2022 National Day for the Prevention and Treatment of Iodine Deficiency Diseases – Smart Life and Healthy Road, the First Step of Scientific Iodine Supplementation

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May 15, 2022 is the 29th “Iodine Deficiency Prevention Day” in my country. The first step in iodine supplementation”. It aims to publicize and popularize the knowledge of iodine deficiency disease prevention and scientific iodine supplementation, focus on publicizing the role of iodine on the brain development of fetuses and infants, guide the whole society to actively participate in the prevention and treatment of iodine deficiency diseases, improve the health of the people, and contribute to the construction of a healthy China.

Iodine Deficiency Disease Day 2022 >

Propaganda core message

First, iodine is Micronutrients essential for human metabolism and growth


Iodine is an essential micronutrient for metabolism and growth. The main raw material for the synthesis of thyroid hormones.


Thyroid hormones participate in the body’s metabolism, maintain the normal function of all organs, and promote the growth and development of the human body, especially the brain.


Children’s brain development begins when the mother is pregnant. The fetus and infancy (0 to 3 years old) are critical periods for a child’s brain development. If the child is deficient in iodine in the fetal period and infancy, it will affect the normal development of the brain, and cause serious cretinism, deafness, intellectual impairment, etc.


All the iodine needed by the fetus comes from the mother. Insufficient iodine nutrition in pregnant women will cause fetal iodine deficiency. Severe iodine deficiency during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage, premature birth, stillbirth, and congenital malformations.


The iodine requirement of pregnant and breastfeeding women is significantly higher than that of the general population, and an appropriate amount of iodine needs to be supplemented in time.


Iodine deficiency in adults may lead to hypothyroidism, fatigue, lack of concentration, and reduced work efficiency.

Second, eating iodized salt is the easiest, safe and effective way to prevent iodine deficiency disorders


Iodine deficiency disease is a general term for a series of diseases that occur due to insufficient iodine intake in the human body due to iodine deficiency in the external environment. Before the elimination of iodine deficiency disorders in my country in 2000, 5% to 15% of children in iodine deficiency wards had mild intellectual disability (IQ 50 to 69), and 6.6‰ of them suffered from endemic cretinism, which seriously affected the quality of the local population.


Iodine deficiency can be prevented, and the easiest, safe and effective way to prevent it is to consume iodized salt.


The external environment (water, soil, etc.) in most parts of my country is almost deficient in iodine, especially in mountainous areas, hills, river valleys, desertified areas and Iodine deficiency is more serious in areas washed by rivers. The status quo of iodine deficiency in the external environment is difficult to change. If iodine supplementation is stopped, the iodine stored in the human body can be maintained for up to 3 months. Therefore, it is necessary to insist on eating iodized salt for a long time.


Since 2016, my country has carried out full coverage monitoring in counties every year. The results show that the population iodine nutrition is generally within the appropriate range.

Third, there is currently no direct evidence that consumption of iodized salt or increased iodine intake is associated with the occurrence of thyroid cancer


In recent years, the incidence of thyroid cancer has been increasing regardless of whether iodine supplementation measures are taken in major countries in the world, and whether the iodine intake is increased, stable or decreased. The increase in microscopic carcinomas with a diameter of less than 1.0 cm was the mainstay.


A considerable number of thyroid microcarcinomas have the characteristics of indolent progression, low malignancy and good prognosis. Patients should follow the clinician’s request for correct treatment or follow-up observation.


Thyroid microcarcinomas have a high prevalence in the population, are occult and difficult to detect, and may accompany them for life. According to autopsy reports in many developed countries, the prevalence of undiscovered thyroid cancer is as high as 5.6% to 35.6%, of which microscopic cancer accounts for 67%.


Studies suggest that the current “epidemic” of thyroid cancer is partly attributable to thyroid screening, combined with the widespread availability of high-resolution B-ultrasound. Overdiagnosis of occult or microcarcinomas resulting from application.