Having breast cancer, is it related to cosmetics?

Makeup is a way to please yourself

A way of respecting society

Many women keep their usual makeup habits

Some patients are diagnosed with breast cancer After that

I wanted to wear makeup but didn’t dare to wear it

I was very anxious and confused

Can I still wear makeup when I have this disease?

The original makeup is still there. Can I use it

Don’t worry

The following is the answer for you

Can I get breast cancer by using cosmetics?

Long-term use of low-quality cosmetics can lead to breast cancer. Many women’s cosmetics and health care products on the market now contain hormones. According to a report issued by the Ministry of Health on the random inspection of cosmetics claiming to remove acne, mite removal and wrinkle removal, the detection rate of hormones in cosmetics that promote wrinkle removal functions is 3.2%. %.

Estrogen is a “double-edged sword”, which has been clearly stipulated in the “Cosmetics Hygiene Standard” of the Ministry of Health of my country. Glucose and sex hormones are prohibited from being added to cosmetics. Some unscrupulous merchants often prohibit adding hormones to cosmetics in order to make their products achieve the effects of acne removal, freckle removal, whitening, and wrinkle removal, making consumers dependent on hormone-based cosmetics. After consumers use hormone-containing cosmetics, the skin looks very good in the short term, but the skin will become dependent on hormones after a long time, which may also lead to increased hormone levels in the body, which may become a potential incentive to promote breast cells to become cancerous.

In addition to hormones, these ingredients are also dangerous

Factor analysis

Some chemical poisons such as mercury, lead, arsenic, methanol, etc. in informal cosmetics are also Health has buried many hidden dangers. Which ingredients in cosmetics are related to breast cancer?

Paraben, a preservative widely used by cosmetic manufacturers in the manufacture and preservation of products In order to prevent the infection of harmful bacteria, preservatives are basically added. There is a living experiment done on loach to prove that as long as 0.5g of parabens can poison the loach. Research published in Environmental Health Perspectives shows that parabens can act like estrogen, disrupting the endocrine system and causing abnormal secretion of estrogen in the body, which can lead to breast cancer.

Mineral oils are substances extracted from petroleum to make the skin appear smooth in a short period of time. They contain harmful toxins and are mainly used in body lotions and face creams. Mineral oil is very different from the body’s cortex and has poor permeability. Long-term use can cause the skin to become more dry, clog pores, and cause dermatitis.

Heavy metal substances in skin care products such as lead, aluminum, arsenic, mercury, copper, etc., will cause harm to human health , even teratogenic and carcinogenic. In the detection of skin care products, heavy metals are a test level that must be established. Skin care products with excessive heavy metals are harmful to the human body.

There is also dihydroxyethylamine, which is mostly found in female friends’ face creams, masks, and serums. Long-term use of it will penetrate our skin and cause estrogen in the body. The secretion of abnormal, which will lead to endocrine disorders, increase the risk of some breast cancer.

Can I still wear makeup if I have breast cancer?

Of course it can be used. Try to avoid some additives that have high risks to breast cancer patients. It is recommended to choose products with quality assurance and national certification and inspection, pay attention to the ingredients of the products, and choose products that do not contain alcohol, excessive chemical additives and hormones. For the substances we mentioned above, breast cancer patients must be careful when selecting them. The daily necessities used by infants and pregnant women are relatively safe, but keep your eyes peeled. Women are born to love beauty and have breast cancer. It’s still possible to dress up beautifully, but you still need to pay more attention before buying makeup.

Source: Xiangyang Central Hospital

Hubei Radio and Television Health Development Center Graphic Editor: Yuan Jia