focus on! The new Physician Law will take effect on March 1

The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Physicians

In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of doctors, standardize the practice of doctors, strengthen the construction of the team of doctors, protect the People’s health, to promote the construction of a healthy China, the “Physician Law of the People’s Republic of China” has been passed by the 30th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China on August 20, 2021. Since 2022 Effective March 1.

Important addition


Increase in emergency situations such as rescuing a patient in critical condition, and the patient or their If the opinions of close relatives are approved by the person in charge of the medical institution or authorized person in charge,the corresponding medical measures can be implemented immediately. It also clarifies that physicians who voluntarily perform first aid in public places and cause damage to recipients shall not bear civil liability. This legislation not only protects people’s lives and health, but also provides medical assistance to other people’s rescue behavior. Safe and secure.

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Add a physician in the diagnosis and treatment activities< span>The condition and medical measures should be explained to the patient. If an operation, special examination, or special treatment is required, the medical staff shall explain the medical risks, alternative medical plans, etc. to the patient in a timely manner, and obtain their explicit consent; and obtain its express consent.

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New physicians implementing drug therapy should< span>Adhere to the principles of safe, effective, economical and reasonable drug use, follow the guidelines for clinical application of drugs, clinical diagnosis and treatment guidelines and drug instructions. In special circumstances such as no effective or better treatment methods, medical institutions can establish a management system to manage the usage of drugs that are not specified in the drug insert but have evidence-based medical evidence. Implement clinical drug therapy.

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Add physicians in medical activities, 6 situations that should be reported to the institution or the relevant department of the local government in a timely manner in accordance with relevant regulations.

(1) Discovery of infectious diseases, sudden unexplained diseases or abnormal health events;(2) Occurrence or discovery of medical malpractice< /span>; (3) Discovering adverse reactions or adverse events that may be related to drugs and medical devices; (4) Discovering fake or inferior medicines; (5) Discovering The patient is suspected of injury or abnormal death; (6) other circumstances as stipulated by laws and regulations.

The new “Physician Law” uses a system to regulate the practice of doctors and fully protect It will become an important milestone in the development of the health and health legal system.

Source: Health Nantong

Review: Qin Haisong

Release: Wang Xiaowen