Liaoning: 50% of second-level and above general hospitals will have geriatric medicine departments

Liaoning Province has taken many measures to strengthen elderly health services. By the end of this year——

50% of general hospitals at level II and above will have geriatric medicine departments

Reporter Wang Minna reported on February 28 , The reporter learned from the Provincial Health and Health Commission that our province has effectively strengthened elderly health services, improved the ability of elderly medical services, integrated the concept of positive aging and healthy aging into the entire process of economic and social development, and built a trinity of prevention, treatment, and care. Health services for the elderly Model, build elderly-friendly medical institutions, and continuously enhance the sense of gain, happiness and security of the elderly.

According to the results of the seventh national census, the resident population of our province is 42.59 million, and the elderly population aged 60 and above is 10.954 million, accounting for 25.72% of the province’s total population; the population of the elderly aged 65 and above is 741.9 Ten thousand people, accounting for 17.42% of the total population of the province, and the proportion of the elderly population ranks first in the country. With the deepening of aging, the health needs of the elderly are increasing.

In order to better meet the needs of the elderly to see a doctor, our province will focus on strengthening the construction of geriatric medicine departments in general hospitals this year, promote the establishment of geriatric medicine departments in general hospitals at level two and above, and actively carry out comprehensive assessment of the elderly, comprehensive To improve the ability of multi-disease co-treatment. By the end of this year, 50% of the province’s second-level and above general hospitals will have geriatric medicine departments.

At the same time, we will continue to develop elderly-friendly medical institutions. Through the construction of elderly-friendly medical institutions, we will vigorously promote medical institutions to optimize the medical treatment environment and procedures, fully implement the preferential treatment policy for medical services for the elderly, provide friendly services for the elderly, and improve medical satisfaction. At present, 414 medical institutions in our province have been rated as elderly-friendly medical institutions. By the end of the “14th Five-Year Plan” period, more than 85% of general hospitals, rehabilitation hospitals, nursing homes and primary medical and health institutions will build elderly-friendly medical institutions to better meet the health needs of the elderly, and vigorously create a social atmosphere of respecting the elderly, loving the elderly and helping them.

In order to further improve the elderly health service system, our province has accelerated the development of palliative care. Promote qualified areas to explore and establish a working mechanism that combines institutional, community and home palliative care, and promote medical institutions to open palliative care wards or beds according to their own functions and positioning, carry out palliative care services, and strengthen life education.

In addition, according to the national arrangement and deployment, implement the health literacy promotion action for the elderly, and do two national-level pilot projects of psychological care for the elderly and the prevention and intervention of disability (dementia) for the elderly. Strengthen health education for the elderly, actively promote health education into communities, families, and institutions, and effectively enhance the health awareness and health literacy of the elderly.