Women’s “fearful” gynecological examination revealed the secret, in fact, it is nothing more than that!

When I went to the gynecologist for the first time for a checkup

Do you also have such doubts

The doctor throws a lot of professional terms at you

“Microecology, vaginal ultrasound, sex hormones, 6 items,

HPV screening, internal consultation…”

And you don’t know what to do

Check out these familiar OB/GYN exam scenarios below

How many can you choose?

1. Xiaojuan has been itching badly recently, and her private parts have increased secretions and odor, which is very annoying. What will the doctor use to check her in this situation?

The doctor judged that Xiaojuan may have vaginitis based on the symptoms. A long cotton swab can take out vaginal secretions (leucorrhea) and send it for testing.

The vagina is a complex river and lake. Its anatomical structure, flora distribution, local immunity and the body’s endocrine regulation function together constitute the vaginal micro-ecological system. Any disorder in any link will cause Lead to the occurrence of disease, leucorrhea examination can help you better identify the cause.

2. Xiao Li had a little bleeding during intercourse recently. What will the doctor use to check Xiao Li?

Bleeding after intercourse, first exclude cervical lesions. The detection of HPV is used to find the HPV virus, and the detection of TCT is used to find the cells that have developed lesions. Only one of these two powerful tools for cervical cancer screening can play the role of screening, and the combination of the two swords greatly improves the accuracy of the detection.

3. Xiaohong, who has a boyfriend, has not come to her aunt this month, which examination will the doctor ask first?

For women who have a normal sex life, doctors who have delayed menstruation first rule out pregnancy. A urine pregnancy test reflects hormonal status by measuring the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in the urine.

If it is positive, it is a signal of possible pregnancy, but its accuracy is still lower than the detection of blood HCG and B-ultrasound, and it should be further confirmed whether it is an intrauterine pregnancy.

4. Xiaohong, who has no boyfriend, has not come to see her aunt this month. What kind of examination will the doctor ask?

I haven’t had my period, and it’s not possible to be pregnant, so I think there is a hormone problem. The levels of sex hormones change periodically, so the timing of blood draws is also very important.

Choose blood for 2-5 days during menstruation, mainly for the determination of follicle-forming hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and estradiol (E2), which can more accurately reflect ovarian Reserve function; if the aunt does not come to visit for a long time, you can check it whenever you want.

5. The company organizes a physical examination. The married Xiao Zhang needs to have a gynecological B-ultrasound. Please choose the most suitable examination item for her.

Gynecological color ultrasound mainly includes transabdominal and vaginal ultrasound. Abdominal ultrasound is suitable for women who have never had sex, but need to hold urine for examination. A full bladder can squeeze out bowels that interfere with uterine examinations.

In contrast, transvaginal ultrasound is less painful, has clearer imaging, and has a higher diagnostic rate, but is unmarried or asexual, menstruating, vaginal deformities, vaginal This is not recommended for women with severe internal infections.

6. Xiao Li’s cervical TCT results came out, the results showed: low-grade squamous epithelial lesions, the doctor will use a kind of “mirror” to check her next, please guess it is What kind of mirror?

The colposcope is not a mirror, but a special “magnifying glass”. When women have abnormal HPV or TCT results, doctors can use colposcopy to assist in diagnosis to find cancer-related lesions. For tissue with suspicious lesions, further biopsy is required, and then sent to the pathology department for pathological diagnosis.

The hysteroscope has its own light and lens, and the uterine cavity is “filled with water” to fully open it during the examination. After entering, the cervical canal, internal cervical orifice, uterine cavity and fallopian tube openings can be viewed directly, so that suspicious or diseased tissues can be sampled; at the same time, hysteroscopy can also be used for polyps, abnormal bleeding, submucosal fibroids and other diseases. treat. Kill two birds with one stone, check and treat both.

After reading this collection of gynecological examinations, hurry up and collect it!

Do you still want to be a kid full of question marks?

Reviewer: Wang Wei| Deputy Chief Physician, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University


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*The content of this article is for the popularization of health knowledge. It cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment recommendation, nor can it replace the face-to-face consultation of a licensed physician. It is for reference only.

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