How much water should I drink? How much fat is fat? 1 minute, memorize 9 healthy numbers in life!

You know best if you are feeling well or not. But whether the body is healthy or not, many people are not sure.

For example, how many glasses of water should I drink every day? How much weight is really fat? These questions are always annoying.

Actually, many “health codes” of the body have been researched in medicine, and I will explain it once today.

Hyperuricemia is a metabolic disease that ranks among the “four highs” in recent years. I believe everyone is familiar with it.

But if you still think that the diagnostic criteria are different for men and women (more than 420 μmol/L for men and more than 360 μmol/L for women), then it is really out.

“China Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Hyperuricemia and Gout (2019)” updated the diagnostic criteria and unified the diagnostic criteria for men and women [1].

In any case, if the blood uric acid exceeds the standard, in addition to taking medicine, it is very important to control diet and strengthen exercise.

Summer is here, how can people with high uric acid or gout drink beverages? The answers are all here~

Eat 250~400g of cereals and potatoes every day, including 50~150g of whole grains and beans (such as adzuki beans, mung beans, kidney beans, etc.), 50~150g of potatoes (potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc.) 100g[1].

Eat more fruits and vegetables, preferably half of the total amount of food, dark vegetables should account for 1/2 of the total amount of vegetables, so that there are vegetables in every meal, and fruits are eaten every day.

Consume more milk, and moderate amounts of fish, poultry, eggs, and lean meat. When preparing food, try to make the food as “colorful” as possible, which is both appetizing and nutritious.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

We often hear “drink eight glasses of water a day.” But how much water is eight glasses of water? How big is a cup? Want to fill a cup?

The cups mentioned here are generally 250mL cups, but if you really drink these eight cups, you may have “drinked too much”.

The human body needs about 2200mL of water a day, which is when the food contains 1000mL of water.

Therefore, the amount of water you drink depends on the situation.

Under normal circumstances, drinking 7~8 cups (250mL) 80% full (200mL) of water is enough;

If you eat a lot of juicy vegetables or fruits, you can drink 5~6 cups, which is equivalent to two 550mL bottles of purified water;

If you drink coffee or alcohol, the body will lose water, so it is recommended to drink more water;

Drink more water at ordinary times. After exercising, drink an extra glass of water than usual to replenish the lost water.

How much sugar and how much oil is appropriate to eat every day? The answer is 25g! It is equivalent to scooping out 5 scoops.

If you eat too much sugar or oil every day, all kinds of problems will basically come up.

For example, eating too much sugar can easily lead to tooth decay, obesity, diabetes, premature aging, etc.

If you eat too much oil, it will cause obesity, hyperlipidemia, arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease and other problems…

So, for the health of yourself and those around you, eat less sugar and oil!

Eating too much sugar can easily lead to tooth decay. An important way to prevent tooth decay is to brush your teeth!

But are you brushing your teeth right? If you want to maintain oral hygiene, you should brush your teeth at least twice a day, rinse your mouth after meals, and if conditions permit, brush your teeth after lunch.

Currently recommended is the Pasteur brushing method (horizontal flutter brushing method), each tooth surface should be brushed, a total of about 80 tooth surfaces, and 2~3 teeth are brushed each time , Only a dozen times of small vibrations can clean the teeth, that is to say, it takes at least 3 minutes to clean the mouth full of teeth [3].

Good teeth and good appetite. But it’s easy to eat fat if you’re not careful. So how fat is fat?

In clinical practice, body mass index (BMI) is most commonly used to judge.

BMI=weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared

When the BMI reaches 24, it is already overweight. When the number reaches 28, it has reached the standard of obesity [4]. Obesity is a disease, and it must be treated!

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

In addition to BMI, the World Health Organization recommends using waist-to-hip ratio as a criterion for upper body obesity.

Waist-to-hip ratio is the ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference. Typically, the smaller the value, the better. When the waist-hip ratio reaches 0.9 for men and 0.8 for women, it means that the abdomen stores too much fat, which can be called abdominal obesity [4].

When it comes to obesity, it has to be mentioned that exercise, daily moderate-intensity exercise, is good for health.

