The virus that will be carried for life once infected, this type of people are most likely to be recruited!

Picture: Fang Bing | Written by: Teresa | Editor in charge: Pea

Hi friends, Teresa is on duty today.

This issue of “NO.11 LAB” has prepared exciting and interesting cutting-edge research for you as usual, which is guaranteed to satisfy your desire for curiosity and knowledge. Interested friends Hurry up and look down~

This issue includes:

Vaccine research has made new progress once infected with the herpes virus that they carry for life!

HPV vaccine is not exclusive to women, men can also prevent cancer!

Can “Viagra” not only cure erectile dysfunction in men, but also Alzheimer’s?

Stress is not only detrimental to health, it can also accelerate aging!

On social media, who is more “cheating” between men and women?

Vaccine research has made new progress once infected with the herpes virus that they carry for life!

The herpes virus seems to be familiar to everyone, but not very concerned, but in fact, its threat to health should not be underestimated.

Herpes virus is a DNA virus that has 8 species in its family that can cause disease in humans, including herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and Type 2 (HSV-2) is a typical representative. Moreover, the primary infection of herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) is mainly sexually transmitted.

“Human” is the natural host of the herpes simplex virus, and the infection rate is quite high. According to data from the World Health Organization, HSV-1 has been latent in nearly 70% of the world’s people. In 2016, the number of infected people under the age of 50 reached 3.7 billion.

If the carrier is lucky, overt infection may not develop throughout the lifespan. Less fortunate carriers, however, may face occasional recurrent infections in the peripheral nervous system, and in severe cases, the virus may invade the central nervous system, potentially causing blindness or life-threatening encephalitis .

And sadly, once you get the herpes virus, you carry it for life. The herpes virus remains latent in the host’s peripheral nervous system for life and can never be eradicated. Therefore, the development of vaccines to prevent herpes virus is urgent day by day.

In a recent study published in Nature, there is some hope for vaccine development. A research team led by Northwestern University discovered the cunning strategy of the herpes virus infecting the nervous system, further revealing the molecular mechanism that the virus evolved, for the development of preventive measures against herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1 ) and type 2 (HSV-2) vaccines opened the way. Meanwhile, this discovery could have broad implications for many viruses, including COVID-19 and HIV.

▲Image source: Reference[1]

Hopefully in the near future, we can escape the clutches of the herpes virus and protect ourselves by vaccinating against the herpes virus in advance~

The HPV vaccine is not exclusive to women, it is also available to menCan prevent cancer!

Regarding the importance and necessity of HPV vaccination, the “Eleventh Clinic” can be said to be rotten. But in the eyes of many people, this is the gospel for women to help girls avoid “cervical cancer” and has nothing to do with men. But in fact, not only women can be infected with HPV (human papillomavirus), but also men.

About 70,000 men worldwide develop cancers caused by HPV each year, including stem, anal, oropharyngeal and other head and neck cancers Cancer, more than 80% of these cancers are associated with HPV16 and 18.

And men are more susceptible to HPV infection throughout their lives than women, after allwomen’s infection rate generally declines with age, while men’s HPV infection The probability remains the same throughout its lifetime. Sexually active men and women had an equal chance of contracting HPV-related genital disease.

At the same time, the protective antibodies produced by women who are naturally infected with HPV can reduce their risk of future infection, while no similar protection was observed in men, and the risk of reinfection remains high. So to some extent, men need HPV vaccine more than women.

Recently, research institutions from the United States, China, Germany and other countries published a report entitled “Efficacy, immunogenicity, and safety of a quadrivalent” in the internationally renowned journal “The Lancet Infectious Diseases” The research results of HPV vaccine inmen: results of an open-label, long-term extension of a randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial” also proved once again that male vaccination against HPV is not only beneficial to the health of partners, but also to the health of individuals. Health also has long-lasting protection.

▲Image source: Reference [2]

Studies have demonstrated that HPV6 or 11-related external genital warts, HPV6, 11, 16, or 18-related genital warts in the early vaccination and revaccination groups, in a follow-up study of up to 10 years Genital lesions, as well as anal intraepithelial neoplasia or anal cancer associated with HPV6, 11, 16 or 18, were all less frequent than those in the placebo group, strongly demonstrating that male vaccination with quadrivalent HPV vaccine is effective in preventing HPV6, 11 and HPV6, 11 Long-term effects of anogenital disorders associated with , 16 and 18.

As a result, both men and women need the HPV vaccine. And, because HPV is mainly spread through sex or close contact, getting vaccinated is not just protecting yourself, but your other half as well.

Viagra not only cures erectile dysfunction in men, but also Alzheimer’s?

You may not know what sildenafil is, but you must have heard the resounding name “Viagra”. As a representative drug for the treatment of male erectile dysfunction, Viagra is popular among the people. There is always a place in my heart, and it is estimated that its status will rise further.

