TCM Shanghai “War” Epidemic: “Ba Duan Jin” Enters Fangcang, Chinese Medicine Decoction Covers Full Coverage

Medical team members lead everyone to exercise. Photo courtesy of the First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

China News Service, Changsha, May 8th, title: Chinese medicine “war” epidemic in Shanghai: “Ba Duan Jin” enters the cabin, Chinese medicine decoction is fully covered

Author Tang Xiaoqing Chen Shuang

“Step with your left foot, shoulder-width apart; bend your knees and squat down, and put your palms in front of your belly…” In Shanghai Xinchang Gudan Road Fangcai Hospital, taking advantage of the patients’ spare time after breakfast, Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine No. 1 A member of the Shanghai-aided medical team from an affiliated hospital led everyone to practice Baduanjin, a Chinese medicine guidance technique, to improve physical fitness and eliminate anxiety.

Traditional Chinese medicine has played a unique and important role in the fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic. After the outbreak of the Shanghai epidemic, 606 members of the Hunan Provincial Aid Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine Medical Team set out to take over the makeshift hospital. Gudan Road Fangcai Hospital treats all patients with mild symptoms and asymptomatic infections, including the elderly, children, and people with basic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and asthma.

A member of the Shanghai Medical Team of the First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Photo courtesy of the First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

According to the needs of patients, the medical team has set up special wards such as elderly care areas, parent-child escort areas, family gathering areas and special care areas, as well as Huxiang Zhongjing Classroom, reading corner, and TCM health-preserving exercise area. , Wish Wall and other characteristic areas to achieve hierarchical and classified management of patients.

Xiao Wenming, the chief leader of the Hunan Provincial Aid Shanghai TCM Medical Team, introduced that since the makeshift hospital opened, the medical team has used appropriate TCM techniques, traditional TCM non-drug therapy and health-care methods, and treated patients based on syndrome differentiation based on individualized conditions. Realize full coverage of traditional Chinese medicine decoction.

“We also cooperate with external Chinese medicine treatment methods such as ear acupoint pressing beans, massage, practicing Mawangdui Daoyin, acupoint pressing, etc., reflecting the treatment characteristics of Chinese medicine ‘combination for treatment, each according to its suitability’.” Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine No. 1 Hu Hua, a doctor from a Shanghai-aided medical team from an affiliated hospital, and his colleagues also taught patients some effective and convenient self-massage and guidance techniques, allowing them time to operate and exercise on their own to speed up their recovery.

Wish wall in the makeshift hospital. Photo courtesy of the First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

A 10-year-old boy had mild fever when he was admitted to the hospital. After taking antipyretics, his body temperature was normal, but his cough was aggravated and disturbed his sleep. The doctor on duty gave Liu’s Pediatric Massage with Hunan characteristics, and massaged his abdomen clockwise. , massage Zusanli, Zhongwan and other methods, and comfort and encourage to relieve negative emotions. When the ward was rounded again, the little boy’s cough was significantly relieved.

The aromatherapy of the Chinese medicine aromatherapy care team also has good results. The 60-year-old surnamed Wu suffers from pain in his hands, which affects washing and eating. He is also restless and insomnia. He always sits alone on the bed and sighs. After the medical team members found out, they used sweet orange, lavender, rose and other essential oils to prepare a mind-pleasing blend of essential oils, and dropped them on the diffuser wood, so that the elderly could soothe their mind and body and adjust their minds by inhaling. He massages acupuncture points and communicates with empathy.

In order to better communicate with patients, the First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine has set up a Q&A service team, and posted a WeChat service account in the ward. Patients can consult through WeChat for various needs. Many patients in the cabin are slightly anxious. The Q&A service team has formed a psychological consultation team, and selected medical staff with psychological consultation certificates from the medical team to conduct online consultation.

The reading corner in the makeshift hospital. Photo courtesy of the First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

“A few days ago, in the beginning of summer, the TCM team also carried out health education and health education in the cabin to help patients adjust their minds and hearts. The team members also recorded traditional Chinese medicine health care methods such as exercises, acupoint massage, and meridian patting into videos. , patients can follow the video learning by scanning the QR code posted in the cabin.” Feng Shuihua, a member of the medical team, introduced.

As of 8:00 a.m. on May 6, Gudan Road Fangcai Hospital had 931 patients with new coronary pneumonia in bed, and the treatment rate of traditional Chinese medicine was 100%. Since April 17, the hospital has admitted 5,209 people, referred 54 people, and released 4,224 people from isolation (discharge).

“For refractory patients in Fangcang shelter hospitals, especially those with long-term nucleic acid results that have not turned negative, the medical team gave full play to the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine, carried out expert consultations, and called mobile emergency intelligent traditional Chinese medicine pharmacies to maximize the satisfaction of the patient’s “one person” One strategy, one person, one party’s demand for precise treatment.” Xiao Wenming said that the two mobile emergency smart Chinese pharmacies can accommodate nearly 400 Chinese medicine granules and prepare 2,000 to 3,000 Chinese medicine prescriptions. (End)