Professor of Tongji University of Pharmacy publishes paper: Eating tangerine peel may prevent and cure new coronavirus

The new crown pneumonia epidemic is currently spreading around the world. As of 9:00 a.m. on April 8, it has caused 200 10,000 people were infected and more than 70,000 people died. China issued an early warning to the world 2 months in advance and made every effort to isolate, treat the infected, trace the suspected infected and a series of powerful measures to avoid the further spread of the epidemic, but when the epidemic in China Slowly improving, the cunning new crown virus has already spread quietly in other countries.

A img>Medical and scientific researchers all over the world are shouldering the responsibility for the prevention and treatment of new coronary pneumonia. This is a work that requires all researchers to work together to overcome all difficulties. It is necessary to share research results in a timely manner. Provide as much help as possible, discuss and exchange opinions in a timely manner. At present, discussions on the use of orange peel (orange peel) for the prevention and treatment of the new coronavirus are unfolding between Chinese and American scientists.

Previously, Professor Li Hua from Tongji School of Pharmacy, Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Wuya from Shenyang Pharmaceutical University The article “Analysis of therapeutic targets for SARS-CoV-2 and discovery of potential drugs by computational methods” co-published by Prof. Chen Lixia from the School of Innovation and Pharmacy was published in the English version of Chinese Journal of Pharmacy. hesperidin span>The interaction between RBD and ACE2 (the human receptor of 2019-nCoV) may be disrupted by binding to the S protein receptor binding domain (RBD) of 2019-nCoV< /span> This is the only compound that the researchers screened in the ZINC drug database, traditional Chinese medicine, and natural product data that can target the interface between S protein and ACE. In addition, hesperidin has a very good relationship with the 3C-like protease of the virus. Binding affinity [1].

Citrus peels are rich in hesperidin, including traditional Chinese medicines tangerine peel and Xinhui tangerine peel, Chinese medicines rich in hesperidin and orange red And the orange red and so on. Chenpi is also one of the main medicinal materials in the traditional Chinese medicine compound recommended in the “New Coronavirus Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Plan (Trial 7th Edition)” [2].

Hesperidin and SARS-CoV-2 S protein RBDup low-energy binding conformation >

Dr. Jeff Gruneich from the University of Pennsylvania is very interested in the research of Professor Li Hua on hesperidin, so he is very interested in the potential targeting of hesperidin to coronary A large number of literature researches have been carried out on the research, efficacy and safety, bioavailability, dosage, etc. of key targets of the virus, and the research results have been shared with scientists from all over the world, including Professor Li Hua, by email, hoping to conduct in-depth discussions and Get some advice.

Dr. Jeff Gruneich said that hesperetin is the main metabolite of the flavanone hesperidin, which is abundant in orange peel and orange peel . Hesperetin can inhibit the cleavage activity of SARS coronavirus 3C-like protease in a dose-dependent manner in cell culture (IC50 is 8.3 μM) [3]. Two other molecular docking studies also showed that hesperidin has very high binding affinity to 3C-like protease [4,5], S protein RBD and ACE2 [4].

Dr. Jeff Gruneich found through research literature that drinking 0.5L or 1L orange juice containing 444mg/L hesperidin, the peak plasma concentration of hesperetin 0.5 or 1.3 μM were reached within 5–7 hours, respectively [6]. Based on this calculation, it is impractical to drink 6-7L of orange juice per day to achieve a plasma concentration of 8.3 uM hesperetin, or to eat 25 oranges per day (without peels). However, some citrus fruits contain 1-2 g of hesperidin in the peel [6]. Assuming that an adult male weighs about 100kg or less, water accounts for about 60% of the body weight, so it is 60L of water, and to make the concentration of hesperetin reach 8.3uM in 60L, 498 uM is required. Assuming 100% conversion of hesperidin to hesperetin in the gut, 304 mg of hesperidin is required. The peel of each orange contains about 1.4g of hesperidin, which is enough to bring the concentration to 8.3uM. Grinding one to two oranges (with peels) into juice daily with a blender will provide enough hesperetin to suppress COVID-19 and also help suppress other downstream pathological changes due to immune responses and other causes. This is very easy for ordinary people to do, fast and cheap, and has no adverse reactions. It can be widely used immediately and the effect can be observed in time.

Professor Li Hua believes that Dr. Jeff Gruneich’s idea is basically non-toxic, orange peel And orange peel is actually a very common food and traditional Chinese medicine in China, the sugar soaked orange peel is very delicious and has a potential good effect on suppressing COVID-19, it is worth trying. In addition, eat kumquats with peel as the main edible part It is also a good choice.

