It is easy to get angry in summer, how to distinguish 8 kinds of symptoms of getting angry? Mastering the case + medication plan will help your performance increase!

As the temperature rises, summer is coming, and the most prone to fire season is coming. Chinese medicine believes that getting angry can be divided into stomach fire, heart fire, liver fire and so on. According to the different levels of violation of the human body, it can be divided into gas heat, blood heat and so on. So, how should pharmacists distinguish between different symptoms of getting angry, and how should they take medicines?

8 types of fire cases + medication

1. Wind-heat cough: heat-clearing propaganda Lung, cough and asthma

Case:A likes to eat fried food on weekdays, There is also a history of chronic bronchitis. Participated in the wine bureau the night before, A woke up with a cough, and when it was severe, it was accompanied by wheezing, and the temperature was 37.8°C. Self-reported slight chills, thirst, red tongue and thin yellow coating, floating pulse.

Analysis:A poor diet leads to heat accumulation in the body, plus Not paying attention to keeping warm after a hangover leads to old illnesses and persistent cough and asthma. Fever and chills are signs of exogenous symptoms, and tongue and pulse signs suggest that they are signs of wind-heat.

Drug regimen:Sangju Ganmao Tablets + Compound Campanulaceae Tablets + Maxing Relieving Cough Syrup

2. Damp-heat diarrhea:< /span>Clearing heat, reducing dampness, and stopping diarrhea

Cases: B is busy with work, irregular work and rest, and uncontrolled diet on weekdays. At a party with classmates the night before, B ate raw fish, oysters, etc., and had diarrhea that night, 6 times so far. Self-reported brown and smelly stool, burning anus, dry mouth and thirst. Red tongue, yellow greasy coating, rapid pulse.

Analysis:B’s diet is not prudent, and excessive consumption of wine and meat leads to endogenous dampness and heat. Eating raw seafood directly leads to gastrointestinal discomfort and diarrhea. Xiali, foul smell, thirst, yellow and greasy fur, etc., are all images of dampness and heat.

Medication plan:< /span>Changyanning Granules + Gegenqinlian Tablets

3. Stomach heat constipation :moisten the intestines and relieve heat, promote qi and laxative

Cases: C is over 70 years old, has a history of hemorrhoids, and has irregular bowel movements on weekdays. He reported that he had had dry stools, abdominal distension, bad breath, and short, red urination recently. Red tongue, yellow dry fur, slippery pulse.

Analysis:C usually has irregular bowel movements. The sweet and thick taste will lead to accumulation of heat in the stomach and intestines, consumption of body fluids, aggravation of constipation, and symptoms of dryness and difficulty.

Drug regimen: Maren Runchang Pills + probiotics (if For young and able-bodied people, Niuhuang Qingwei Pills can be used)

4. Indigestion:< span>Clearing heat and removing dampness, refreshing the spleen and eliminating stagnation

Case:A few days ago Appetite wide open, full of food every day. From the day before, D began to stop eating and drinking, full of abdominal distention, bitter and bad breath. Red tongue, yellow greasy coating, slippery pulse.

Analysis:D overeating Depressed, endogenous damp heat.

Drug regimen:Huoxiang Qingwei Tablets

5. Liver and stomach stagnation heat: smoothing the liver Regulating Qi, Relieving Heat and Stomach

Case:E had a quarrel with his wife during the day One, soon felt a dull pain in the epigastric region, and the pain intensified at night, accompanied by acid regurgitation and a burning sensation. Red tongue, yellow coating, pulse string.

Analysis:E Due to mood swings and poor mood, liver qi stagnation , Depression and heat will restrain the stomach, resulting in loss of harmony in the stomach.

Drug regimen:Danzhi Xiaoyao Pill + Zuojin Pill< /p>

6. Liver inflammation: Clearing away anger

Case:F likes to drink, and often makes appointments with wine parties. From the day before, F felt red eyes and bitter mouth, labor pains in both flanks, tossing and turning at night, and was short-tempered. The tongue is red and yellow, and the pulse is stringy and strong.

Analysis:It’s easier to stay up late and drinkInjuring the liver leads to inflammation of the F-liver fire, the mouth and eyes of the fire are red and the mouth is bitter, and the mind is disturbed at night and it is difficult to sleep.

Drug regimen:Longdan Xiegan Pills

7, fiery inner Sheng: clearing heat and detoxifying

Case:G is busy with work and often can’t rest until three or four in the morning. Moreover, G likes to eat nuts, and his mouth is never idle. Since the day before, G has a sore throat, sore mouth, bad breath, slightly swollen gums, and bleeding. Red tongue, yellow coating, rapid pulse.

Analysis:G eats nuts too much and often stays up late, resulting in fiery heat inside , scorching hot.

Drug regimen:Niuhuang Jiedu Tablets

< p>8. Yin Deficiency and Fire Prosperity: nourishing yin and clearing heat, Relieving pharyngeal swelling

Case:H often stays up late and spends more time with friends on Saturdays Sing all night. On the second day, H developed a sore throat, accompanied by oral ulcers, red tongue without coating and other symptoms.

Analysis:Staying up all night for a long time will deplete yin and body fluid, and H singing all night, even more Perineal deficiency fire, inflammation of the throat and mouth.

Drug regimen:Kouyanqing Granules+Xuanmai Ganju Granules

(This article is for professional reference only)

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