Delicious and lazy

What were you doing when you were 16? Some people are lying in hospital beds, and their lives are counted down.

Yin Yongfang, the attending physician of the Gastrointestinal Surgery Department of the First Hospital of Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, has never seen a patient as young as Xiaohan (pseudonym), but the 16-year-old Hua Ji girl has advanced gastric cancer. When Dr. Yin arranged the operation for Xiaohan, the colleague in the operating room even thought that the patient’s age was written wrongly, so they called to ask.

Xiaohan developed abdominal pain and loss of appetite about half a year ago. Later, it became more and more serious, and he was unable to eat until he went to the hospital for examination. The results of the examination were surprising.

After learning about the illness, Xiaohan’s parents regretted that they didn’t accompany and care for Xiaohan. It turned out that Xiaohan’s parents worked outside all the year round, and before, they could only compensate Xiaohan with money. And Xiaohan did not develop the habit of eating three meals a day, and often replaced three meals a day with spicy strips, instant noodles, and grilled skewers…

I. Early gastric cancer is neither painful nor itchy, and 80% of patients are found in the middle and late stages

my country is a country with a high incidence of gastric cancer. However, according to relevant data, the diagnosis of early gastric cancer in my country The rate is still lower than 20%, and the 5-year survival rate of gastric cancer patients is only 27.4%. Many gastric cancer patients are in an advanced state like Xiaohan when they go to the doctor.

Early gastric cancer is not painful or itchy, and only has symptoms when it grows big enough!

Tian Yantao, chief physician of the Department of Abdominal, Pancreatic and Stomach Surgery, Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, said that most gastric cancers do not experience discomfort in the early stage. The function of the stomach is mainly to temporarily “storage compartment” and digest it. When the tumor grows large enough, it occupies the original position of the stomach organ, then the stomach will be like a pile of indigested food, so patients with advanced gastric cancer will have symptoms such as bloating and vomiting.

Second, if these symptoms occur when eating, you need to be alert to stomach cancer to knock on the door

The stomach is the human body Important digestive organs, once a tumor grows, the most direct impact is reflected in digestion. So what are the symptoms?

1. The appetite disappeared after a few mouthfuls of obvious hunger.

Losing appetite is a common phenomenon in all gastric cancer patients. Originally, my stomach was empty, but after eating a few mouthfuls of food, I felt full and felt bloated.

2. Difficulty in eating and swallowing, retrosternal pain

Some patients have sternum pain and difficulty swallowing, even with semi-liquid food. hard to swallow. This is most likely caused by the fact that the lesion is located in the gastric fundus of the cardia, and this symptom often occurs in patients with gastritis or esophagitis.

3. Vomiting, acid reflux, heartburn

Affected by tumor, the function of gastric peristalsis is reduced Slow, so after eating, stomach acid may reflux into the esophagus, causing a series of uncomfortable symptoms such as acid reflux, heartburn, and vomiting.

4. Repeated abdominal pain

In the early stage of the disease, the patient will also have abdominal pain, abdominal distension and other phenomena. will gradually increase.

With the development of the tumor, the patient will also have symptoms such as hematemesis, gastrointestinal bleeding, melena, and weight loss; if the tumor involves the pancreatic capsule, the patient may also have symptoms such as low back and back Persistent pain with radiation; jaundice occurs if the tumor compresses the common bile duct, or if metastases to hilar lymph nodes develop.

Three, half of the world’s gastric cancer is in China, these bad habits that hurt the stomach should be corrected quickly

According to the latest global cancer burden in 2020 released by the World Health Organization Data show: In 2020, there were 478,000 new cases of gastric cancer in China, accounting for 43.9% of the global new cases, and 373,000 deaths, accounting for 48.5% of the global deaths. Why gastric cancer prefers to look for “Chinese”, which has a lot to do with Chinese people’s eating habits.

1. Heavy taste

A salty diet is a major cause of gastric cancer. Just like Xiaohan in the opening case, he did not develop the habit of eating three meals a day, and often replaced three meals a day with spicy strips, instant noodles, and grilled skewers, and these foods contain a lot of salt, such as instant noodles.

A survey conducted by the George Institute for Global Health in Australia found that instant noodles in China are the saltiest in the world, on average containing 8.6 grams of salt! It greatly exceeds the recommended amount of 6 grams per day in the Chinese Dietary Guidelines. Long-term high-salt diet, salt has a strong osmotic pressure, can cause damage to the gastric mucosa, thereby increasing the risk of gastric cancer.

2. Eating too fast, eating irregularly

Chinese life rhythm Faster, many people have the habit of swallowing like a “war” when they eat, and some people often eat irregularly because they are busy with work and study. These wrong eating behaviors will affect the physiological function of the gastric mucosa and the digestive function of the stomach, and can lead to an inflammatory reaction of the gastric mucosa.

3. Love to eat barbecue

First of all, there are food safety risks in the raw materials of barbecue. In order to make the barbecue delicious, some unlicensed businesses may They use unidentified meat for marinating, and use seasonings to cover up the original spoiled meat. In the process of barbecue, high temperature and smoke can also lead to the production of various carcinogens such as benzopyrene and heterocyclic amine. It can be seen that excessive consumption of barbecue will increase the incidence of gastric cancer.

4. Drinking

Alcohol is classified as a class by the World Health OrganizationLong-term alcohol consumption increases the risk of various cancers such as gastric cancer, liver cancer, bowel cancer, and oral cancer. Because of genetics, East Asians, including Chinese, are more likely to develop stomach cancer after drinking alcohol. A study by the University of Tokyo in Japan pointed out that because East Asians have mutations in the ALDH2 (acetaldehyde dehydrogenase 2) gene, even a small amount of alcohol is more likely to develop gastric cancer.

Of course, the occurrence of gastric cancer is the result of a combination of factors, and diet is only one aspect of possible influence. But this also gives feedback from the side. If we want to keep our stomachs healthy, we must start by adjusting our diet.


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[4]【Expert】Early gastric cancer is difficult to detect, why? .