Who is more likely to develop cancer, those who like to eat sweets and those who do not eat sweets? It’s time to reveal the secret

With the Spring Festival approaching, supermarket shelves are filled with all kinds of chocolates, candies and beverages, all of which are sweets. Most people can’t resist the temptation of sweets, which can produce a sense of happiness and superiority after eating. However, some people believe that sweets can nourish cancer cells, and eating sweets often may induce cancer, so many people who love sweets are frightened. Who is more likely to develop cancer than those who like to eat sweets and those who don’t eat sweets? Let’s take a look.

What does sweets have to do with sugar?

Anything that has sweetness will become a dessert, and sweets contain sugar. There are various types of sugar, though. Some foods, although not sweet, still contain sugar, such as starchy foods such as rice, pasta, and beans, which are naturally occurring sugars; non-added sugars are called free sugars, and It will not be quickly absorbed by the body, which is beneficial to health.

What are the types of sugar?

1, Monosaccharides

Fructose and glucose are both monosaccharides, which are formed by a single molecule. It is commonly found in glucose nutrients and honey.

2, disaccharide

Maltose, brown sugar and white granulated sugar are all disaccharides, that is, sugars that can form pairs of sugar molecules. When the double sugar is heated to 200 ℃, it can be converted into caramel, and the white sugar is fried into caramel to color the raw material. Generally, roast duck, desserts and cakes contain added sugar.

3. Polysaccharides

Polysaccharides can be decomposed to generate a large number of monosaccharide molecules, which in turn Divided into non-starch and starch polysaccharides, the former includes gum, pectin and cellulose, the latter is carbohydrates, including glycogen and starch, corn, barley, wheat and rice contain polysaccharides.

4. Sweetener< /p>

Sweeteners exist in beverages and certain foods. There are three types of sweeteners, one is artificial sweeteners, common ones are acesulfame potassium and saccharin; the other is natural sweeteners The most representative sweeteners extracted are steviol glycosides; there are also sugar alcohol sweeteners, including sorbitol and xylitol.

Are people who like sweets really prone to cancer?

First of all, there is no direct connection between cancer cells and carbohydrates. So far, there is no scientific evidence that eating sugar can promote cancer progression, which means that people who like sweets are prone to cancer is simply nonsense. Sugar can provide energy for cells, and cancer cells grow and proliferate fast, so cancer cells need glucose for energy.

But everyone can’t control the intake of glucose by cancer cells, if you don’t eat carbohydrates at all Foods may cause malnutrition and instead promote the growth of cancer cells. Although sugar itself does not induce cancer, the occurrence of cancer is also related to eating sugar, because long-term high-sugar diet can cause obesity, and obesity can increase the risk of cancer.


For your own health, try to control the amount of sugar and eat less sweets , especially beverages and desserts with added sugar, eating too much not only causes obesity, but also increases the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. It also disrupts memory, reduces brain function, and easily induces acne and tooth decay.

A prolonged high-sugar and high-fat diet can also disrupt the intestinal immune system, increasing the Intestinal infections and risk of intestinal inflammation. May wish to choose natural sugars, such as vegetables, fruits and milk and starchy foods; eat less sugary foods such as chocolate, biscuits and cakes, and refuse to drink all sugary drinks.

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