[Health] Diet Famous Fangxue Soup

Snow soup is a famous medicinal and food homologous recipe. It has the functions of clearing away heat and resolving phlegm, clearing liver and reducing fire, nourishing yin and moistening dryness, promoting saliva and constipation, eliminating symptoms and eliminating accumulation. , red tongue, yellow coating, slippery pulse, etc. belong to the syndrome of phlegm (fire) heat and body fluid injury, and the effect is particularly significant.

How to make >

This recipe comes from Wang Jinsan’s “Annotation of Ancient Prescriptions from Jiangxueyuan” in the Qing Dynasty. The original book contains: “Four water chestnuts, one or two jellyfish (bleached to remove limestone properties). Eight points of serving. Soup, the taste of food is also harmonious; snow, which means that it is bland and unremarkable, and has the beauty of cooling and refreshing. Water chestnuts are sweet, jellyfish are salty, and both are cold and smooth. Abdominal attack and redness cause pain, and all the medicines are ineffective, use it to relieve heat and relieve pain, which is as effective as influence.” Later scholars of febrile diseases such as Ye Tianshi and Wang Mengying attached great importance to this prescription, and used it frequently in clinical trials.

The ingredients and making method of the snow soup are very simple. Soak in clean water for 2 to 3 days, change the water once a day, wash, chop, or buy soaked jellyfish; Put the two together in a pot, add an appropriate amount of water, after boiling, cook on low heat for about 1 hour, 2 times a day, even with soup, can be eaten continuously for 7 to 10 days.

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The water chestnuts in the recipe are sweet in taste and cold in nature, which can relieve heat, resolve phlegm and eliminate accumulation. “Ben Cao Zaixin” said it “clears the heart and reduces fire, nourishes the lungs and cools the liver, digests food and resolves phlegm, breaks the accumulation of stagnation, and benefits the blood”. Jellyfish, also known as jellyfish, is flat in nature and salty in taste. “Suixiju Diet Spectrum” calls it “Xianping, clearing heat and eliminating phlegm, removing blood stasis and removing accumulation, killing insects and relieving pain, appetizing and moistening the intestines”.

Modern pharmacological experiments and clinical research discoveries, water chestnuts are rich in nutritional and clinical research value, During the epidemic season of respiratory diseases, eating fresh water chestnuts is beneficial to prevent infection. At the same time, water chestnuts also have the functions of lowering blood pressure, softening blood vessels, and preventing and treating tumors. Jellyfish collagen peptides, amino acids, iron, iodine, polypeptides, enzymes, etc. contained in jellyfish have the functions of lowering blood lipids, anti-oxidation, and reducing phlegm. The combination of the two can dilate blood vessels, soften blood vessels and lower blood pressure, and can resist tuberculosis and treat chronic bronchitis. Clinically, this ancient famous prescription can be used to treat fire (heat) syndrome, phlegm (heat) syndrome or syndrome associated with fluid injury, such as sore, red eye, acute pharyngitis, oral ulcer, hemoptysis, hematuria, hyperthyroidism, dry syndrome Symptoms, spleen accumulation (hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy), hot secret, yin deficiency secret, etc.

It is worth noting that this diet is cold and cool, and it should be used with caution for those with deficient cold without fire, deficiency of the spleen and stomach, loose stools or chronic illness.

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This article is transferred from: China Traditional Chinese Medicine Network Author: Shile

Editor: Liu Yaru

The picture comes from the Internet

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