Can dried fruits and vegetables replace fresh fruits and vegetables? Doctor: Emergency can be done in a short time, but not in a long time

Xiamen Net News (Xiamen Daily reporter Liu Rong correspondent Li Tingli) Dried mangoes, dried strawberries, dried blueberries, and even all kinds of dried vegetables are easy to carry and taste good. Some young people choose to use fruits and vegetables because of their busy work. Dried instead of fresh fruits and vegetables, can these two be equal? The reporter asked Yuan Yuan, a nutritionist from the Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, on this issue. She suggested that in short-term and emergency situations, or as a snack to replace candy and cakes, a small amount of freeze-dried dehydrated fruits and vegetables is still a good choice. However, dried fruits and vegetables cannot replace fresh fruits and vegetables, and long-term consumption of freeze-dried fruits and vegetables is not recommended.

Judging from the name, the difference between dried fruits and vegetables and fresh fruits and vegetables is only in the amount of water. It also has many healthy labels: “from fresh fruits and vegetables”, “no additives”, “nutritious combination”, it’s true ? actually not. Dehydrated fruits and vegetables were first used in the aerospace field. Dehydrated fruits and vegetables have the advantage of long storage time. According to the production process of dehydrated vegetables, they can be divided into three processes: frying, drying and freeze-drying. Health or not, the key lies in the production and processing technology. At present, most of the dried fruits and vegetables on the market are low-temperature fried products. In order to increase the taste, manufacturers will add sugar, salt, etc. during the production process, which makes the seemingly healthy food less healthy. Even in dried fruits and vegetables, during the dehydration process, antioxidant components such as vitamin C, folic acid, and carotenoids are lost. Dried fruits and vegetables, known as freeze-drying technology, remove moisture from vegetables and fruits by freeze-drying, which can maintain the nutrients of vegetables and fruits to the greatest extent. The dried fruits and vegetables produced by this technology are also dehydrated fruits and vegetables eaten by astronauts in space. Therefore, in the special case where fresh fruits and vegetables cannot be eaten, dried fruits and vegetables can be considered. When choosing, you must pay attention to the ingredient list, and try to choose no additives. Freeze-dried dried fruits and vegetables are the closest to fresh fruits and vegetables; Not recommended. Freeze-dried fruits and vegetables have removed most of the water, and although dietary fiber and minerals are retained, the sugar is also highly concentrated, so it is recommended not to eat too much at one time.