Breast cancer patients eat 15 questions, don’t step on this pit!

Diet is the most concerned content of breast cancer patients during the recovery period. Many friends often say that many of the foods they liked to eat in the past have not been eaten since they became ill. I didn’t dare to eat it, I lost a lot of fun. So, what are the taboo diets for breast cancer patients? In this issue, we have invited Mijian nutritionist Edison to answer us the dietary taboos of breast cancer patients, break dietary misunderstandings, and avoid dietary traps. Let’s take a look! 01


Can I eat sugar, ice cream, Fruit, sweet food? You can eat it, but you can eat it normally. At present, there is no international study to show that there is a direct relationship between sugar and breast cancer [1]. Therefore, it is no problem to eat the staple food, vegetables and fruits normally. So what are some super high calorie/calorie foods to watch out for? For example, some cakes, desserts, milk tea, etc. These foods contain added sugar or refined sugar. Excessive calories will make people prone to obesity and overweight, which in turn affects breast cancer. The recurrence and metastasis rate of patients [2].

In addition to this, Breast cancer patients also need blood sugar control. The higher the blood sugar, the more insulin the body needs to secrete to work together, and studies have shown that hyperinsulinemia may be one of the factors that increase the risk of breast cancer [3]. Therefore, it is very important for breast cancer patients to control blood sugar!

How to control blood sugarNOTICE

The first is to ensure normal intake of three meals, and not treat snacks as meals.

Second, friends with unstable blood sugar can choose low glycemic index foods, such as quinoa, beans, sweet corn, fresh milk, Banana etc. Third, we all know that the sweetness in many sugar-free foods now comes from sweeteners, but not all sweeteners are good. You can choose sweetness. Leaf chrysanthemum, honey, pure maple syrup, barley malt, rice syrup These ingredients are sweeteners [1]. 02


Can I eat beef , pork, lamb? You can eat, but not overdose, it is recommended that not exceed 500g per week /span>Intake of cooked pork, beef and mutton [4].

Some studies have shown that red meat such as pigs, cattle and sheep are possible carcinogenic factors. It should be noted that the evidence of red meat carcinogenicity in humans is not sufficient, and the evidence in animals is sufficient.

Red meat causes cancerNOTICE

1. Because of the high fat ratio and nutrient density of red meat, eating too much can easily lead to obesity and overweight, which increases the risk of cancer.

2. When cooking at high temperature, carcinogens such as heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are easily formed in meat.

3. The abundant heme in red meat can generate free radicals to damage DNA and induce oxidative reactions.

Among them, the most related to breast cancer patients is the risk of cancer caused by excessive fat intake and overweight[5].

Isn’t it true that red meat can’t be eaten?

Of course not. Pork, beef and mutton are rich in protein, vitamin B12, iron, calcium, and zinc. These elements are very necessary to be supplemented in the anti-cancer process. If cancer patients do not eat high-protein foods, they are prone to malnutrition and have strong treatment side effects. The recommended weekly intake of cooked pork, beef and mutton does not exceed 500g. 03


Can chicken and eggs be eaten? Yes.Because chicken and eggs are rich in protein, and chicken is low in fat, So is one of the best substitutes for red meat.Many friends are afraid of the high hormone content of chicken, which is a food safety issue Yes. There is no problem with normal chickens. If you are really worried about hormone problems, you can go to the farmers market to choose chickens to eat.04


Can fish, shrimp and seafood be eaten?You can eat it, but pay attention to food sources and food safety.Fish, shrimp and other seafood are actually very good foods because they are rich in Protein, low in fat, marine fish is also rich in long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fat acids, which can not only regulate estrogen metabolism, but also have Relieves inflammation and oxidative stress, thereby suppressing the risk of tumor cells. Therefore, eating fish may also reduce the risk of breast cancer and is the best food to replace red meat One of [6].Attention! Be sure to choose fresh, hygienic and safe seafood.05


Tofu, can I eat soy products? Yes. Research shows that the intake of soy protein and soy isoflavones in soy foods can reduce the risk of breast cancer mortality and recurrence. Recommended 25-35g per daysoy and soy products [6]. 06


Can I drink coffee? Yes, but with a few caveats. Current research suggests that caffeinated coffee can reduce the incidence of breast cancer in postmenopausal women [7]. But it should be noted that the above is likely to be pure coffee, and many coffee drinks on the market today are a lot of milk and sugar. Breast cancer patients should pay attention to controlling fat intake and added sugar intake. Therefore, it is recommended to drink low-fat milk, skimmed milk, and unsweetened, or a small amount of coffee with added sugar. Although coffee can be drunk, it must not be used as water. Be careful to drink plenty of water. Another point, Friends with anemia, gastric reflux, diarrhea, constipation should drink less or no coffee[6]. 07


Can milk and dairy products be eaten ? Yes. Current research shows that both low-fat dairy products or increasing the frequency of dairy consumption are associated with a lower incidence of breast cancer. Milk and dairy products are very good sources of protein, vitamin B12, and calcium. It is recommended to drink low-fat milk and yogurt[8]. The milk that is being milked has not been sterilized and is not recommended. 08


