The 20-year-old “Liu Genghong Girl” suffered severe abdominal pain after dancing and almost lost her ovaries

Xiao Chen, a 20-year-old girl from Hangzhou, experienced severe abdominal pain and vomiting after dancing with Liu Genghong for seven or eight days. The emergency department found out that a 8cm-diameter cyst on Xiao Chen’s right ovary was twisted 360 degrees due to vigorous jumping.

On May 6th, the reporter learned from Hangzhou First People’s Hospital that the torsion of the cyst would cause necrosis, and routine removal of ovaries and fallopian tubes was considered, but Xiao Chen was more “lucky” and was eventually saved due to timely medical treatment. ovaries and fallopian tubes.

The doctor performed surgery on Xiao Chen

Xiao Chen joined “Liu Genghong Girl” not long ago. She, who has always been physically strong, continued to follow Coach Liu danced for seven or eight days. On this day, she suddenly felt a sudden abdominal pain when she danced, but it was relieved after she stopped to rest, so she didn’t care. But after that, Xiao Chen suffered from abdominal pain from time to time, thinking it was a muscle strain, so he didn’t dare to continue exercising.

Three days later, Xiao Chen suddenly suffered severe pain in the lower abdomen, and even started to vomit, so he rushed to a hospital in Hangzhou. After a B-ultrasound examination, Xiao Chen’s right ovary had a torsion of a cyst with a diameter of about 8cm, which is an acute abdomen. If it is not treated in time, the ovary will be necrotic due to ischemia at any time, and there are risks such as secondary infection.

Niu Zhen, the deputy chief physician of the gynecology department of the hospital, immediately performed laparoscopy for Xiao Chen. During the operation, she saw that her right ovary and fallopian tube were twisted 360 degrees, and the surface of the right ovary and fallopian tube had turned purple. red. According to medical routine, in this case, the right ovary and fallopian tube should be directly removed. Considering that Xiao Chen is only 20 years old, it is initially judged that the ovary has the possibility of restoring blood supply. After fully communicating with his family, he decided to reset and observe first. Fortunately, Xiao Chen’s right ovary and fallopian tube recovered slowly after repositioning and finally saved.

“Not all women are suitable for strenuous exercise such as continuous jumping.” Niu Zheng said that there are many gynecological cases caused by violent jumping in outpatient clinics, and women with loose pelvic floor muscles and weak corpus luteum are not suitable. Jumping movement. Fitness exercise must be done according to one’s ability. Liu Genghong reminded during the live broadcast that “the next exercise will be more intense. If you just entered the live broadcast room, don’t follow” “If you are not feeling well, be sure to ask your doctor”, these Tips are often ignored by girls. (The Paper)