed physician, and is for reference only.

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