War “epidemic” diary

Zhong Bo is a prosecutor at the Huairou District Procuratorate. Before the epidemic, he was busy with inquiries, court hearings, and writing review reports every day. Until mid-to-late April, there were positive confirmed cases of the new crown visiting some scenic spots in Huairou, and Huairou District immediately activated the emergency response mechanism. Zhong Bo took the initiative to ask Ying, as a police officer who came to Huairou District Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and became a member of the transfer team. The following is Zhong Bo’s anti-epidemic diary:

I have no medical background. When I first arrived in the flow adjustment group, I was faced with a new field of work. Experienced investigators learn from experience and learn how to appease the subjects being transferred and how to get them to actively cooperate with the investigation.

“Master, don’t worry, I’ll add your WeChat account in a moment, and send you a picture of the operation method. You can do it as you do.” My first interviewee He is an old man with a high degree of cooperation and a relatively regular schedule. The only difficulty is that he cannot operate his mobile phone proficiently, and he has no family to help.

I added the old man’s WeChat, converted the operation steps into two versions of text and pictures, and patiently explained to him how to extract the health treasure information and check the itinerary points. It only took 10 minutes to collect it. desired information. The job is done, it’s a great sense of achievement.

The district CDC put forward the work requirements of “10+10+2” for the emergency response of the transfer team to the transfer team, which represents three time limits of 10 minutes, 10 minutes and 2 hours: the transfer personnel are in Quickly collect the core information of the subject to be transferred within 10 minutes after the call is connected and transmit it to the information collectors; within 10 minutes, the main risk points and the information of the close/sub-close contact will be collected; the basic situation will be preliminarily checked within 2 hours Complete the epidemiological report, and enclose, block, and eliminate the epidemic in the shortest possible time. After being reviewed, the information on the flow will be made public by the official or officially authorized mainstream media to respond to social concerns in a timely manner and satisfy the public’s right to know.

I know that “10+10+2” is not only a work requirement but also a practical need. In addition to fast action, it is necessary to achieve accurate data. The time for the personnel to enter and exit the risk point should be accurate to the minute, and the activity track is displayed frame by frame in the flow report like a movie.

The flow adjustment group is divided into more than 10 flow adjustment groups. Each group has a core information collector and a preliminary report reviewer, a risk point collector, and a close/sub-close contact information collector. The work results of each flow adjustment team are collected, integrated and output to the next link.

After I became proficient in my work, I became a large group of close information collectors, which was originally a position only qualified by professional disease control personnel. The close contact information collector is the person who collects the results of the whole team’s personnel transfer and is related to the flow of the whole team’s work information.

I have a lot of pressure in this position, but I can only withstand the pressure and face the difficulties. Many team members commented on my WeChat as “Comprehensive Close Connection”, which I found both amusing and satisfying.

The transfer post is 24 hours a day, and then I have a day off and a day of preparation. Usually, on the day of preparation, I have to return to the procuratorate to continue my own work. The situation of epidemic prevention and control in Beijing is still severe, and the pressure of transfer work is very high. I hope that the epidemic will pass soon and people’s lives will be back on track.