Eating a good breakfast is indispensable for health? 3 kinds of nutrients are indispensable, many people eat it wrong

Many people like to stay in bed. After getting up in a hurry, grab a snack and eat it as breakfast. In their opinion, it’s just breakfast, if you don’t eat well, eat more at noon to make up for it. However, the older generation will say that the day’s plan is in the morning. Eating a good breakfast has a lot to do with your health.

Eating a good breakfast is essential for health

A healthy and nutritious breakfast can make up for what the body lacks after a night’s sleep Nutrition. Suppose your dinner time is 7 o’clock the day before, after a few hours of digestion, before going to sleep, there is still some food in the body that is not fully absorbed. But by 7:00 the next morning, it had been about 12 hours since the last meal.

The human body cannot get enough nutrition through breakfast, which stimulates the gastrointestinal tract to start to work and digest food, which may lead to slow gastrointestinal function and slow blood flow in the body, which is more prone to gastrointestinal diseases , the risk of vascular, heart and other diseases will also increase. It can be seen that whether it is not to eat breakfast, or to eat breakfast casually, it is not good for health.

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A healthy breakfast lacks one of 3 nutrients No

First of all, add enough protein to fight hunger.

Eggs and milk are common sources of protein. For the human body, this nutrient can delay the rate of gastric emptying, and limited food can provide a longer satiety feeling, making it more resistant to hunger. For some people with poor physical fitness, protein can also be used as a raw material for the immune system, improving the body’s immunity, which is more beneficial to health.

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Secondly, make up for carbohydrate needs through whole grains, etc.

During sleep, the human body will continue to consume glucose. If you don’t eat well for breakfast, you may experience low blood sugar. The key to carbohydrate supplementation is to avoid hypoglycemia and supplement the sugar needed by the liver. And whole grains are a good choice. Eating coarse grain porridge, steamed corn, sweet potato, etc. can be used as staple food. But there are also some fake coarse grains. If you choose the wrong one, you are likely to step on the thunder.

There are many instant cereals, and whole-wheat breads are fake whole grains. Although there are also whole grains in them, they are more of a lot of oil, sugar and food additives. Once these ingredients are added, although the taste and taste of the food are better, the calories are also higher, and it is not good to eat such a breakfast often.

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The third is vitamins and fiber.

According to Chinese breakfast habits, sesame fritters, soy milk and eggs are relatively common. But few people eat vegetables and fruits in the morning. Because according to traditional thinking, you should eat something hot in the morning, and vegetables and fruits are cooler.

In fact, vitamins are indispensable for a scientific and nutritious breakfast. Eating some vegetable salad or vegetable porridge every morning is a good choice. Eat a few pieces of fruit as a way to make up for the sugar. However, it is not recommended to drink fruit and vegetable juices to supplement.

Because after juicing, the sugar in the fruit and vegetable juice will be destroyed and become free sugar, the sugar will increase faster, it will be easier to cause blood sugar changes, and the calorie intake will be more likely to exceed the standard .

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If you follow people’s daily breakfast habits, an egg and a cup of milk, Coupled with a bag of fast-food bread, you can eat enough, and it is impossible to meet the body’s needs for these three nutrients. If you want to be healthy, these three nutrients for breakfast are indispensable.

Even if you know these three essential nutrients for breakfast, many people eat them wrong. For example, mistaking instant whole-wheat bread for whole grains and using fruit and vegetable juice instead of vegetables and fruits is still not good for health. If you also want to eat a healthy breakfast, you may wish to compare and see if you have supplemented these 3 nutrients.


1. To eat a good breakfast, three nutrients are indispensable. Shangguan News 2021-2-23

2. What is the healthiest way to eat breakfast? Beware of these common misunderstandings·Beijing News·2021-8-3

3, Zhang Wenhong’s sentence “Don’t eat porridge in the morning” leads to controversy about how to eat breakfast·Beijing News·2020-4- 25