Type 2 diabetes is this

“Diabetes has been in the past ten years, and I have been testing blood sugar and controlling my diet. The medicine can’t be stopped, and it is suffering!”

“Shen Read Jun, I heard that diabetes is still classified? What is type 2 diabetes? ?”

If you want to understand the knowledge of diseases, you have to rely on Shen Du Jun, Shen Du Jun’s C debut, DISS diabetes!

Type 2 diabetes, the most detailed and practical content is here!

Diabetes is a general term for a large group of diseases.

There are 4 types according to the etiology: Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, Gestational diabetes and Special type of diabetes.

Next, Deep Read will take you to the key point – Type 2 Diabetes.

Medical books say that type 2 diabetes is caused by insulin deficiency in the body or the body cannot effectively use insulin due to a variety of causes, resulting in A type of diabetes in which blood sugar levels continue to rise. It occurs mostly in adults and is also known as adult-onset diabetes.

A wave of data!

The predominant type of diabetes in my country is type 2 diabetes, which accounts for 90% of the diabetic population.

In the past 30 years, the prevalence of diabetes in my country has been increasing rapidly.

Data show that the prevalence of Type 2 diabetes has increased from 0.67% in 1980 to 12.8% in 2020< /strong>. It’s almost a 20-fold increase.

Type 2 diabetes prefers elderly, and the prevalence of diabetes in the elderly 50+ has exceeded 20% !

What are the symptoms of type 2 diabetes?

“My God! I’m a succulent who can eat, sleep, and love the sun, yet I have diabetes?”

Early type 2 diabetes asymptomatic , most of them are found during physical examination.

With the progression of the disease, type 2 diabetes will gradually appear the typical symptoms of “three more and one less“, namely polydipsia, polyphagia, polyuria, and weight loss .

“I’m going, I’ve been drinking water, no matter how much I drink, I’m still thirsty!”

More Drinking, easy thirst and increased water intake are typical symptoms of type 2 diabetes.

“I can’t eat enough, I still feel hungry after eating five or six meals a day.”

Eat more, easy to get hungry, eat more, also type 2 Typical symptoms of diabetes.

“I just finished urinating, but my butt is still hot, I want to urinate again!”

polyuria, the frequency of urination, the total amount of urine It is a typical symptom of type 2 diabetes.

“The pants I bought last month have a bigger waist.”

Weakness and fatigue are also common symptoms of type 2 diabetes. In severe cases, the weight can drop by dozens of pounds.

What are the dangers of type 2 diabetes?

Deep reading, you can count with your fingers, the harm of type 2 diabetes is basically divided into two categories, one is traveling of blood vessels, and the other is infection strong>.

Vascular practice

hyperglycemia can cause vascular lesions, resulting in vascular Narrowing, hardening, or even clogging.

If blood vessels are narrowed, it will affect blood supply, long-term insufficient blood supply, tissues >maybe lesion will occur. For example, sugar foot, sugar net, sugar kidney, etc., all belong to this type of complications.

If vascular stiffness increases vascular rupture risk. If you get burst blood vessels, it may be complications such as brain congestion, fundus hemorrhage.

If a blood vessel gets clogged, it’s a deadly problem. If the cardiovascular is blocked, it may cause cardiac infarction, cerebral infarction, and even sudden death.


diabetics are prone to skin infections, pneumonia, urinary tract infections< /strong> etc.

Deep Reading Jun said an extreme example. If a diabetic patient wants to have surgery, he must first control his blood sugar. It doesn’t heal.

Is type 2 diabetes curable?

Most type 2 diabetes cannot be cured.

Mild cases can start with lifestyle changes to control blood sugar, such as diet management and exercise therapy .

If blood sugar continues to rise, a combination of medications is needed to control blood sugar. Severe obesity patients can also improve blood sugar control through Bariatric surgery.

As long as your blood sugar is well controlled, diabetes won’t take you at all, and a healthy life belongs to you.

“Shen Du Jun, how did you get this diabetes? Why do you have ‘three more and one less’ when you have diabetes?”< /p>

What exactly is diabetes? What’s the truth behind the symptoms?

Deep reading Jun, the detective expert, the next episode presents “Diabetes Mechanism” to restore the truth of the murder for you!