The “humidifier” in the fruit may be found out, reminding: people with heavy humidity, do not eat if they can

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that all diseases originate from dampness, and it is most difficult to remove dampness in the body like oil entering the face. When the humidity in the body is too heavy, the normal qi machine of the body will be unable to operate, thus causing damage to various organs of the body.

If there is too much moisture in the body of women, spots and acne will appear on the face, edema and fat on the body;

If the body of men is too humid, the hair will fall out. Oily skin, eczema on the skin, and the growth of a big belly;

If the child has too much moisture in the body, the defecation will not be smooth, diarrhea, and the stool will not be formed;

If the humidity in the body of the elderly is too heavy, the legs and feet will become sore and weak, and often have backache and leg pain.

A lot of excess moisture is due to eating, so it is necessary to emphasize healthy eating. When it comes to healthy eating, many people think that it means eating more fruits. However, people with heavy moisture in the body also have to choose fruits. Not all fruits are suitable for consumption, especially the following kinds of fruits. The more you eat, the more moisture in your body will be aggravated.

The “humidifier” in the fruit was found out, people with heavy humidity, try to eat less

1 , Watermelon

Watermelon is the standard of summer, sweet and juicy, cool and refreshing. However, watermelon is a fruit with cold properties. If you eat too much, it will increase the moisture in the body, affect normal metabolism, and damage the spleen and stomach. Therefore, people with heavy moisture must eat less.

2. Dragon fruit

Dragon fruit is rich in dietary fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal motility, It helps the body to detoxify and has a certain weight-loss effect, so it is very popular among people who lose weight. However, dragon fruit is cold. If you eat too much, it will accumulate moisture in the body. If it cannot be discharged in time, it will damage your health.

3. Jackfruit

Jackfruit comes from the tropics and is a moist and hot fruit, so If you eat too much, it will increase the moisture, which will affect the hydration of the spleen and stomach. The more you eat, the more you will hurt the body. Therefore, jackfruit is called the king of moisture.

4. Bananas

The well-known properties of bananas are laxatives. Constipation will eat some bananas to improve. Few know that bananas are also cold fruits. If you eat too much, it will make the moisture in the body more serious and affect the healthy operation of the body’s organs, so people with spleen deficiency and dampness should usually eat less.

In summary, to avoid aggravation of moisture in the body, it is necessary to eat less watermelon, dragon fruit, jackfruit and banana. , You can insist on drinking hawthorn water, hawthorn can promote gastrointestinal digestion and accelerate the excretion of moisture from the body.

When drinking hawthorn water, you can add barley, which can speed up the excretion of damp toxins in the body, lower blood pressure and lower lipids, promote metabolism, lose weight, and help you easily eliminate big belly.

Female friends can also often drink some classic dampness-removing tea–Red bean and barley tea. Gardenia and other health ingredients, made according to the formula, can detoxify and beautify the body, remove moisture from the body, and also reduce fat and lose weight.

In addition to paying attention to diet, it is also necessary to adhere to aerobic exercise at ordinary times, which can improve the basal metabolic rate, accelerate the discharge of toxins and moisture, and improve the body’s immunity strength, enhance physical fitness. Aerobic exercise should be maintained for more than half an hour each time, five times a week, and the intensity of exercise should be slightly sweaty.

You can also tap the spleen meridian often. The spleen meridian is the meridian on the inner side of the calf. Tap it repeatedly from top to bottom a dozen times a day before going to bed. This is conducive to the circulation of the spleen meridian, promotes blood circulation, can better discharge excess water from the body, and helps to remove dampness and detoxification. .