It is recommended for sugar control and satiety food. It can be bought all year round. Have you eaten it today?

Sugar-controlling food, in addition to the well-known green leafy vegetables, don’t forget one food – it’s tofu, one year Available in all seasons.

3 reasons for recommending tofu for people with diabetes

First, tofu has a strong sense of satiety, is low in calories, and basically contains no carbohydrates. Studies have found that soybeans and their products are beneficial to Fasting blood glucose, insulin and glycated hemoglobin levels have no effect, so it is a recommended sugar control food.

Secondly, the soybean protein in tofu is vegetable protein, and it is also high-quality protein. Meat and fish are also high-quality protein, and eating tofu is more effective for blood lipids and body weight than eating poultry and meat. big benefit.

Thirdly, soybeans contain a variety of phytochemicals, such as soybean isoflavones and soybean saponins. These beneficial components are unique to soybeans and are useful in the prevention and treatment of diabetic complications, such as dyslipidemia, hypertension, vascular Disease, neuropathy, etc. have a certain role.

Will eating tofu damage kidney function or cause high uric acid and stones?


The protein of tofu, namely soy protein, is a high-quality protein. A diet rich in soy foods can help reduce the risk of developing and worsening chronic kidney disease

. And patients who already have diabetic nephropathy, on the premise of adhering to a high-quality low-protein diet, can also eat soy products in moderation.

It is believed that eating tofu will cause gout, mainly because tofu contains a lot of purine. Wheat germ, glutinous rice, as well as red beans, mung beans, peas, pinto beans and other miscellaneous beans, as well as soybean products, such as dried tofu, tofu skin, yuba, tofu, lactone tofu, and soy milk, vary according to the amount of purine in water content, but overall It is not a high-purine food. Patients with hyperuricemia can eat tofu, but they can temporarily not eat it during an acute gout attack.

As for the belief that eating tofu will cause stones, it may be that tofu is high in calcium. According to the analysis of stone composition, there is one type of stone containing calcium, and these patients can properly control tofu. However, most people do not eat too much tofu every day. The occurrence of stones is caused by a combination of complex factors, not just eating tofu will cause stones.

How to eat tofu to control sugar and satiety

1. Tofu is added with various vegetables to make soup

For example, add a little vegetable oil and put it in the pot. Add chopped green onion and stir-fry until fragrant, then add appropriate amount of water, when the water boils, add diced tofu, loofah pieces, and season with refined salt.

2. Steam or roast tofu with dipping sauces

Such as tofu cut into thick long cubes and roasted until light yellow. Dip the tofu dregs, fried cornmeal and salt as a dip.

Do you have any other delicious ways to eat tofu, leave a message and share it!