Jiagao Town Health Center: Conducting health knowledge lectures on the prevention and treatment of hypertension

forfurther enhance the health care awareness of residents in the jurisdiction and effectively prevent chronic diseases< span>,2month27SundayNextnoon,Jia Gao Town The central health center held a health knowledge lecture on the prevention and treatment of hypertension in the joint venture community.

Dr. Chen Yaoquan used easy-to-understand language on the early detection of hypertension, basic knowledge, preventive health care and how to take medicines correctly. Four aspects were explained, the residents’ questions were answered in detail during the class, and the majority of residents were called on to get out of the misunderstanding of treatment, start from themselves, be their own health care doctors, actively cultivate a healthy lifestyle, and maintain physical and mental health.

The launch of this activity has improved the awareness rate, treatment rate and control rate of hypertensive patients, and promoted the management of hypertension files, thereby Reduce the incidence and mortality of cardiovascular disease. According to incomplete statistics, this lecture distributed more than 80 publicity materials, received more than 50 consultations from the masses, and measured blood pressure for more than 50 people free of charge. (CorrespondentGuo Xiaohong)