So, what is moderate-intensity exercise? The subjective feeling is that the heart rate increases slightly during exercise, and the body sweats slightly. It is usually measured in the form of target heart rate in clinical practice.

target heart rate = heart rate for moderate-intensity aerobic exercise = maximum heart rate x 60% or 70%.

Maximum heart rate=207-0.7×age[6].

For example, a 40-year-old youth has a maximum heart rate of 179. Then when it reaches more than 60% of it, 108 times/min is considered moderate intensity, but it cannot exceed 126 times/min.

And these exercises can be indoor sports such as running, brisk walking, and squatting.

Many people know that it is healthy to sleep 7-8 hours at night, the elderly are slightly shorter, and too little or too much sleep will be detrimental to health [7].

But what’s the best time to take a nap? The answer may surprise you.

The healthiest nap time is actually 15 minutes[8]!

A study of naps in the Chinese population showed that, among all people, the risk of metabolic syndrome was the lowest when taking a nap of about 15 minutes, and the risk of metabolic syndrome was only mild when taking a nap of 15 to 45 minutes. The degree of metabolic syndrome increased, but the risk of metabolic syndrome increased significantly after naps of more than 45 minutes [8].

Research results in Japan also proved that nap time of more than 60 minutes will lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases [9]. Therefore, 15 to 40 minutes is appropriate, and it should not exceed 1 hour at most.

After talking about bedtime, do you know that after going to bed, there is one thing that should not be done more than once a night.

This is what we often call “getting up at night.”

In normalDuring sleep, the frequency of waking up is 0 to 1 time. If the frequency of getting up at night is ≥ 2, it may be insomnia [10], or “nocturia”. Nocturia is one of the common lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), with a high incidence rate, which seriously affects the quality of life of patients, and often leads to complications such as depression, cognitive dysfunction, emotional disturbance, and fall injury [10].

The etiology and pathophysiological mechanism of nocturia are complex. If you wake up twice or more for a long time, you should find out the cause as soon as possible and get active treatment.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo


Liang Dong |Associate Researcher of National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment

Liu Fangxun | Attending Physician of Comprehensive Internal Medicine Clinic, Department of Special Needs, Peking University International Hospital


[1] Chinese guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of hyperuricemia and gout (2019)[J]. Chinese Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2020(01):1-2.

[2] Chinese Nutrition Society. Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents [M]. 1. Beijing: People’s Health Publishing House, 2016.

[3]Li Gang. Guidelines for Oral Health of Chinese Residents[M]. China Medical Science and Technology Press, 2010.

[4] China Overweight and Obesity Medical Nutrition Treatment Expert Consensus Writing Committee. Chinese Overweight/Obesity Medical Nutrition Treatment Expert Consensus (2016 Edition) [J]. Chinese Journal of Diabetes, 2016,8(09 ):525-540.

[5] Cai Meiqin. Public Nutrition [M]. China Traditional Chinese Medicine Press, 2006.

[6] Fu Hua. Preventive Medicine [M]. 7. Beijing: People’s Health Publishing House, 2018.

[7]Jancin B. Sleep: The new frontier in cardiovascular prevention[J]. Cardiology News, 2018,3.

[8]Jun H, Feiyun O, Dan Q, et al. Association of Nap Duration after Lunch with Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in a Chinese Government Employee Population[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(12).

[9]Yamada T, Hara K, Shojima N, et al. Daytime Napping and the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and All-Cause Mortality: A Prospective Study and Dose-Response Meta-Analysis. [J]. Sleep, 2015, 38(12).

[10] Zhang Peng, Li Yanpeng, Wu Huijuan, et al. Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of adult insomnia in China (2017 edition)[J]. Chinese Journal of Neurology, 2018,51(05):324 -335.

[11]Wang Jianye, Liao Limin, Xu Kexin, et al. Chinese expert consensus on clinical diagnosis and treatment of nocturia[J]. Chinese Journal of Urology, 2018,39(08):561-564.

*The content of this article is for the popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment suggestion, nor can it replace the face-to-face consultation of a licensed physician, and is for reference only.

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