8 pull-ups and deadlifts, already at the master level, with strong back and arm muscles

In the middle school physical fitness test, many students will use the “swing and leveraging” method, because it can complete more quantities.

In strength training, the pull-up is usually arranged on the back training day, and it will be placed in the first movement, using it to warm up, the operation speed is faster, usually 5-8 sets are over .

The pull-up in freehand fitness not only requires the number of movements, but also the top position is high enough, and at the same time, try to achieve “no movement”. Leverage”, also known as “pull-up deadlift”.

This training method is difficult, and some people can’t even do one of the standard ones.

So if a person can do 8 pull-ups and deadlifts in a row, what training level is that?

1. How to do pull-up deadlift?

Use the forehand to hold the bar, and the distance between the hands should be greater than the shoulder width, not too wide or too narrow.

Bend your knees back, you can bring your feet together or cross your calves, the purpose is to reduce borrowing.

Tighten the core, clamp the hips on both sides, and lean back slightly on the upper body, so that the back muscles can be mobilized to participate in the force.

When pulling the body up, you need to do the shoulder-sinking action, and the top position should be done: the upper chest muscles are attached to the horizontal bar.

After returning to the lower position, with the arm fully extended, repeat from the starting position.

Note: The body should not sway back and forth to use force, and the phenomenon of arching the back should not appear. When pulling up to the bottom position, the shoulder blades on both sides should be fully shrink.

2. What is the level of doing 8 consecutively?

If a person can do 8 pull-ups and deadlifts in a row, it is already a master level among ordinary trainers.

Because many people’s pull-ups are difficult to meet strict standards, there are more or less some problems.

The most common are: Insufficient chest arch and pull-up position.

Some thin people take advantage of their own weight, it seems that there are a lot of them, but when they reach the top, they have chest and back, basically Pulling the body with the arms does not engage the back muscles, which is a problem with the movement pattern.

There are also some people who can only pull up to the forehead or barely reach the chin over the bar, and the movement trajectory tends to go straight up and down. , the further you go to the back, the lower the pull-up position, the harder it is to hold the horizontal bar with both hands, and the arm is easily exhausted.

If you operate in a completely standard action, you are also required to slow down the action speed, which will be more difficult.

Real pull-ups and deadlifts not only cannot use force, but also fully mobilize the back muscles, while stabilizing the core muscles, so that the entire upper body muscle group can participate in the exertion.

As for the number of completions, it has a lot to do with grip strength, forearm muscles, upper back muscles and latissimus dorsi, and of course it is difficult if you are overweight.

Normal If you can complete 4 unassisted pull-ups and deadlifts at one time, it is a beginner level.

Complete 6 at the intermediate level. Completing 8 is considered an advanced level.

3. How to increase the number of movements?

①Strengthen upper body muscle strength

You can choose horizontal bar suspension to strengthen hand grip and forearm muscles Group, two-handed and one-handed movements are trained at the same time.

It is recommended to do 4 sets of 30 seconds for two-handed movements, and 4 sets of 10 seconds for one-handed movements alternately.

You can choose backhand pull-ups to strengthen the biceps , training both narrow distance and wide distance at the same time.

It is recommended to do 4 sets*10 times with a narrow distance and 4 sets*8 times with a wide distance.

②Strengthen the upper back muscles strength

You can choose reverse rowing to strengthen the middle and lower trapezius muscles, and fully contract both scapulae in the top position.

< p>At the beginning of the leg bending operation, do 5 sets*8 times. Later, you can straighten your legs and do 5 sets*6 times.

Yes Choose high pull-downs to strengthen the teres major and other small upper back muscles, and do not lean back.

Choose moderate weight training, slow down the movement speed, and do 5 sets of 12 times.

< p>③Strengthen the strength of the latissimus dorsi

You can choose barbell rowing to strengthen the overall latissimus dorsi strength, gradually increase the weight, The grip should not be too wide.

Choose the incremental set mode and do 3 sets of 12 reps, 3 sets of 10 reps and 3 sets of 8 reps with 3 weights.

You can choose an elastic band to do pull-ups, slow down the movement speed, and try to reach the highest position.

Do 5 sets of 10 times, and you can do half-way movements when you are exhausted.

It is recommended to practice 1 part a day, so that repeated operations will improve the effect.

Write at the end:

Pull-up is not easy, many thin people’s movements are not standard, they are more A lot of it is to rely on the advantage of body weight. There are still many people who can only do half-way movements and do not achieve the highest position.

The pull-up deadlift that is completely unaided is very demanding on the movement. If you don’t train every day, it is basically difficult to do 8.

In the beginning, you will think that as long as the quantity is enough, it will be great, but later in the training of muscles, you will realize that the quality of movement is very important.

There is no shortcut to pull-up, and it is a link that you cannot avoid. You should practice more and pay attention to the movement posture. Only when you do it right can you train your muscles.