Royal jelly, can bee products eat ? /img>Listen to the doctor. Peak products such as royal jelly and honey are questionable on estrogen. The White Paper on Dietary Nutrition for Cancer Patients in China states that estrogen is among the risk factors for breast cancer, but it is not the only one. The Beijing Academy of Agricultural Sciences has tested the hormones in royal jelly and found that there are very small amounts (parts per billion) of estradiol, progesterone and testosterone, but the content is much lower than that of pigs, cattle and sheep. Also, most of these hormones are destroyed during digestion, and very little is absorbed by the body [6]. Another view is that bee products contain phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens can exert similar effects to human estrogens. Bee products contain more phytoestrogens than propolis, and the main components are flavonoids [6]. Some doctors recommend not to eat in order to avoid unnecessary interference in treatment. So if your doctor says no, don’t. 09


Can health supplements be eaten? Do not eat without medical advice. In the absence of a doctor’s advice, it is not recommended to start buying extra vitamin tablets, folic acid tablets and other supplements, and do not eat contraindicated placenta, snow clams, bird’s nests, etc. that have no scientific basis. Health products, which are likely to cause harm to the body [6]. There is also coenzyme Q10 that everyone often asks. There is no scientific evidence for the efficacy of coenzyme Q10 in cancer treatment and whether it will affect the effect of drugs. Therefore, it is not recommended to take it casually. 10


Can grapefruit be eaten? Do not take certain medicines. There is a saying that taking one medicine with grapefruit is equivalent to taking 20 medicines in a row. This is by no means alarmist. Furacoumarins and their compounds in grapefruit have a strong inhibitory effect on the activity of CYP3A4 and interfere with the metabolism of anticancer drugs, thereby affecting the efficacy of the drugs in vivo [9]. Note: Oral drugs that are converted by the liver and grapefruit will be contraindicatedRelated drugs [10]:



Can Ganoderma lucidum spore powder, Cordyceps and other traditional Chinese medicine supplements from Changbai Mountain be eaten? Yes, but not recommended. These are not medicines for the treatment of cancer, they are health products. It is best to check with your doctor or Chinese medicine practitioner. 12


Can I maintain my weight during recovery? Only eat vegetarian food? Vegan is not recommended. Because we all need a lot of protein, vitamin B12, and calcium, both in the treatment period and in the recovery period, these three are easily deficient in vegetarian diets, resulting in malnutrition or nutrient deficiency [6]. 13


Can sauerkraut and pickles be eaten?

You can eat it, but not in large quantities.

Reason to eat less picklesNOTICE1. Salting Vegetables are too salty! High-salt content can damage the gastric mucosa, which may lead to inflammation and gastric atrophy, leading to colonization of the stomach by Helicobacter pylori and increasing the risk of cancer[11]. 2. Vegetables may produce nitrosamines during salting and processing, which are carcinogens and may cause cancer in those who eat salted vegetables [11].

3. Salted vegetables have very little content of other important nutrients except sodium. Eating too many salted vegetables will reduce the intake of other fresh vegetables, leading to insufficient intake of beneficial nutrients such as dietary fiber and vitamin C[11].

Sodium is the main component of salt. In China, the appropriate daily intake of sodium for adults is 1300-1500mg, which is about equal to eating a 60g packet of mustard.[12]. Therefore, everyone should not eat salted vegetables at all, but try to eat them as little as possible.



What is protein powder when to eat? Protein powder cannot replace food, but if you suffer from malnutrition during treatment and recovery, you will continue to lose weight and will not be able to eat. , can drink. Choose a reliable and safe manufacturer. In the stage of malnutrition, you can go to the hospital to prescribe high-energy and high-protein food, which is more scientific and safer than protein powder. 15


Is it still possible drink wine? Is red wine healthy or carcinogenic? Alcohol is a carcinogen that has been highlighted countless times. The so-called “drinking for pleasure, greedy cups hurts your health” must be understood by everyone, and even the vast majority of people who drink occasionally believe that drinking in moderation is conducive to maintaining good health. The results of a study published in the Lancet in 2018 shattered our “fantasy” about drinking, the study found: “As soon as you start drinking, it doesn’t exist” safety limit.” Even drinking just a small glass of wine a day increases cancer risk[13]. With the support of multiple studies, breast cancer patients are advised not to drink a drop!

The above is all the content of this nutritionist’s answer, what else do you want to know about breast cancer taboos what about? Tell Mutual Aid in the comment section! See you live on Wednesday

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Source of cover image: draft design

Editor in charge: Breast Cancer Mutual Helper

Reference source:

[1] Susan Silberstein PhD (2014). 5 Reasons Cancer Cells and Sugar Are Best Friends. Retrieved from

[2] Timothy Gower, Laura J. Martin, MD (2020). The Link Between Sugar and Breast Cancer. WebMD Feature. Retrieved from features/sugar-and-breast-cancer.

[3] Emma Smith (2020). Sugar and cancer – what you need to know. CANCER RESEARCH UK. Retrieved from https ://

[4] Canadian Cancer Satistics Advisory Committee. Canadian Cancer Statistics 2017. 2017. Canadian Cancer Society. Available from dian-Cancer-Statistics-2017-EN.pdf

[5] Recommendations and public health and policy implications 2018. Wold Cancer Research Fund, American Institute for Cancer Research, Continuous Update Project.

[6] Chinese Nutrition Society Cancer Nutrition Management Branch. White Paper on Dietary Nutrition for Chinese Cancer Patients 2020-2021. Website: /012021200.html

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[11] World Cancer Research Fund/ American In stitute for Cancer Research/ Continous Update Project. Diet, nutrition, physical activity, and stomach cancer. Revised 2018.

[12] National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China (2018) . Dietary Nutrient Reference Intakes for Chinese Residents-Part 5: Water-Soluble Vitamins. Health Industry Standard of the People’s Republic of China. WS/T 578.5 –2018.

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