A 47-year-old man was admitted to the hospital with diabetes and died of renal failure. The doctor regrets: it comes from 2 “white food”, so eat less

Speaking of diabetes, I believe that everyone’s first reaction is to “link” with the middle-aged and elderly, but according to the survey, the incidence of diabetes in my country is gradually becoming younger in recent years. Therefore, we can no longer take it lightly.


Brother Liu is an ordinary worker who divorced his wife a few years ago , one with two children. In order to make more money, I often stayed up until midnight and still worked overtime, and finally sent a pair of children to the university.

Brother Liu thought that he could finally relax, but he did not expect that just 3 months ago, he was admitted to the hospital due to diabetes. At that time, the blood sugar level was found to be as high as 21.8, which has caused kidney failure. Not long after, he passed away.

The children who learned the news were very sad. The father was only 47 years old. Why did he get such a disease?

The doctor informed Brother Liu’s children of what he had learned. It turned out that Brother Liu had been suffering from hyperglycemia for a long time, but because his condition was not serious, he bought some hypoglycemic drugs to eat, but in his life Still working as usual. The direct cause of his blood sugar surge was because of two “white foods”.

A 47-year-old man was admitted to hospital with diabetes and passed away from renal failure. The doctor regrets: it comes from 2 “white food”, eat less

1. Noodles

Brother Liu is from the north, so he is accustomed to eating noodles at ordinary times. He has noodles in clear soup for lunch almost every day. However, although noodles are a very important staple food, they contain a lot of carbohydrates. According to the “Chinese Dietary Nutrition Guidelines”, soup noodles raise sugar very fast, and they are easily digested by the human body after gelatinization, and the blood sugar level will also rise rapidly after a large amount of consumption. .

2. White porridge

Because of economic savings, Brother Liu almost only drinks white porridge at night, and adds some pickles. However, these two foods are extremely high-glycemic foods. The starch in the porridge is fully gelatinized, and the body will absorb more. The pickles contain a lot of sodium nitrite, which will affect the function of insulin and cause the patient’s blood sugar to soar.

About the choice of staple food, diabetics can make the following adjustments:

1 , Choose low-sugar staple foods

Rice, noodles and other refined staple foods have high starch content, which will be decomposed into sugar after entering the human body, which will increase blood sugar. Therefore, the amount of food should be appropriately reduced.

2. Combine with other foods to increase satiety

When patients eat, they can eat more vegetables and fruits. Provides satiety and avoids other high-calorie foods.

3. Don’t eat too much

If you eat too much, it may cause blood sugar fluctuations or weight gain. Therefore, once the blood sugar is abnormal, it is best to eat seven or eight parts of each meal until you are full.

4. Replacement intake of a variety of staple foods

When sugar lovers choose staple foods, they should be ingested together, so as to ensure that the human body ingests a variety of staple foods. Nutrition, more balanced.

In order to prevent high blood sugar, patients can usually develop 2 good habits, or make blood sugar level more stable< /p>

1. Supplement with hypoglycemic substances

2. Moderate exercise

The glycemic index in the body is too high, and it can be consumed through exercise at ordinary times. In addition, exercise can also improve the body’s resistance and immunity, and enhance the elasticity of blood vessels, which is of great help to the health of patients.

Reference: “Dietetic treatment of diabetes = Do you not eat staple food?” Zhang Ziping, 2021