Promote split meals to prevent children from contracting Helicobacter pylori

Frequently feel stomach pain, indigestion, acid reflux, heartburn, bloating, belching? Are you panicking after seeing a positive H. pylori diagnosis on your medical report? In order to help the surrounding residents check, at present, the Helicobacter pylori detection service (carbon-13 breath test) can be carried out in the morning of Monday to Saturday at the Yueya Lake Community Health Service Center in Qinhuai District, Nanjing.

According to Zhu Jianbin, a general practitioner of Yueya Lake Community Health Service Center, the study found that Helicobacter pylori infection can cause chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer and other diseases. The study found that it is related to gastric cancer and gastric mucosa. The occurrence of diseases such as lymphoid tissue lymphoma is also closely related. Hp infection in children is mainly acquired through mutual infection between adults or children living together in the family. The most common transmission routes are: oral-oral transmission and fecal-oral transmission. Relevant studies have found that children infected with Helicobacter pylori will not have any specific symptoms. Some children may have some gastrointestinal symptoms such as epigastric pain, heartburn, nausea, and vomiting, but these symptoms are also common in other diseases. Therefore, for most asymptomatic children, it is not recommended to go for Helicobacter pylori screening.

There are many methods for detecting Helicobacter pylori, but the most commonly used clinical method is the urea breath test (also known as the “breathing test”). In this non-invasive test, the tested person needs to take a deep breath into the “test bag”, and immediately seal the “test bag”. After waiting for about 20 minutes (some hospitals require waiting for 30 minutes), the tested person can blow down on another “test bag” again. But it should be noted that there are two kinds of pills in the “breath test”, one is carbon 13 and one is carbon 14. Carbon 13 is recommended for children, which is free of radiation. Note: Hp examination and treatment are not recommended for asymptomatic children under the age of 14.

Dr. Zhu reminded that the prevention of Helicobacter pylori should start with the whole family:

1. Teach children to develop good hygiene habits and wash their hands before and after meals;

2. Adults should avoid “mouth-to-mouth” feeding of children, oral testing of food temperature or taste, and kissing children; Public spoon, children can use separate tableware;

4. Do not mix water cups, toothbrushes, mouthwash cups, etc. among family members; ;

6. For vegetables, meat, eggs and other foods, be sure to clean them, cook them thoroughly before eating them.

Nanjing Morning News/Love Nanjing reporter Qi Zaibing