On May 7, 2 new cases of asymptomatic infection were added in Anyang.

Henan Daily client reporter Li Xubing

The news from the Anyang Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters, from 0-24:00 on May 7, there were no new local confirmed cases in Anyang City, and new local asymptomatic cases were added. 2 cases were infected (2 cases in Neihuang County), and 2 cases were discharged (2 cases in Yindu District). There are 6 hospitalized confirmed cases in the city.

Remind the general public that the current national and provincial epidemic situation is severe and complex, imported risks always exist, and the prevention and control work must not be slack. We must consciously abide by the epidemic prevention and control regulations, and complete the strengthening of the new crown vaccine as soon as possible. Needle vaccination to build an immune barrier.