Professor Ma Zhaocheng from Huazhong Agricultural University also said that in the use of COVID- 19 The Chinese medicine prescription guide for treatment involves tangerine peel, which has the effect of relieving cough clinically. In daily life, it is a very practical method to eat oranges with peel and chopped with a blender. You can try mixing several other traditional Chinese medicines (such as licorice, astragalus, cohosh, etc.) to drink. In the end, he recommended a Chinese herbal formula that has been proven effective: Bupleurum, Astragalus, Cimicifuga, Tianma, Muxiang, Scutellaria, ginseng , Achyranthes, Pinellia, Licorice (roasted), Dried Ginger, Red Dates.

Dr. Jeff Gruneich To You The professor’s reply thanked him and said that his wife, a pharmacist who grew up in Shanghai, regularly drank orange peels in tea. At the same time, Dr. Jeff Gruneich believes that vegetables such as broccoli and onions also contain orange peels. Vegetarian-like flavonoids, such as quercetin, which also inhibit the virus, are inexpensive vegetables easily available to millions of people who may be infected in the next few weeks. Dr. Jeff Gruneich also said he will further Promote the anti-coronavirus clinical research of hesperidin.

This discussion between Chinese and American scientists is very interesting Meaning, traditional Chinese medicine has played a very important role in the fight against the new crown epidemic this time. As a representative of traditional Chinese medicine, tangerine peel (orange peel/orange peel) has attracted the attention of American researchers and will be promoted to more people, which is very important for traditional Chinese medicine. Global dissemination has played a positive role.

References:< /p>

[1]Wu, C.R., Liu, Y., Yang ,Y.Y., Zhang, P., Zhong, W., Wang, Y.L., Wang, Q.Q., Xu, Y., Li, M.X., Li, X.Z.,Li, H. Analysis of therapeutic targets for SARS-CoV-2 and discovery ofpotential drugs by computational methods.Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B. 2020.< /strong>

[2] “Diagnosis and Treatment Plan for Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (Trial Version 7)”,2020, http://

[3] Lin , C.W., Tsai, F.J., Tsai, C.H., Lai, C.C., Wan, L., Ho,T.Y., Hsieh, C.C., Chao, P.D. Anti-SARS coronavirus 3C-like protease effects of Isatis indigotica root and plant-derived phenolic compounds< strong>. Antiviral Res2005; 68(1): 36-42.

[4] Utomo, R.Y., Ikawati, M., Meiyanto, E. Revealing the Potency of Citrus and Galangal Constituents to Halt SARS-CoV-2 Infection. Preprint s. 2020.

[5 ]Adem, S., Eyupoglu, V., Sarfraz, I., Rasul, A., Ali, M. Identification of PotentCOVID-19 Main Protease (Mpro) Inhibitors from Natural Polyphenols: An in SilicoStrategy Unveils a Hope against CORONA.< strong>Preprints. 2020.

[5] Manach, C., Morand, C., Gil-Izquierdo, A., Bouteloup-Demange, C., Rémésy, C. Bioavailability in humans of the flavanones hesperidin and narirutin after the ingestion of two doses of orange juice. Eur JClin Nutr.2003; 57(2): 235-242.

[6] Nogata, Y., Sakamoto, K., Shiratsuchi, H., Ishii, T., Yano,M., Ohta, H. Flavonoid composition of fruit tissues of citrus species. BiosciBiotechnol Biochem. 2006; 70(1): 178-192.

[Source of the above tweet:Unbelievable: Eating orange peel may prevent new coronavirus]

Drink more tangerine peel water to protect the lungs

In addition to eating oranges, daily You can drink more tangerine peel water, which is simple and convenient, healthy and protects the lungs.

Xinhui tangerine peel is a certified medicinal material, rich in volatile oils (hesperidin, limonene) , polysaccharides and flavonoids..

Volatile oils in tangerine peel (hesperidin) , limonene) has irritating passive expectorant effect, making sputum easy to expectorate. The decoction of tangerine peel has a weak expansion effect on the bronchus, and its alcohol extract has a high value in the antiasthmatic effect.

Xinhui tangerine peel is a natural and safe healthy drink. It can be soaked in water alone or with tea. Invigorating the spleen, moistening the lungs and moistening dryness.

From the perspective of food supplementation In the face of a special epidemic, we do some dietary conditioning plans for the lungs at home to clear the lungs, nourish the lungs, protect the lungs and nourish the lungs.

In the near future, you can cook some porridge soups that nourish the lungs and moisten the lungs at home, such as white fungus soup, tangerine peel and snow fungus pigeon soup (you can use duck Substitute for pigeon), boiled water with tangerine peel and white radish, tangerine peel and mung bean pork ribs soup, etc.~~~

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