Longqiao Township Health Center: Conducting lectures on traditional Chinese medicine health care knowledge

In order to promote the health of the whole people, meet the needs of the masses of Longqiao Township for the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine health care, and enhance the awareness of scientific health care. 2month27, Longqiao Township Health Center organized a lecture on TCM health care knowledge.

At the lecture site, medical staff combined work and rest, reasonable diet, moderate exercise, rational drug use, etc. The language that they understand gave vivid explanations, using the knowledge of acupoints in traditional Chinese medicine to help the masses understand the knowledge of acupoints for health care. At the same time, a health manual of traditional Chinese medicine health care knowledge was distributed to the masses. After the lecture, the medical staff also patiently answered the health questions raised by the masses one by one.

Through this lecture, the importance of traditional Chinese medicine health care is emphasized, the misunderstanding of people’s eating habits and exercise methods is corrected, and the scientific health care is improved. level, enhance self-care awareness and disease resistance. (Correspondent Xiao Xinghong)