Bench press 100kg, what training level does it belong to in the gym?

When you walk into the gym and see a pile of equipment, you don’t know what to do. Touring your surroundings, you’ll focus on one location: the bench press.

Someone was lying on the stool, pushing the barbell up, and then lowering the barbell, and there was someone holding the barbell next to it, as if the weight was quite heavy. So you also tried it, and as a result, you felt stronger in this exercise. This is the ace movement of the gym, “bench press”.

Some people say that the bench press 100KG can be considered a master in the gym, and some people say that this weight is just an introduction, and it is not worth mentioning at all.

Then the question is: what training level does a bench press 100KG belong to in the gym?

1. About the bench press

In fact, everyone can practice the bench press. It is a compound movement and requires The chest muscles, triceps, front shoulders and core muscles work together to complete the action, and also need the support of the upper back and feet, so as to ensure that the barbell is in a balanced position and avoid the problem of barbell bias.

The bench press seems to be very simple, hold the horizontal bar after lying down, the bench press is longer than the brief distance, lift the bar up, tighten the abdomen, lower Lower the barbell to a low position, then push the barbell up until your arms are straight.

The higher the action quality, the better the stress on the pectoral muscles, otherwise, the shoulder pain will appear. If the arm strength is too weak, the triceps will fail quickly, it will be more difficult to push up, and there is even a risk of falling, so the weight used, the number of training sets and the number of repetitions will be affected.

2. What training level does a bench press 100KG belong to in the gym?

If your bench press weight reaches 100KG, you have exceeded 85% of the trainers in the gym, and the rest can reach Above 150KG, this belongs to the real master level.

The weight of the bench press is not as easy to increase as imagined, and adding 1KG is actually a challenge, and the minimum barbell plate in the gym is 2.5KG, and it will increase by 5KG at a time, so the difficulty will be In addition, under the premise of unassisted, the position of the barbell is not low enough, and the stroke is too short, which will affect the force effect of the chest muscles.

For people with weak strength, it may be very difficult for them to push a 20KG empty bar, while adding a 10KG barbell plate, so that a 40KG barbell will It’s a lot of weight for them. For those with stronger strength, even if 40KG is a warm-up weight, it can be increased to about 60-80KG later, which is the true level of more trainers, that is, 1 times the weight of their own body weight.

The barbell that can really push up 100KG, in fact, their training level has surpassed many people, usually the maximum value will be above 120KG. This is a weight that many people can’t achieve, unless you train very frequently, and you basically practice bench press every day, so 100KG will be easier.

And most people operate according to the cycle training plan, such as only training the chest muscles once a week, on Monday, After this exercise, other parts of the training will be arranged later, so the weight increase is very slow. And those trainers of powerlifting, only need to do 3-5 times, the weight lifting will be effective.

So overall: Many people’s bench press weight is less than 80KG, and some trainers can’t even bear 40KG weight , In such a comparison, the bench press 100KG already belongs to the intermediate and advanced level (that is, the upper middle level), but there is still a certain distance from the master.

Write at the end:

Many people are still competing for bench press weights, but they don’t know that their movements have been deformed. The back is not stable enough, and the barbell is leaning to one side and pressing against you, and you are prone to injury.

So the key point is the quality of the action, first After the empty bar is in place, gradually increase the weight of the barbell, so that the weight of the barbell will rise faster in the later stage. Of course, you should also practice the shoulder and arm muscles more often, so that the overall strength will be improved better.