How to condition your body during menopause 4 tips to make you feel better during menopause

Menopause is a problem that all women will encounter. When women reach the age of forty-five to fifty-five, they will gradually enter the menopause. During the menopause, there will be some symptoms. The most common one is emotional problems. , during menopause, how should you adjust your body? Menopausal friends should pay attention to their diet, what to eat?

How to adjust the body during menopause

1. Healthy diet

Women who have reached menopause should pay attention to body conditioning. In the process of conditioning their bodies, they should eat more food that is suitable for their current state, mainly to obtain nutrition. There are many types of food suitable for menopausal friends. Everyone should choose the one they like. At this time, they should also drink milk properly and supplement calcium for the body.

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Mainly because the body is deficient in calcium, the body will have many bad symptoms , Everyone will feel joint, bone pain. Of course, menopausal patients should eat soybeans appropriately. Soybeans contain soy isoflavones that women need. The effect of this substance is similar to that of estrogen. When you get older, your body will also age, and you can get a little bit of it through your diet.

2. Stay optimistic and happy

Menopausal women should maintain an optimistic mood in life and adjust their state by themselves. At this time, everyone will feel the body Discomfort symptoms lessened. During menopause, people will have various negative emotions, and there will be some changes in the aging speed and endocrine of the body, and the emotional changes will also be more obvious.

If you can cultivate your body, stay optimistic, and divert your attention to stabilize your emotions, it will also help women’s body maintenance, so as to avoid negative emotions and accelerate aging.

3. Routine of work and rest

Women who want to maintain their body during menopause can adjust their work and rest. At this time, women’s sleep quality decreases and endocrine function disorder related. If you can adjust the sleep environment and fall asleep in a suitable environment, the quality of sleep will be improved. Of course, you must also learn to release stress and exercise properly during the day to make your body feel fatigued, and to fall asleep in time after being drowsy, and your sleep quality will be improved.

If it is insomnia caused by autonomic dysfunction, you can choose foods that soothe the nerves and help you sleep to provide nutrition, and it is also helpful for women’s body adjustment, which can naturally improve sleep quality and promote physical health.

4. Insist on exercising

For menopausal women to adjust their bodies, exercise is indispensable. Exercise is a more effective way to keep your body healthy. During menopause, the function of many important organs declines, and the body’s basal metabolism is slow at this time, which makes it easier for menopausal women to become obese, and excessive obesity and chronic diseases are easy to invade.

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Women who know how to adjust their bodies will use their spare time to exercise, Adequate exercise can promote calorie consumption, control weight, and maintain endocrine stability with the help of exercise. The normal secretion of hormones in the body can help relieve many adverse symptoms of menopause, and can also improve resistance during exercise.

Symptoms of menopause

1. Changes in blood pressure

Generally manifested as increased systolic blood pressure , The diastolic blood pressure is not high, and the fluctuation is very obvious, most of which occur at the same time as flushing and sweating. Elevated blood pressure may cause dizziness, headache, swollen eyes, chest tightness, palpitation and other phenomena. Unlike essential hypertension, these symptoms are paroxysmal.

2. Flushing and sweating frequently

After menopause, many women often feel a heat rushing up from their face, and local hair appears. Redness and sweating. The time of each attack is different, of course, if it is not adjusted in time, it will easily affect the physical and mental health of the individual.

3. Mood instability