Full nudity service, breast massage, exposure of the black industry chain!!

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Author: Bai Qingyuan

Source : Chief Financial and Economic Think Tank (ID:caijing-top)

01Have you heard of “Divine Doctor Universe”? Some time ago, a video collection of “The Doctor” became popular. In the video, the lofty aspirations of some “magic doctors” gathered: “I went back and forth, struggled with my mind for a month, and finally made a decision that went against my ancestors… …”“There are so many patients in the whole country, even if I’m exhausted, I can’t read it all, so…” “Dedicated to the country for free, mass-produced, even if I am gone one day, this medicine can treat more patients…”Nmiaow/640″ width img class=”content_title” height=”300″ layout=”responsive” sizes=”(min-width: 320px) 320px, 100vw” src=”https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/zLCygh18tuHF7Zc2uzt3LFv4YkiaKu76wYOAcm2HlBG192yg8ekqf1liaaWtfia5hTYibWS83icrPJY0″D9e =”600″>It’s ridiculous that these ” The saying that “the genius doctor” is “synchronized by the gods”, are more than 30 genius doctors all from the same “ancestor”? This group of so-called “magic doctors” wear distinctive national costumes and appear in the promotional videos of major medical advertisements as highly respected medical experts. Proclaimed that he is for the health of the people, risking the condemnation of violating the organization’s training, and dedicating his “unique prescription” to the society. As everyone knows, this is the beginning of their conspiracy. Promote yourself the title of “magic doctor”, and then use your ancestral magic medicine to make money. Actually, those “magic medicines” that claim to be able to cure various incurable diseases are just ordinary health care products. Coupled with gorgeous packaging, they have become deceived people. “Magic Medicine”. And those “magic doctors” make a lot of money. A few years ago, the “Goddess Doctor” Liu Hongbin, who ranked first in the “Four Great Doctors”, was exposed: She used 9 different “God Doctors” “, active in multiple TV programs, successfully defrauded 8 billion in just 3 years. June 2017, State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine > “False advertising performer” Liu Hongbin does not have the qualification of a Chinese medicine doctor, but falsely uses the name of “Chinese medicine expert”. Since then, the regulatory authorities have published a series of typical cases, and 10 TV stations have been fined for broadcasting the advertisement of “Spirit Doctor Liu Hongbin”.

Over the years, like Liu Hongbin, there have been countless miraculous doctors who used the guise of “magic doctors” to defraud countless money. Many people suffer from it, ranging from losing money or taking their own lives. When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares into you! Often, sometimes what we think of as a way of keeping healthy may be a trap set by unscrupulous businesses. Once you fall into it, it’s an abyss! 02The following video has exploded the circle of friends:A man, naked, The critical area is covered with a towel, and the towel is burning. Many people were shocked when they saw it: what is this doing? Aren’t you afraid of burning? It turns out that this is a fire therapy technique created by a doctor known as Da V. The so-called fire therapy refers to the removal of cold from the human body. In fact, pour some alcohol on a wet towel, then light it and cover it over the body. The slogan given by the doctor is: “One fire therapy is equivalent to 10 full body massages, equivalent to 366 million cell movements, equivalent to 4.1 grams of visceral waste!” is ridiculous! !

The body waste is accurate to 0.1 grams? Calculated so accurately? It is said that this fire therapy burns from the head to the feet, including 13 parts of the body including the eyes and nose. The so-called amazing effect is: Like eating a thousand-year-old ginseng, it can cure all diseases! From brain atrophy to baldness, from uterine erosion to kidney deficiency, impotence and premature ejaculation, from deafness and facial paralysis to constipation and periarthritis of the shoulder, all can be cured by medicine! This kind of “fire therapy” that has been hyped up is really so magical? Actually, there is no such thing as fire therapy in the textbooks of traditional Chinese medicine. On the Internet, I found all the vicious news about “fire therapy”. In 2018, a Ms. Xu from Jiangxi performed “fire therapy” at a health club and took related health care products. Then, Ms. Xu began to have diarrhea and prolapse. On the 5th day after the fire therapy, Ms. Xu was taken to the hospital for emergency treatment. On the 19th day after the fire therapy, Ms. Xu died of ineffective rescue. I can’t imagine how sad the family of the deceased must feel. Wake up, everyone, especially middle-aged and elderly people, don’t fall into the trap of unscrupulous liars. Otherwise, it will cost you your own health and life! 03It’s good to be healthy! But blindly believing in the so-called Jianghu medical skills will have unimaginable consequences! News have repeatedly exposed the harm of various unhealthy health products and health care methods, but some people still believe it. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in recent years. Especially mammary gland hyperplasia has become a common disease faced by most women. Unscrupulous merchants saw this phenomenon and came up with a “breast massage” technique, claiming that it can eliminate breast hyperplasia. As everyone knows, this is a complete scam. Ms. Zhu, 48, has always paid attention to health care. Over the years, she has been doing essential oil massage in the beauty salon to maintain her breasts. On one occasion, Ms. Zhu was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer when she went to the hospital for a physical examination. The doctor found that Ms. Zhu’s left breast was covered with many fine granular calcifications. Inappropriate chest massage can damage the lobular milk ducts, leading to necrotizing, tiny, punctate calcifications in the breast, raising the risk of breast cancer, according to doctors. Massage your breasts to transform breast hyperplasia into breast cancer! ! What you think of as a means of maintaining health is eating away at your health little by little! It’s no coincidence! News like this abound.

Under the tutelage of the masseuse, Ms. Tang gave half-believing treatment. cost. I thought my breast hyperplasia would be relieved, but I didn’t expect that my chest was getting more and more painful, and my nipples were purple…According to the survey, 90% of massage therapists in beauty salons in the country do not have formal qualification certificates, and they are even less ignorant of medical knowledge and human body structure. Most of them are crash courses and can be employed after a short period of study.

For the petty profit in front of them, they would not hesitate to sell their conscience. one article. So, be smart to identify unscrupulous massage therapists, otherwise you will suffer pain, lose money, and even lose your life. There is a huge business market and a battlefield between people and “death” behind the well-being practices that we often see. There is no panacea, no cure, and no cure.

The real “magic medicine” is eating healthy, exercising more, staying up less late… Be responsible for your own life, don’t trust bad profiteers!

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