Does sugar affect exercise performance?

Exercise consumes a lot of heat energy, and carbohydrates play a role in providing heat energywith< span>Important role. Sugar in the human body is mainly in the form of glycogenin the form of glycogenexisting in muscles and liver, there is also a small part in the blood in the form of blood sugar.. Muscle glycogen and liver glycogen reserves are closely related to endurance exercise capacity, and are one of the factors that determine endurance exercise capacity.

Due to long-term endurance exercise and competition, the body will consume A large amount of muscle glycogen and liver glycogen, supplementing an appropriate amount of sugar before and after exercise is beneficial to the exercise body, can prevent the occurrence of hypoglycemia, maintain blood sugar at a normal level, delay the generation of fatigue, maintain good endurance and last The ability to sprint. Sports supplements are often used1, 6 span>Fructose diphosphate,itcan regulate glucose metabolism and stimulate anaerobic sugar glycolysis, increasing creatine phosphate andATP content in tissues, improving intracellular mitochondrial energy metabolism; span>In addition,reduces tissue damage caused by ischemia and hypoxia , protect myocardium, reduce Blood viscosityand protection of red blood cells. 1, 6fructose diphosphate candelay the occurrence of exercise fatigue and improve the body’s exercise ability, can be used before exercise , middle and back use.