Five magic weapons to protect “tongue safety”! Experts from Qingdao CDC give advice on preventing food poisoning

Peninsula All Media Reporter Qi Juan

As the saying goes, “Food is the priority for the people, and food safety is the priority.” Food safety is related to everyone’s health, and as the island city enters summer , the temperature has gradually increased, and food-borne diseases have gradually entered a period of high incidence. How to effectively prevent foodborne diseases, Sun Zhongqing, an expert from the Food Hygiene Institute of the Qingdao Center for Disease Control and Prevention, gave five elements for preventing food poisoning.

Keep clean: Wash your hands before and after meals and before cooking. Eating and drinking utensils should be cleaned frequently, and insects and mice should be repelled.

Separate raw and cooked food: Raw and cooked food should be separated, and must not be mixed and stored. The knife and anvil containers are kept in their own to avoid contamination and disease.

Boiled and cooked thoroughly: meat, poultry and eggs should be cooked, and greed for fresh food is confusing. Egg pathogens need to be killed, and reheating is also sufficient.

Pay attention to storage: Cooked food is difficult to store at room temperature for a long time, and it should be put into the refrigerator in time after eating. It still needs to be heated and cooked before eating, and the refrigerator is not a safe.

Material safety: Drinking water must meet the standard, fresh vegetables and fruits are carefully selected. Don’t eat again after the expiration date, don’t make sick money to save money.

Experts remind that food safety requires the efforts of the whole society. Catering and catering companies must abide by the above five elements, and home cooking must also be practiced. Improve food safety awareness and develop good hygiene habits to keep away from foodborne diseases.