On December 6, 2021, the research team of Dr. Feixiong Cheng from the Cleveland Medical Center published a paper entitled “Endophenotype-basedin silico network medicine discovery combined with insurance record data mining identifies sildenafil” in “Nature Aging” As a candidate drug for Alzheimer’s disease” research paper, researchers found that Sildenafil (Sildenafil) can significantly reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease A drug candidate for silent disease.

▲Image source: Reference [3]

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is Alzheimer’s disease. As a neurodegenerative disease, it has brought endless trauma and regret to millions of patients and their families. So far there is no particularly effective treatment. Today, sildenafil offers another possibility.

The researchers of this paper, after conducting a large-scale analysis of more than 7 million people in an insurance claims database, found that Sildenafil may be associated with up to a 69% reduction in the risk of a diagnosis of AD relevant (6-year follow-up period). Previous preclinical studies have also shown that sildenafil can significantly improve cognition and memory. These findings may be a hint that sildenafil may be used to treat Alzheimer’s disease.

However, the researchers also said that the association between sildenafil use and reduced AD incidence is not fully causal and randomized controlled trials are needed. Fortunately, it also provides some new ideas for the research and development of Alzheimer’s drugs. I believe that in the near future, the name of “Viagra” will be more resounding.

Stress is not only bad for your health, it can also accelerate aging!

Excessive stress can lead to hair loss, obesity and other health problemsproblems. It does not need scientific research to prove it. Both postgraduate students and migrant workers have a deep understanding. But you know what? Stress also suppresses immune function, weakens defenses, and even promotes tumor growth. Chronic high levels of stress can lead to conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, depression and anxiety.

Recently, Yale University researchers published a research paper entitled “Psychological and biological resilience modulates the effects of stress on epigenetic aging” in the Nature sub-journal “Translational Psychiatry” showed that stress also accelerates aging. However, these adverse consequences of stress can be minimized by enhancing emotional regulation and self-control.

▲Image source: Reference [4]

For the study, researchers recruited 444 participants between the ages of 19 and 50 who provided information used to assess age-related chemical changes captured by GrimAge and Blood samples for other health markers also answered questions designed to reveal stress levels and resilience.

Studies found that those who scored high on measures related to chronic stress showed markers of accelerated aging and physiological changes, such as increased insulin resistance. Surprisingly, however, stress does not affect everyone’s health to the same degree. Participants who scored high on mood regulation and self-control were more resilient to the effects of stress on aging and insulin resistance.

This sheds light on the question of “how to avoid the adverse effects of stress”: Those who can improve emotional regulation and self-control can maximize the Minimize the adverse consequences of stress.

I hope everyone can consciously learn and exercise their ability to regulate and control their emotions, and face every day life with an optimistic attitude~

Which man or woman is more “cheating” on social media?

When it comes to “social media,” many people’s first reaction is “fake.” Here, not only all the information needs a question mark behind the authenticity, but the photos and identities of men and women surfing the Internet may also be quite different from those of me.

New study “Gender gaps in deceptive self-presentation on social media platforms vary by gender equality: a cross-country survey” recently published in the journal Psychological Science /strong>, answered this question through a study of thousands of people from 25 different countries.

▲Image source: Reference [5]

The results show that women make more deceptive self-presentations about their physical appearance, while men make more deceptive self-presentations about personal accomplishments. However, this gender gap is relatively small and varies from country to country.

The researchers focused on two research questions: First, do men and women differ in these deceitful behaviors? Second, do gender differences in deceptive self-expression change according to a country’s level of gender equality?

Findings show that gender differences in deceptive self-expression are greater in countries with higher gender equality, as these countries have more gender-atypical (as opposed to gender-typical) deceptive self-expression few. Higher gender equality is also associated with a reduction in deceptive self-presentation by men and women worldwide.

Researchers have long been interested in the psychological differences between men and women. Evolutionary psychologists tend to frame gender differences in terms of sexual selection. The basic argument is that men evolved to value women’s physical attractiveness because it marks health and fertility. Instead, females evolved to prefer males with access to resources that increase the likelihood that their offspring will survive.

At the same time, in many cultures, women have limited access to education or economic resources and must rely on men for financial security. So women may place more emphasis on appearance than men, since appearance is their primary form of “currency” and the only means of building a secure life for themselves or their children.

So from this perspective, women are more likely than men to manipulate others’ impressions of themselves, and men are more likely than women to do the same for a successful image< strong>likethings.

If the above conjectures hold, we predict that gender differences in deceptive self-expression will be smaller in countries where men and women are more equal in rights, opportunities, and resources.

Thank you for reading, this issue of “NO.11 LAB” ends here. If you have any other research questions you are interested in, you can leave a message in the comment area, maybe it will be available in the next issue of “NO.11 LAB”~

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I love the world.