How to take care of knees in every age group? Super full and practical!

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The more weight it bears, the greater the chance of articular cartilage wear and tear, the more prone to injury to tendons, and the greater the degeneration of the knee joint. quick.


Knee The weight-bearing multiples are as follows:

1. When lying down, the weight on the knee is almost 0. 2. When standing up and walking, the weight on the knee is about 0. is 1 to 2 times. 3. When going up and down slopes or stairs, the load on the knees is about 3 to 4 times. 4. When running, the knee is about 4 times the weight. 5. When playing, the knee is about 6 times the weight. 6. When squatting and kneeling, the weight on the knees is about 8 times. For example: a person weighing 50kg, each time he steps up, his knees bear about 200kg of weight. (50*4 times)

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Knee joints are at their best in 15 years

Before the age of 15: The knee joint is in the developmental stage, and the growing pains of adolescence are mostly around the knee joint. Age 15-30: The knee joint is in “perfect condition” and works tirelessly. As long as the knee joint tissue is not damaged, it is almost impossible to feel its existence. 30 to 40 years old:The patellar cartilage undergoes mild early wear and tear, and there will be a period of fragility, with short-term knee pain that lasts from a few weeks to a few months , some people don’t even notice it. Patellar cartilage is a layer of hyaline cartilage with a thickness of 3 to 5 mm in the human knee joint, which can cushion the knee joint from the impact of movement. However, because the patellar cartilage has no nerve distribution, the “warning signal” will only sound once in the fragile period before full-thickness wear, and strenuous exercise should be avoided during this period. It is also from this time that the use of the knee joint can no longer be arbitrary. 40 to 50 years old: After walking a long distance, the inner side of the knee joint is prone to soreness, which will be relieved after rubbing with hands. In the knee joint, the function of the meniscus is to absorb shock and maintain stability. 60% of the body weight is supported by the medial knee joint, so the degeneration of the medial meniscus occurs earlier. And because of the nerve distribution on the meniscus, people can feel soreness during the degeneration process. The arrival of this phenomenon reminds people that it is time to start caring for the joints. Over 50 years old:The knee joint will experience significant pain because the “life” of the patellar cartilage has expired, the full thickness of the cartilage has worn away, and arthritis has developed. At this time, the joints should be used sparingly, and strenuous exercise should be reduced, especially when going up and down stairs and climbing mountains. If necessary, crutches can be used to reduce the pressure on the knee joint.


Causes of knee pain in middle-aged and elderly people

After people reach middle age, tendons and ligaments of the knee joint Degenerative changes begin to occur, the secretion of synovial fluid in the joint cavity decreases, the long-term friction of the joint bone surface causes bone wear, and the tissue around the joint is prone to fibrous adhesion due to inflammation and other reasons, so the elderly often feel the knee joint stiffness. There will be a “clicking” snapping sound or friction sound during activity, which will induce pain, swelling, and joint effusion when exposed to cold or excessive activity. Specifically, the causes of knee pain in middle-aged and elderly people are as follows:

1. Chronic synovitis: presents as chronic pain and swelling in the knee joint. Physical examination revealed synovial effusion and synovial hypertrophy. 2. Patellar offset: The knee joint is sore and weak after the activity, which improves after rest, and pain when half squatting. 3. Loose bodies in the knee joint: The patient’s legs are soft or the joints are stuck, and there is a friction under the patella. 4. Prepatellar bursitis: There was a history of trauma, causing prepatellar pain and local tenderness on physical examination. 5. Osteoarthritis: When standing or going up and down the stairs after sitting or squatting for a long time, the joint pain is obvious and relieved after rest. 6. Pseudo-gout: There are many male patients, and it is more common in the knee joint. Swelling and pain, high body temperature, and limited function during the attack. X-ray films showed calcification of the meniscus and articular cartilage. 7. Necrosis of the femoral head: Hip joint disease has knee pain symptoms.


Pain in different parts of the knee

1. Pain in the iliotibial girdle on the outside of the knee. 2. Pain in the front knee around the knee, also known as patellofemoral joint pain. 3. Pain above the knee, possibly quadriceps tendonitis. 4. Pain above the kneecap or on the inside of the upper shinbone, which may be bursitis.


Daily sore knees Health care:

1. Don’t walk for too long. When your knees feel uncomfortable, you should rest immediately. 2, do not do large amount of exercise, such as running, high jump, long jump. 3. Avoid half-squatting, full-squatting or kneeling positions, such as squatting. 4. Do not perform half-flexion and rotation of the knee joint to prevent damage to the half-plate. 5. Maintain an ideal weight to reduce the burden on your knees. 6. Pay attention to keeping your knees warm. You can wear trousers and knee pads to protect your knees. 7. Move less heavy objects and wear less high heels. 8. Avoid trauma and overwork. 9. The choice of shoes is very important. A pair of shoes that fit your feet not only allows you to walk comfortably, but also reduces the impact and stress on your knees during exercise. (1) The instep part can be closely combined with the shoes, the width and length are suitable, and the curvature of the arch of the foot can be correctly maintained. (2) The weight of the shoes should be light, the soles should not be too soft, and should be a little thick. (3) The heel of the shoe can be about 2-3 cm high. If the sole is too flat, it is easy to get tired when walking. (4) There are anti-skid patterns on the sole.


Relieve knee pain, the treatment formula of acupressure points:

Acute sprain Xunliangqiu, joint When the water accumulates in the nose, go to Kunlun for cold knees, rub the sputum often in the knee pain, and add the gallbladder meridian at the knee-yang gate.


When a knee is injured, Should you exercise?

Unreasonable exercise will cause secondary injury to the knee when the knee is already injured. Over time, the meniscus of the knee will be damaged by Wear and loss of protection and cushioning effect, severe cases may be inconvenient to walk. The knee joint is a hinge joint and can only move forward and backward, not left and right. If the knee joint has been injured, first of all, pay attention to protection. If allowed, you can perform simple forward and backward movements to promote the blood circulation of the knee joint, but it is not suitable for intense activities. Insufficient exercise can easily cause stiffness of the knee joint. Excessive movement will accelerate the joint. Wear and tear, but the movement is still to the extent that the joint does not feel pain.

Appropriate muscle strength and stability training can play a preventive and health care role in the knee joint. 1. Lie on your side: Lie on your left side, bend your knees slightly, and keep your heels together. Rest your head on your left arm and look straight ahead. Hold a weight of about 1 to 2 kg in your right hand and place it on the outside of your leg. Then tighten the abdomen, tighten the hips, raise the knee of the right leg as high as possible, keep the body still when the leg is lifted, hold for a few seconds, and then put it down. Repeat the exercise 15 times, switching legs. 2. Leg lift exercise: Stand behind a stable bench or step, step on the right foot (the heel should not hang in the air), and concentrate the weight on the right foot, the body Elevate so that your left toes touch the steps and hold for 1 to 5 seconds. Then lower your left foot and tap the ground. Repeat 8 to 10 times, switching legs. 3. Bridging exercise: Lie flat on your back, knees bent, feet apart, hip-width apart, arms on your sides. Slowly lift your hips off the ground smoothly. Then let go slowly. Repeat 15 times. 4. Leg extension exercise: Lie flat, knees bent, feet flat on the ground. Extend your left leg and slip in a retractable drawstring or towel, grasping both ends of the drawstring with both hands. Pull the leg toward the chest with the strap, and then straighten the calf forcefully and hold for 10 to 30 seconds to exercise the calf muscles and hamstrings. Repeat this movement 3 to 5 times, then switch legs.



Eat more vitamin K (eg peas, broccoli) or take some glucosamine supplements are good for knee health.